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Game on January 28, 2025 at 04:59, 1 player
1. 351 pts fatcat

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. efgirsu   H4    80    80   figures
 2. cdenops   H1    48   128   configures
 3. cgimotw   G7    33   161   mow
 4. einorsu   1H    83   244   coinsure
 5. aeenpsu   F9    69   313   eupneas
 6. ?aikmor  15A   176   489   komissar
 7. aeeiltt  14H    70   559   ailette
 8. adeeeip  14B    27   586   ped
 9. dioorsv   5E    44   630   divisor
10. aaefhty   6J    45   675   hefty
11. adeiiqt  13I    52   727   qadi
12. aaeghlt   4J    34   761   haglet
13. aegnrrv   N8    66   827   engraver
14. ?aennow   8J    36   863   pawnee
15. bdeilox   4B    40   903   bolix
16. eilntuy  12K    34   937   inlay
17. abciotz   3A    54   991   caz
18. aejottu   2B    58  1049   jato
19. bdeiotu  11I    26  1075   dub

Remaining tiles: eiot

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6404 Filefatcat      1  8:25  -724  351     1.6404 fatcat      1  8:25  -724  351 

On 1st draw, FIGURES H4 80 --- FIGURE to compute [v]
Other moves: FIGURES H2 76, FIGURES H3 74, FIGURES H6 74, FIGURES H7 74, FIGURES H8 74
FIGURES H4 30 fatcat

On 2nd draw, CONFIGURES H1 48 --- CONFIGURE [v]
Other moves: DOPES I5 30, OPED I6 29, DOPE I5 25, OPEN I6 25, OPES I6 25
SCOPES 10C 16 fatcat

On 3rd draw, MOW G7 33 --- MOW to cut down standing herbage [v]
Other moves: MOTI G7 24, WIG G9 22, W*G G9 22, MOIT G2 21, MOT G7 21
MOW G9 20 fatcat

On 4th draw, COINSURE 1H 83 --- COINSURE to insure with another [v]
Other moves: REFUSION 4F 72, REUNIONS 3B 70, URINOSE F1 66, NOURICES 1C 61, ROUNCIES 1D 61
FIRES 4H 16 fatcat

On 5th draw, EUPNEAS F9 69 --- EUPNEA normal breathing [n]
Other moves: PANES F6 29, PENES F6 29, PUNAS F6 29, SPANE F5 27, PANE F6 26
PASS 10E 17 fatcat

On 6th draw, KOMI(S)SAR 15A 176 --- KOMISSAR a Communist party official who enjoined loyalty [n]
Other moves: KOMIS(S)AR 15B 98, KORIMA(K)O 2A 80, (K)ORIMAKO 2A 80, ROM(A)IKA F1 79, ROMAIK(A) F1 78
MASK(S) 15D 39 fatcat

On 7th draw, AILETTE 14H 70 --- AILETTE a plate of armour for the shoulder [n]
Other moves: AILETTE F1 66, TALEAE 14B 25, TALEA 14B 21, TELIA 14B 21, FLATTIE 4H 20
RATTLE N1 16 fatcat

On 8th draw, PED 14B 27 --- PED a natural soil aggregate [n]
Other tops: DEEP 13K 27, PAD 14B 27, PAID 13K 27, P**D 13K 27, PIED 13K 27
Other moves: AIDE 15L 26, DAP 14B 26, EIDE 15L 26, REAPED N1 26, REPAID N1 26
PEA 14B 24 fatcat

On 9th draw, DIVISOR 5E 44 --- DIVISOR the number by which a dividend is divided [n]
Other moves: DOORS 15K 31, ROODS 15K 31, DIVIS I11 27, ODSO O12 26, OVOID 2F 24
DRIVES K10 20 fatcat

On 10th draw, HEFTY 6J 45 --- HEFTY heavy [adj]
Other moves: FAH 13A 39, YAH 13A 39, FAH 2J 37, FEH 2J 37, HAAF 13K 36
HEFTY 6J 45 fatcat

On 11th draw, QADI 13I 52 --- QADI a Muslim judge [n]
Other moves: QAT 13I 47, QADI 6B 37, QADI F2 34, QAID 4C 34, QADI 4B 31
QADI F2 34 fatcat

On 12th draw, HAGLET 4J 34 --- HAGLET a gull (the kittiwake) [n]
Other moves: AAH 13A 33, HAGLET 4A 33, LAH 13A 33, GATH 12L 32, AH 13B 31
HEAT 12L 28 fatcat

On 13th draw, ENGRAVER N8 66 --- ENGRAVER one that engraves [n]
Other moves: GRAV 12L 32, VAG 13A 31, MURAGE 7G 30, VAR 13A 27, VERRA 4A 27
ENGRAVER N8 16 fatcat

On 14th draw, (P)AWNEE 8J 36 --- PAWNEE one to whom something is pawned [n]
Other tops: A(T)WEEN 8J 36, (T)OWNEE 8J 36
Other moves: AWEE(L) 8K 33, AWNE(D) 8K 33, AWNE(R) 8K 33, NAW 13A 33, OWNE(D) 8K 33
WOE(S) 8L 30 fatcat

On 15th draw, BOLIX 4B 40 --- BOLIX to make a mess of [v]
Other moves: IBEX 4C 38, BOLIX F2 36, BOX 4D 36, BOXED 4B 36, EX G12 36

On 16th draw, INLAY 12K 34 --- INLAY to set into a surface [v]
Other moves: YEN 3C 28, YET 3C 28, UEY E11 27, YITE 2K 27, ENTITY L10 26

On 17th draw, CAZ 3A 54 --- CAZ casual [adj]
Other tops: COZ 3A 54
Other moves: ZA 3C 46, AZONIC 12C 40, AZOTIC C2 40, COBZA B2 40, COBZA C3 38

On 18th draw, JATO 2B 58 --- JATO a takeoff aided by jet propulsion [n]
Other moves: JA 2B 54, JETTON 12A 42, TAJ 2B 42, JAXIE F2 37, TATOU 2B 36

On 19th draw, DUB 11I 26 --- DUB to confer knighthood no [v]
Other tops: DEB 11I 26, DIB 11I 26, DOB 11I 26
Other moves: BEDUIN 12A 24, BOUDIN 12A 24, BOUND 9K 24, DUET 3K 24, TUB 11I 24

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