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Game on January 27, 2025 at 17:36, 2 players
1. 179 pts Pacific
2. 87 pts ArcticFox

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. efghior   H4    26    26   forge
 2. deiirst   8A    80   106   siderite
 3. ehlmoty   E3    82   188   motherly
 4. ?acdist   A1    89   277   discants
 5. deelosu   1A    83   360   deloused
 6. ?osttuu   2H    69   429   outputs
 7. eginoyz   D1    58   487   oyez
 8. aeilovw   C3    60   547   waivode
 9. abeginn   B8    34   581   inbeing
10. aiinorv  12A    26   607   virino
11. abefhnu   F4    27   634   nae
12. ailoppr   L1    28   662   pupilar
13. abdelru   K6    75   737   durable
14. achikmx  L12    46   783   hack
15. afioqrt  14J    38   821   factor
16. agiijmn  O12    30   851   marg
17. aeiijnw  15G    38   889   jane
18. einoqwx   1N    29   918   ex

Remaining tiles: iinoqw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: master
  1.9749 FilePacific     2  4:10  -739  179     1.9749 Pacific     2  4:10  -739  179 
  2.7244 FileArcticFox   1  4:07  -831   87            Group: advanced
                                             1.7244 ArcticFox   1  4:07  -831   87 

On 1st draw, FORGE H4 26 --- FORGE to fashion or reproduce for fraudulent purposes [v]
Other tops: FOGIE H4 26, GRIEF H8 26
Other moves: GOFER H4 22, GRIEF H4 22, FOGIE H8 20, FORGE H8 20, GOFER H8 20

On 2nd draw, SIDERITE 8A 80 --- SIDERITE a mineral [n]
Other moves: DIRTIES 9H 71, DITSIER 9H 71, TIDIERS 9C 71, TIDIERS 9F 71, DIRTIES 9B 70

On 3rd draw, MOTHERLY E3 82 --- MOTHERLY maternal [adj]
Other tops: MOTHERLY 6C 82
Other moves: THYME I2 31, MOTHERY E3 30, ETHYL 9G 29, THYMOL 9H 29, HOMELY 5G 28
HOME G3 24 ArcticFox

On 4th draw, DISCA(N)TS A1 89 --- DISCANT to descant [v]
Other moves: C(L)ADISTS A1 86, D(R)ASTICS A1 83, SADIST(I)C A8 83, SAD(I)STIC A8 83, FACT(O)IDS 4H 78

On 5th draw, DELOUSED 1A 83 --- DELOUSE to remove lice from [v]
Other moves: DELOUSED C1 72, DELOUSED C8 72, DELOUSE 9H 71, URODELES 6G 65, ELUDES D1 33
DELOUSED 1A 83 Pacific

On 6th draw, OUT(P)UTS 2H 69 --- OUTPUT to produce [v]
Other tops: OUT(J)UTS 2H 69
Other moves: SU(R)TOUT 9H 68, SU(R)TOUT I8 68, S(H)UTOUT 9H 67, S(H)UTOUT I8 67, OUTSTU(N)T G6 66

On 7th draw, OYEZ D1 58 --- OYEZ a cry used to introduce the opening of a court of law [n]
Other moves: ZYGOID C3 42, ZOOGENY 5G 40, OZONE D1 38, OYEZ D10 37, DOZING C8 36
OYEZ D1 58 Pacific

On 8th draw, WAIVODE C3 60 --- WAIVODE the leader of an army [n]
Other moves: WAIVED C3 56, WAILED C3 50, WAVE C3 48, WAIL C3 42, WALE C3 42

On 9th draw, INBEING B8 34 --- INBEING the state of being inherent [n]
Other moves: GAEN 1L 30, GAIN 1L 30, GEAN 1L 30, GIEN 1L 30, BANING D10 29

On 10th draw, VIRINO 12A 26 --- VIRINO a hypothetical organism [n]
Other tops: VIRION 12A 26
Other moves: ARVO 9G 25, FAVOR 4H 22, NAOI 1L 22, VINA 12A 22, VINO 12A 22

On 11th draw, NAE F4 27 --- NAE no; not [adv]
Other moves: FRAU C11 26, BEATH G5 25, HAEN 3I 25, FEH G3 23, NAH 3L 23

On 12th draw, PUPILAR L1 28 --- PUPILAR pertaining to a part of the eye [adj]
Other moves: VIAL A12 26, VOAR A12 26, APIOL 3K 25, APOOP F10 24, POPLAR 11F 24

On 13th draw, DURABLE K6 75 --- DURABLE able to withstand wear or decay [adj]
Other moves: DURABLE 11F 73, DURABLE 9H 73, DURABLE 13D 69, DURABLE 13F 65, BELAUD K4 30

On 14th draw, HACK L12 46 --- HACK to cut or chop roughly [v]
Other tops: HICK L12 46
Other moves: HAIK L12 42, MACK L12 42, M*CK L12 42, AX L11 38, CIMEX 12H 38
AX L11 38 Pacific

On 15th draw, FACTOR 14J 38 --- FACTOR to express as a product of two or more quantities [v]
Other tops: FICTOR 14J 38
Other moves: KAIF 15L 33, TROIKA 15H 30, TAROK 15H 27, TRAIK 15H 27, TROAK 15H 27

On 16th draw, MARG O12 30 --- MARG margarine [n]
Other tops: IMARI O11 30
Other moves: JAMBING 10H 29, JINGO N10 29, MIRI O12 27, JA J9 26, INARM O11 24

On 17th draw, JANE 15G 38 --- JANE a girl or woman [n]
Other moves: BENJ 10K 29, EWKING 15J 28, JA J9 26, VIAE A12 26, WANE 15G 26
JANE 15G 38 ArcticFox

On 18th draw, EX 1N 29 --- EX the letter X [n] --- EX to cross out, EXED, EXES, EXING [v]
Other tops: OX 1N 29
Other moves: WEX M6 25, LWEI 11K 24, NIXE M7 24, EX I4 23, EXON 13E 23
WEX M6 25 ArcticFox

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