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Game on January 27, 2025 at 19:04, 1 player
1. 68 pts Nibbler

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. abdrruu   H4    22    22   durbar
 2. aegilvy   5E    56    78   vaguely
 3. ?adgopq   F2    38   116   quoad
 4. ?cmotuw   9C    71   187   cutworms
 5. abeloty   4H    38   225   dyable
 6. efnortw   M1    80   305   forewent
 7. alrsttu   1H   158   463   startful
 8. aeeerst   J8    61   524   esterase
 9. aeiikor  15H    33   557   kierie
10. eghinot  12H    80   637   throeing
11. aefgimp   6J    39   676   feme
12. aaijpsx   2I    52   728   ax
13. aeilnoo   O7    21   749   looing
14. cdegiis  N10    46   795   dinics
15. adeinpz   D8    52   847   zupan
16. aegnpsu   E7    33   880   paten
17. adegjnv  M11    38   918   jig
18. deinsuv  13B    35   953   vised
19. aehinou  A12    43   996   haen

Remaining tiles: iioou

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6910 FileNibbler     1  1:24  -928   68     1.6910 Nibbler     1  1:24  -928   68 

On 1st draw, DURBAR H4 22 --- DURBAR the court of a native ruler in India [n]
Other moves: DURBAR H3 20, DURBAR H7 20, DURBAR H8 20, DURBAR H5 18, DURBAR H6 18

On 2nd draw, VAGUELY 5E 56 --- VAGUE not clearly expressed or understood [adv] --- VAGUELY in a vague manner [adv]
Other moves: GEY I5 27, YAE I7 27, GYVED 4D 26, GLAIVED 4B 24, VIRELAY 6F 23

On 3rd draw, Q(U)OAD F2 38 --- QUOAD so far as [conj]
Other moves: AQ(U)A F5 32, DOR(S)A 6F 26, DOPA(S) 10D 22, GAPO(S) 10D 22, AGO(O)D 4K 21

On 4th draw, CUTWORM(S) 9C 71 --- CUTWORM a caterpillar [n]
Other moves: CWM(S) 10E 27, CU(S)TOM 10F 26, OUT(S)W(U)M 3A 26, (A)MOWT 4J 26, MUC(H)O 4K 25

On 5th draw, DYABLE 4H 38 --- DYABLE able to be dyed [adj]
Other moves: BEATY 4K 35, BELAY 4K 35, BAYLE 4K 29, BOYLA 4K 29, DOABLE 4H 29

On 6th draw, FOREWENT M1 80 --- FOREGO to go before [v]
Other moves: FETOR 6J 40, FEW 6J 39, FENT 6J 37, FERN 6J 37, FEN 6J 36

On 7th draw, STARTFUL 1H 158 --- STARTFUL apt to start [adj]
Other moves: DURALS 6F 31, ARTFUL 1J 30, RAFTS 1K 27, TUFAS 1K 27, TUFTS 1K 27

On 8th draw, E(S)TERASE J8 61 --- ESTERASE a type of enzyme [n]
Other tops: TE(S)SERAE J7 61
Other moves: TEERS 10D 30, RASE 6H 25, RATE 6H 25, RATS 6H 25, ERS 10F 24

On 9th draw, KIERIE 15H 33 --- KIERIE a stick [n]
Other tops: OAKER I11 33
Other moves: KERRIA 12H 30, KIERIE 15E 30, KORARI 12H 30, OAKIER 15F 30, RAKE I11 30

On 10th draw, THROEING 12H 80 --- THROE to suffer violent spasms of pain [v]
Other moves: HOING N6 38, HOEING N6 37, EH N5 31, HOE N6 31, HOI N6 31

On 11th draw, FEME 6J 39 --- FEME a wife [n]
Other moves: RAPE 6H 37, FE 6J 35, MAGPIE O10 33, FUMAGE D8 32, SEPMAG 14J 32

On 12th draw, AX 2I 52 --- AX to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool) [v]
Other moves: PANAX N10 40, XI 8D 36, JINX N10 34, PUJAS D8 34, SOX K11 33
AX 2I 52 Nibbler

On 13th draw, LOOING O7 21 --- LOO to subject to a forfeit at loo (a card game) [v]
Other tops: ELOIGN O8 21, ENGAOL O10 21, LAGOON O10 21, LEGION O10 21, LINAGE O8 21, LOGION O10 21, OLINGO O8 21
Other moves: AEON 11I 19, NAOI 10D 19, AGILE O11 18, AGLOO O11 18, AGONE O11 18
IN G2 16 Nibbler

On 14th draw, DINICS N10 46 --- DINIC a remedy for dizziness [n]
Other moves: DINGES N10 44, CEDES 11I 33, DINIC N10 33, GENIC N10 33, DEICES 11F 31

On 15th draw, ZUPAN D8 52 --- ZUPAN a governor of a zupa [n]
Other moves: ZIP M11 48, CAPIZ C9 36, AZIDE 11D 32, PIZE 11E 32, UNZIP D9 32

On 16th draw, PATEN E7 33 --- PATEN a plate [n]
Other tops: ASPEN 13C 33, PATES E7 33
Other moves: GAPS 13A 31, GASP 13B 31, GATES E7 31, GUPS 13A 31, PAUSE 13A 31

On 17th draw, JIG M11 38 --- JIG to bob [v]
Other moves: CAVED C9 35, G*DJ* C11 34, CAGED C9 29, CANED C9 26, VANED C11 26

On 18th draw, VISED 13B 35 --- VISE to hold in a vise (a clamping device) [v]
Other moves: DEVS 13A 33, DIVS 13A 33, VIDS 13A 33, VISNE 13B 33, VIES 13A 31

On 19th draw, HAEN A12 43 --- HAE to have [v]
Other tops: HAIN A12 43
Other moves: WHA F9 36, HONOR K11 30, AHI A13 28, NAOI A12 25, HOA K11 24

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