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Game on January 27, 2025 at 06:51, 1 player
1. 287 pts fatcat

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aijknnw   H4    42    42   kanji
 2. adisvyy   9H    33    75   sayyid
 3. ?aenrtu   N9    79   154   saunter
 4. abenoqu  15K    45   199   quare
 5. beeiint   5E    36   235   betaine
 6. aaceisw   L1    38   273   waacs
 7. dimmnou   8J    33   306   momi
 8. eilnprt   2G    82   388   triplane
 9. afgrstu   1L    37   425   waft
10. aegnoou   1D    32   457   genua
11. aegiisu   7K    25   482   sage
12. eegiort   O3    30   512   goitre
13. fhilotu   6D    34   546   foh
14. bddelou   3B    26   572   boddle
15. ?eilopr   8A    80   652   periboli
16. cdeinor   B7    76   728   recoined
17. elosvxz  C12    45   773   oxes
18. hiloruv  D12    38   811   hoi
19. lrtuvwz   K7    34   845   soyuz

Remaining tiles: lrtvvw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6407 Filefatcat      1 11:00  -558  287     1.6407 fatcat      1 11:00  -558  287 

On 1st draw, KANJI H4 42 --- KANJI a system of Japanese writing characters [n]
Other moves: KANJI H8 34, KANJI H5 32, KANJI H6 32, KANJI H7 32, JINK H5 30

On 2nd draw, SAYYID 9H 33 --- SAYYID lord; sir -- used as a title of respect for a Muslim dignitary [n]
Other moves: DAISY 9E 31, YAYS 9E 31, DAYS 9E 29, DIVS 9E 29, YADS I6 28

On 3rd draw, (S)AUNTER N9 79 --- SAUNTER to walk in a leisurely manner [v]
Other moves: RUNA(G)ATE 5E 78, AUNTER(S) N3 71, NATURE(S) N3 71, UN(W)ATERY K2 70, (C)ENTAURY K2 70

On 4th draw, QUARE 15K 45 --- QUARE queer [adj]
Other tops: QUERN 15K 45
Other moves: QUEYN J6 39, BANQUET 13H 38, QUAY J6 36, QUEY J6 36, QUONK 4D 36

On 5th draw, BETAINE 5E 36 --- BETAINE an alkaloid [n]
Other moves: BEEN 10I 26, BEET 10I 26, BEE 10I 23, KIBEI 4H 22, NEBEK 4D 22

On 6th draw, WAACS L1 38 --- WAAC a member of the Women's Auxiliary Army Corps [n]
Other moves: CAWS J12 32, WAACS J11 31, CAWS L2 28, WAES 10I 28, SCAW 4C 27

On 7th draw, MOMI 8J 33 --- MOMUS a carping person [n]
Other moves: MODI 8J 29, MOM 8J 29, MIND 6F 28, INDOW 1H 27, MIM 6D 27

On 8th draw, TRIPLANE 2G 82 --- TRIPLANE a type of aeroplane [n]
Other moves: INTERLAP 2F 64, REPLANT 2H 30, TWERP 1K 30, TWIRP 1K 30, PLAINT 2J 28
WIPE 1L 27 fatcat

On 9th draw, WAFT 1L 37 --- WAFT to carry lightly over air or water [v]
Other moves: FRAUS 1E 34, SAFT 7K 33, FANS 6F 32, FAGS 7K 31, FAUT 1F 31
SUGAR O2 19 fatcat

On 10th draw, GENUA 1D 32 --- GENU the knee [n]
Other moves: NUGAE 1D 29, AGO 1H 25, EGO 1H 25, NAG 7K 24, AGUE 1E 23
EA 1G 14 fatcat

On 11th draw, SAGE 7K 25 --- SAGE an aromatic herb used as seasoning [n] --- SAGE wise [adj]
Other moves: SAG 7K 24, AEGIS J11 23, AGS J13 23, AGUES J11 23, AIGA 3L 23
AGES J12 22 fatcat

On 12th draw, GOITRE O3 30 --- GOITRE an enlargement of the thyroid gland [n]
Other moves: OATER 3K 24, GERE O5 21, GERENT 6D 21, GERT O5 21, GIRO O5 21
TIRE O5 18 fatcat

On 13th draw, FOH 6D 34 --- FOH expressing disgust [interj]
Other moves: FINO 6F 32, FONT 6F 32, HINT 6F 32, IF 6E 30, OF 6E 30
FOH 6D 34 fatcat

On 14th draw, BODDLE 3B 26 --- BODDLE a former Scottish coin [n]
Other tops: BUDDLE 3B 26
Other moves: DEBUD 2A 24, DOUBLE 3B 24, BLUDE 3C 22, BODED 7A 22, BODLE 3C 22
BLOND 12K 20 fatcat

On 15th draw, PERI(B)OLI 8A 80 --- PERIBOLUS a precinct [n]
Other moves: FLOP(P)IER D6 76, FLO(P)PIER D6 76, PILE(W)ORT 13G 76, PLERION(S) 12H 74, L(E)PORINE 12H 72
POLE(S) J11 22 fatcat

On 16th draw, RECOINED B7 76 --- RECOIN to coin again [v]
Other moves: CODEN 2A 36, CEDI 4A 33, CIDE 4A 33, CODE 4A 33, ENCODER B8 32
COD 2A 23 fatcat

On 17th draw, OXES C12 45 --- OX a clumsy person [n]
Other moves: EXO C12 43, SEX C11 42, SOX C11 42, ZEX 4A 42, ZEXES 13A 42
SEX C11 42 fatcat

On 18th draw, HOI D12 38 --- HOI used to attract attention [interj]
Other moves: HOI A13 35, VOL A13 35, VOR A13 35, HORI 4A 34, RHO D11 34
HOI A13 35 fatcat

On 19th draw, SOYUZ K7 34 --- SOYUZ a Soviet manned spacecraft [n]
Other moves: LUTZ 13L 26, ZULU 11K 26, ZULU L12 26, FRITZ D6 17, FRIZ D6 16
ZO C2 11 fatcat

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