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Game on January 27, 2025 at 19:50, 5 players
1. 535 pts ArcticFox
2. 504 pts sunshine12
3. 138 pts GLOBEMAN

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adeilry   H6    80    80   readily
 2. aeemnvz  12D    38   118   mazey
 3. ehnostt   6E    71   189   thornset
 4. ?fiorvw  13E    38   227   wof
 5. aefgntu  10D    66   293   fantigue
 6. aehipsu  14B    44   337   ephas
 7. eiiloru   5A    21   358   lourie
 8. ?abnosw   B8    70   428   sawbones
 9. ?gikuvx   6A    50   478   ax
10. deprsuy   K1    78   556   pseudery
11. acilnor   3F    78   634   acrolein
12. aegiorr   1H    33   667   grapier
13. egknoqv   8J    45   712   kyogen
14. ddeituv   A3    36   748   dilated
15. aiimntv  11J    28   776   mavin
16. eiiotuv   D1    24   800   voter
17. aciiltu   1A    33   833   clivia
18. beijoqt   G6    38   871   objet

Remaining tiles: ioqtu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7244 FileArcticFox   3 19:57  -336  535     1.7244 ArcticFox   3 19:57  -336  535 
  2.7021 Filesunshine12  1 14:19  -367  504     2.7021 sunshine12  1 14:19  -367  504 
  3.7371 FileGLOBEMAN    0  3:58  -733  138     3.7371 GLOBEMAN    0  3:58  -733  138 
  4.  -  Filechunk88     0  1:38  -836   35            Group: not rated
  5.  -  FileBadBoyBen   0  1:18  -847   24     1.  -  chunk88     0  1:38  -836   35 
                                             2.  -  BadBoyBen   0  1:18  -847   24 

On 1st draw, READILY H6 80 --- READILY in a ready manner [adv]
Other moves: READILY H2 74, READILY H3 74, READILY H4 74, READILY H7 74, READILY H8 74
DAIRY H8 26 ArcticFox

On 2nd draw, MAZEY 12D 38 --- MAZEY dizzy [adj]
Other moves: MAZER 6D 36, MEAZEL 11C 34, RAZEE 6H 34, RAZE 6H 33, ZEIN 10F 33
MAZEY 12D 38 ArcticFox
ZEIN 10F 33 sunshine12

On 3rd draw, THORNSET 6E 71 --- THORNSET beset with thorns [adj]
Other moves: SHOTTEN G1 67, SHOTTEN I1 67, NOH 13E 32, SETON 13C 32, SOH 13E 32
NOH 11C 26 sunshine12
HOT 13E 26 ArcticFox

On 4th draw, WOF 13E 38 --- WOF a nobody,a fool (a waste of flesh) [n]
Other moves: W(O)F 13E 36, VI(G)OR 13C 35, VI(S)OR 13C 35, FIV(E)R 5K 32, WIV(E)R 5K 32
WOF 11C 32 sunshine12
F(A)VOR 5K 31 ArcticFox

On 5th draw, FANTIGUE 10D 66 --- FANTIGUE anxiety [n]
Other moves: TUFA 11C 48, FETA 11C 42, FA 11E 40, GANEF 11A 40, GENA 11C 38
FA 11E 40 sunshine12
AFT 14F 31 ArcticFox

On 6th draw, EPHAS 14B 44 --- EPHA a Hebrew unit of dry measure [n]
Other tops: PUHAS 14B 44
Other moves: HUIAS 14B 40, APISH 5C 34, PEAS 14D 34, PHASE 11J 34, SHAPE L10 33
PEAS 14D 34 ArcticFox
HEAPS 5K 32 sunshine12

On 7th draw, LOURIE 5A 21 --- LOURIE an African bird [n]
Other tops: ORIEL 5C 21
Other moves: OURIE 5I 20, EUOI 5D 19, LOREL 11H 19, LOUIE 5B 19, OURIE 5B 19
ORE 15A 15 sunshine12
REI 15A 15 ArcticFox

On 8th draw, SAWBONE(S) B8 70 --- SAWBONES a surgeon [n]
Other tops: (C)OWBANES B8 70, (J)AWBONES B8 70, (S)AWBONES B8 70
Other moves: NEWSBEA(T) K5 48, BEWA(R)ES K5 44, NEWB(I)ES K5 44, B(R)AWLS A1 42, S(U)NBOW L10 41
BLOWS A4 39 sunshine12
O(X)BOW B2 34 ArcticFox

On 9th draw, (A)X 6A 50 --- AX to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool) [v]
Other tops: (O)X 6A 50
Other moves: KLUG(E) A4 45, V(E)XIL A1 45, VIT(E)X L4 44, GU(A)NXI I3 42, V(O)X C7 42
(O)X 6A 50 ArcticFox
(S)IX C7 36 sunshine12

On 10th draw, PSEUDERY K1 78 --- PSEUDERY falseness [n]
Other tops: PSEUDERY K8 78
Other moves: SYRUPED 4E 76, SPL(A)YED A3 54, PL(A)YED A4 51, REDEYES K5 44, PYES 4B 42
PYES 4B 42 ArcticFox
SUPER L10 27 sunshine12

On 11th draw, ACROLEIN 3F 78 --- ACROLEIN a flammable liquid [n]
Other moves: COLINEAR 3F 74, LONICERA 3F 74, CLARINOS 2D 64, CLARIONS 2D 64, CL(A)RINO A4 46
CLAP 1H 24 sunshine12
CLIP 1H 24 ArcticFox

On 12th draw, GRAPIER 1H 33 --- GRAPEY resembling grapes [adj] --- GRAPY resembling grapes [adj]
Other moves: AGL(A)RE A3 30, GOER 4B 30, GRIPER 1H 30, GROPER 1H 30, YAGER 8K 30
GRIPER 1H 30 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
PAGER 1K 27 ArcticFox

On 13th draw, KYOGEN 8J 45 --- KYOGEN a comic interlude between Japanese plays [n]
Other moves: VOL(A)GE A3 36, GONK 2C 35, NEK 2D 33, VOE 4B 31, OKE A11 29
GONK 2C 35 sunshine12, ArcticFox

On 14th draw, DIL(A)TED A3 36 --- DILATE to make wider or larger [v]
Other moves: DIVED 2B 35, L(A)VED A5 33, DUTIED 2A 31, DITED 2B 29, TIDED 2B 29
DIL(A)TED A3 36 ArcticFox
DIVED 2B 35 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, chunk88

On 15th draw, MAVIN 11J 28 --- MAVIN an expert [n]
Other tops: MAVIN 11K 28, MAVIN 2B 28
Other moves: LIMAN 11H 25, VIM 2D 24, LIMA 11H 23, LIMN 11H 23, MANAWA E9 22
VIM 2D 24 sunshine12, ArcticFox, GLOBEMAN, BadBoyBen

On 16th draw, VOTER D1 24 --- VOTER one that votes [n]
Other moves: INVITE N10 22, DAVIT 9A 20, ENVOI N10 20, VIVE L11 20, VIVO L11 20
VOTER D1 24 sunshine12

On 17th draw, CLIVIA 1A 33 --- CLIVIA a flowering plant [n]
Other moves: CLAVI 1A 30, VATIC L11 26, CLOUT 2B 22, ANICUT N10 20, INCULT N10 20
VATIC L11 26 ArcticFox
VAC L11 16 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12

On 18th draw, OBJET G6 38 --- OBJET an object [n]
Other moves: JO A12 36, QI 10M 28, JEE N6 26, JIBE M10 26, JOE N6 26
JO A12 36 sunshine12, ArcticFox

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