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Game on January 28, 2025 at 01:09, 5 players
1. 154 pts sunshine12
2. 20 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 20 pts roocatcher

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. alnpttu   H4    22    22   pultan
 2. adeeoos  10F    21    43   eased
 3. ??ahirx   4D    86   129   xeraphim
 4. eegmosy   L1    62   191   moys
 5. aadimot   E8    79   270   domatia
 6. deiilos  11I    72   342   doilies
 7. elnorrw   3C    36   378   rowel
 8. aceoruy   5B    46   424   coyer
 9. eeprrtv   O4    98   522   perverts
10. deijlnt   L8    42   564   jillet
11. abgoqsu  13I    50   614   quotas
12. iknortu   2J    40   654   krooni
13. bdefitt   2B    41   695   deft
14. befgino   1K    47   742   embog
15. aegiitu  14G    30   772   atigi
16. aceegnv   8A    36   808   caved
17. aehinnw  15F    38   846   wha
18. efinnuz   B7    39   885   fanzine

Remaining tiles: bgnnuu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7023 Filesunshine12  0  5:44  -731  154     1.7023 sunshine12  0  5:44  -731  154 
  2.7310 FileGLOBEMAN    0  1:04  -865   20     2.7310 GLOBEMAN    0  1:04  -865   20 
  3.7141 Fileroocatcher  0  1:39  -865   20     3.7141 roocatcher  0  1:39  -865   20 
  4.  -  Filechunk88     0  0:12  -867   18            Group: not rated
  5.  -  FileBadBoyBen   0  0:44  -868   17     1.  -  chunk88     0  0:12  -867   18 
                                             2.  -  BadBoyBen   0  0:44  -868   17 

On 1st draw, PULTAN H4 22 --- PULTAN an Indian regiment [n]
Other moves: PLANT H4 20, PULTAN H3 18, PULTAN H7 18, PULTAN H8 18, PLANT H8 16
PLANT H4 20 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher

On 2nd draw, EASED 10F 21 --- EASE to free from pain or trouble [v]
Other moves: AEDES 10D 19, AEDES G6 19, AEDES I6 19, ADOS 10E 18, APODES 4G 18
DOSE 10F 18 chunk88, sunshine12
SAD 10H 17 BadBoyBen

On 3rd draw, X(E)RAPHI(M) 4D 86 --- XERAPHIM a former silver coin of Goa [n]
Other moves: TAXI(A)R(C)H 7H 68, T(A)XIAR(C)H 7H 67, (T)AXIAR(C)H 8G 67, (T)AXIAR(C)H 8D 66, H(Y)RAX 11C 39
H(O)AX 11C 35 sunshine12

On 4th draw, MOYS L1 62 --- MOY a measure [n]
Other tops: GYMS L1 62
Other moves: EMYS L1 58, G*YS L1 58, MEGS L1 58, MOGS L1 58, MOSEY L2 58

On 5th draw, DOMATIA E8 79 --- DOMATIUM a plant-structure that harbours mites [n]
Other moves: DOMATIA E6 77, DOMATIA 11I 76, DIATOM 3B 43, DAMMIT 1J 33, MADTOM 1G 33

On 6th draw, DOILIES 11I 72 --- DOILY an ornamental napkin [n]
Other moves: IDOLISM 1F 30, SLOYD 3I 29, IDIOMS 1H 27, IODIDE 8A 27, IODIDS 8A 27

On 7th draw, ROWEL 3C 36 --- ROWEL to prick with a spiked wheel in order to urge forward [v]
Other tops: REWON 3C 36, ROWEN 3C 36, SWOLN O11 36, SWONE O11 36, SWORE O11 36, SWORN O11 36
Other moves: WOOLEN 2J 34, WOOLER 2J 34, WOOER 2J 32, OWE 10M 31, OWE M1 31

On 8th draw, COYER 5B 46 --- COY bashful [adj]
Other moves: CREASY O7 45, COY 5C 42, CRUSY O8 42, OYE 5D 41, OYER 5C 40

On 9th draw, PERVERTS O4 98 --- PERVERT to turn away from the right course of action [v]
Other moves: OVERPERT C5 67, PREAVER 14B 40, REPAVE 14B 38, REPROVE 2H 36, VEEP 2A 36

On 10th draw, JILLET L8 42 --- JILLET a loose young woman [n]
Other moves: JILT D11 39, JET D11 35, EEJIT N10 32, JERRID F2 32, JILTER 6J 31

On 11th draw, QUOTAS 13I 50 --- QUOTA a proportional part or share [n]
Other moves: QUATS 13I 48, QUOAD 8A 48, QUOTA 13I 48, SQUAD 8A 48, SQUAB 14B 44

On 12th draw, KROONI 2J 40 --- KROON a former monetary unit of Estonia [n]
Other moves: TRINKUM 1F 39, KNOUT 2J 38, KOORI 2J 38, KROON 2J 38, TROAK 14B 38

On 13th draw, DEFT 2B 41 --- DEFT skillful [adj]
Other moves: DEBT 2B 38, DEF 2B 33, DIEB 2A 32, BIDET D11 31, EFT 2C 31
DEFAT 14B 22 sunshine12

On 14th draw, EMBOG 1K 47 --- EMBOG to bog [v]
Other moves: FEIGN 14G 33, FEEING F9 32, FIGO 14H 32, FIEND 8A 30, FINED 8A 30
FINED 8A 30 sunshine12

On 15th draw, ATIGI 14G 30 --- ATIGI (Inuit) a kind of PARKA worn in Canada [n]
Other moves: TIGE 14H 29, TAIG 14G 27, TIG 14H 26, YAE 3L 25, AGUED 8A 24
TIGE 14H 29 sunshine12

On 16th draw, CAVED 8A 36 --- CAVE to hollow out [v]
Other moves: CAGED 8A 30, EAVED 8A 30, VANED 8A 30, EAVE 1E 28, EEVN 1E 28

On 17th draw, WHA 15F 38 --- WHA (Scots) who [pron]
Other moves: WHA 14M 33, AHI 6A 31, HE 6B 30, HI 6B 30, WHEAT 12A 30

On 18th draw, FANZINE B7 39 --- FANZINE a magazine written by and for enthusiastic devotees [n]
Other moves: FUTZ 12C 32, L*Z 6H 32, LUZ 6H 32, ENUF 1E 28, FUTZ 7F 27

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