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Game on January 27, 2025 at 05:15, 1 player
1. 557 pts fatcat

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?eelrrt   H8    64    64   alterer
 2. ?acelnu  15B   101   165   lacunes
 3. aadiotw  13C    28   193   awaited
 4. aaiimpt  12A    36   229   pima
 5. ceemnor   A8    27   256   creep
 6. aelnoqt  10F    32   288   qat
 7. aeilnty  11E    41   329   lineate
 8. eeikoss  12J    26   355   eskies
 9. adnortz   O7    48   403   zondas
10. ehoptuv   B9    28   431   eh
11. aeefjno  N11    37   468   jefe
12. aiinorv  14A    22   490   var
13. eglorst   8E    59   549   gloaters
14. efinnor   C3    78   627   inferno
15. bdgiotu   D1    27   654   budo
16. diostyy  15K    45   699   ditsy
17. ainooty   1D    33   732   botany
18. bgiimox   6B    38   770   bemix
19. ghioouw   5E    37   807   how
20. giopuuv   4F    27   834   gov
21. giiopuu   B1    22   856   upgo

Remaining tiles: iiu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6393 Filefatcat      5 18:10  -299  557     1.6393 fatcat      5 18:10  -299  557 

On 1st draw, (A)LTERER H8 64 --- ALTERER one that alters [n]
Other tops: REL(A)TER H2 64, REL(A)TER H3 64, REL(A)TER H4 64, REL(A)TER H6 64, REL(A)TER H7 64, REL(A)TER H8 64, RE(A)LTER H3 64, RE(A)LTER H4 64, RE(A)LTER H6 64, RE(A)LTER H7 64, RE(A)LTER H8 64, (A)LERTER H2 64, (A)LERTER H3 64, (A)LERTER H6 64, (A)LERTER H7 64, (A)LERTER H8 64, (A)LTERER H2 64, (A)LTERER H3 64, (A)LTERER H6 64, (A)LTERER H7 64
Other moves: REL(A)TER H5 62, RE(A)LTER H2 62, RE(A)LTER H5 62, (A)LERTER H4 62, (A)LERTER H5 62
REL(A)TER H4 14 fatcat

On 2nd draw, LACUNE(S) 15B 101 --- LACUNE an empty space or missing part [n]
Other moves: LAUNCE(S) 15B 95, UNLACE(S) 15B 95, UN(S)CALE 15F 95, CEN(S)UAL 15E 92, NUCLEA(S)E 11D 86
CLEAN(S) 15C 42 fatcat

On 3rd draw, AWAITED 13C 28 --- AWAIT to wait for [v]
Other tops: ADAW G10 28
Other moves: DAW G11 25, DOW G11 25, TAW G11 23, TOW G11 23, AWAITED 11C 22
WOE G13 21 fatcat

On 4th draw, PIMA 12A 36 --- PIMA a strong, high-grade cotton [n]
Other tops: TAMP 12C 36
Other moves: AMP 12D 32, MAP 12C 32, PAM 12C 32, PITA 12A 30, TAPA 12C 30
TAMP 12C 36 fatcat

On 5th draw, CREEP A8 27 --- CREEP to advance stealthily [v]
Other moves: CREME 11D 26, CROME 11D 26, MENEER 11D 24, MOREEN 11D 24, CERNE 11D 22
CREEP A8 27 fatcat

On 6th draw, QAT 10F 32 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: ELANET 11A 25, ETALON 11A 25, ELATE 11A 23, NERAL 14F 20, NEROL 14F 20
QAT 10F 32 fatcat

On 7th draw, LINEATE 11E 41 --- LINEATE marked with lines [adj]
Other moves: ANTI 11C 30, LINEY 11E 29, REALITY 14H 27, RIANTLY 14H 27, YITE 11E 27
RAY 14H 17 fatcat

On 8th draw, ESKIES 12J 26 --- ESKY a container for keeping drinks cool [n]
Other moves: REKES 14H 22, ROKES 14H 22, SEEKS 12K 22, SEKOS 12K 22, SIKES 12K 22
SKIS 12K 18 fatcat

On 9th draw, ZONDAS O7 48 --- ZONDA a hot, dry, dusty wind [n]
Other moves: AZONS O8 42, TZARS O8 42, RAZOR 14H 37, ZOEA N10 33, AZIDO M10 30
ZERO N11 26 fatcat

On 10th draw, EH B9 28 --- EH to say 'Eh' [v] --- EH used to express doubt or surprise [interj]
Other tops: UPHOVE 7G 28
Other moves: OPHITE M9 24, OUPHE 7F 24, TOPHE 7F 24, HEPT N11 23, OUPH 7F 23
HIVE M11 20 fatcat

On 11th draw, JEFE N11 37 --- JEFE a chief [n]
Other moves: FEIJOA M10 32, JEAN N11 31, JEON N11 31, REJON 14H 31, RAJ 14H 29
JEAN N11 31 fatcat

On 12th draw, VAR 14A 22 --- VAR a unit of reactive power [n]
Other tops: VAN 14A 22
Other moves: NORIA 14F 20, RAVIN 14H 19, ION M12 18, RIVA 14H 18, RIVO 14H 18
INVITE J7 11 fatcat

On 13th draw, GLO(A)TERS 8E 59 --- GLOATER one that gloats [n]
Other tops: LEG(A)TORS 8E 59
Other moves: GEST 15L 36, GLOST 15K 36, GORSE 15K 36, TORSE 15K 33, ERST 15L 30
LOST 15L 30 fatcat

On 14th draw, INFERNO C3 78 --- INFERNO a place that resembles or suggests hell [n]
Other moves: INFERNOS L1 74, IFF 13L 34, OFF 13L 34, FINE 7H 25, FINO 7H 25
OFF 13L 34 fatcat

On 15th draw, BUDO D1 27 --- BUDO the philosophy of martial art [n]
Other tops: GUID B3 27
Other moves: OB B5 25, BITO D1 24, BINGO 4A 22, BO B6 22, BUNDT 4A 22
BINGO 4A 22 fatcat

On 16th draw, DITSY 15K 45 --- DITSY silly, eccentric [adj]
Other moves: BOYSY 1D 39, ODIST 15K 39, DOST 15L 36, OY B5 31, BITSY 1D 30
DOST 15L 36 fatcat

On 17th draw, BOTANY 1D 33 --- BOTANY the science of plants [n]
Other moves: OY B5 31, BANTY 1D 30, BOOTY 1D 30, YA B6 28, YO B6 28
BOTANY 1D 33 fatcat

On 18th draw, BEMIX 6B 38 --- BEMIX to mix thoroughly [v]
Other moves: MOXIE 14J 34, OXIM 2I 34, BOX 14J 30, MIX 14J 30, MOXIE J4 30
OX 2I 30 fatcat

On 19th draw, HOW 5E 37 --- HOW a method of doing something [n]
Other moves: HOG 5E 33, HOI 5E 31, HOO 5E 31, HO 5E 29, WHO B2 28
HOW 5E 37 fatcat

On 20th draw, GOV 4F 27 --- GOV a regulator, short for governor [n]
Other moves: VOGIE 14J 25, VOGUE 14J 25, POI 4F 23, UPGO B1 22, GOV B1 21
POI 4F 23 fatcat

On 21th draw, UPGO B1 22 --- UPGO to go up [v]
Other moves: UPGO 10J 19, OUP 2H 18, PIG 14J 18, UPGO 2I 18, GIP 14J 17
PIG B1 17 fatcat

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