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Game on January 28, 2025 at 01:53, 5 players
1. 58 pts sunshine12
2. 18 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 18 pts roocatcher

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. egilnrt   H8    70    70   tringle
 2. ?aoptyz  15H    66   136   spaz
 3. elrsttu  12H    70   206   guttlers
 4. abeinox   O6    48   254   bonxies
 5. aaeimor  N10    40   294   marari
 6. aabgstu   M9    36   330   gateaus
 7. aeeelms  O14    30   360   em
 8. ceehino   9B    66   426   coinhere
 9. ainostw   B4    67   493   wainscot
10. bdeirtv  A10    47   540   divert
11. cdeoruv   J6    31   571   verd
12. ?cdfloo   A1    41   612   choof
13. aghnoos   C2    33   645   hangs
14. efioruw   D8    30   675   wifie
15. addeknu  14G    38   713   neuk
16. bdeeior   1C    42   755   boride
17. adelloy   2H    78   833   alloyed
18. aiopquy   F6    38   871   qoph

Remaining tiles: aeijuy

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7036 Filesunshine12  0  4:16  -813   58     1.7036 sunshine12  0  4:16  -813   58 
  2.7310 FileGLOBEMAN    0  0:28  -853   18     2.7310 GLOBEMAN    0  0:28  -853   18 
  3.7141 Fileroocatcher  0  1:14  -853   18     3.7141 roocatcher  0  1:14  -853   18 
  4.  -  Filechunk88     0  1:44  -856   15            Group: not rated
  5.  -  FileBadBoyBen   0  0:38  -866    5     1.  -  chunk88     0  1:44  -856   15 
                                             2.  -  BadBoyBen   0  0:38  -866    5 

On 1st draw, TRINGLE H8 70 --- TRINGLE a curtain-rod [n]
Other moves: RINGLET H2 68, RINGLET H3 68, RINGLET H4 68, RINGLET H6 68, RINGLET H7 68

On 2nd draw, (S)PAZ 15H 66 --- SPAZ a clumsy, foolish, or incompetent person -- a derogatory term [n]
Other tops: ZAP(S) 15E 66
Other moves: (S)OAPY 15H 63, PYAT(S) 15D 60, PYOT(S) 15D 60, ZA(S) 15F 57, ZO(S) 15F 57

On 3rd draw, GUTTLERS 12H 70 --- GUTTLER one that guttles [n]
Other moves: SLUTTIER 10C 62, SURTITLE 10D 62, TURTLERS 9B 61, TURTLERS 9F 61, TURTLES G2 61

On 4th draw, BONXIES O6 48 --- BONXIE the great skua [n]
Other moves: BONXIE 11F 45, AXE 13L 42, BOXES O8 42, BORAX N10 40, AXIONS O7 39

On 5th draw, MARARI N10 40 --- MARARI (New Zealand) the butterfish [n]
Other moves: MARAE N10 38, MARIA N10 38, MAROR N10 38, MARRI N10 38, MORAE N10 38

On 6th draw, GATEAUS M9 36 --- GATEAU a rich layer cake [n]
Other tops: BATEAU M9 36
Other moves: GATEAU M9 32, ABUSAGE 14B 24, BASTA N2 24, GETAS M11 24, SAUBA N2 24
BIG 15M 18 sunshine12

On 7th draw, EM O14 30 --- EM the letter M [n]
Other moves: SEAME N4 21, LAME N5 20, MEASE G7 20, SAME N5 20, SEAME G7 20
LAME N5 20 sunshine12

On 8th draw, COINHERE 9B 66 --- COINHERE to inhere jointly [v]
Other moves: CHINO N2 30, NOCHEL 13C 24, ELHI 13G 23, CHENET K7 22, CHINO 11E 22
CHINE 10F 18 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
CHIN 10F 15 chunk88

On 9th draw, WAINSCOT B4 67 --- WAINSCOT to line the walls of with wooden paneling [v]
Other moves: WAIST J6 32, TWINS J5 30, SWAT J9 29, SWOT J9 29, WAIS J6 29
STOW N4 20 sunshine12
WO 7N 5 BadBoyBen

On 10th draw, DIVERT A10 47 --- DIVERT to turn aside [v]
Other moves: WAINSCOTTED B4 34, BRIDE J6 31, VERD J6 31, VIED J6 31, VIBIER D8 30

On 11th draw, VERD J6 31 --- VERD green in the phrase verd antique (marble) [adj]
Other tops: COUDE J6 31, CREDO J6 31, CRUDE J6 31
Other moves: COVED C1 30, DECO A1 30, DIVORCE D8 30, VICED D8 30, CURVED J4 29

On 12th draw, C(H)OOF A1 41 --- CHOOF to go away [v]
Other moves: FLOOD(S) A1 40, FLOOD A1 39, LOCO(E)D A1 37, FL(O)OD A1 36, F(L)OOD A1 36

On 13th draw, HANGS C2 33 --- HANG to attach from above only [v]
Other tops: HOGANS C8 33, HONGS C2 33
Other moves: HANG C2 29, HONG C2 29, GOSHT 8D 28, HOONS C1 28, SANGO C2 27

On 14th draw, WIFIE D8 30 --- WIFIE an endearment for wife [n]
Other moves: FUERO N2 26, WOEFUL 13C 26, COWIER 1A 25, COWRIE 1A 25, COWER 1A 24

On 15th draw, NEUK 14G 38 --- NEUK a corner [n]
Other moves: EUK 14H 37, RANKED 14A 30, UNDEAD N2 29, DANK E11 26, NAKED E11 26

On 16th draw, BORIDE 1C 42 --- BORIDE a boron compound [n]
Other tops: BREDIE 1C 42
Other moves: BONED E7 32, IRONED E6 30, REDBONE E4 30, DEBONE E5 28, CEBOID 1A 24

On 17th draw, ALLOYED 2H 78 --- ALLOY to combine to form an alloy (a homogenous mixture of metals) [v]
Other moves: ALLOYED 2G 68, DALLY 2F 33, DELAY 2F 33, DELLY 2F 33, DOLLY 2F 33

On 18th draw, QOPH F6 38 --- QOPH a Hebrew letter [n]
Other moves: EQUIP M2 32, QUAI 3G 32, YAP 1M 32, YIP 1M 32, PAY 1M 31

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