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Game on January 28, 2025 at 08:47, 11 players
1. 262 pts LongJump22
2. 209 pts Chelsea
3. 136 pts VVVVVV1112

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?ademou   H4    74    74   miaoued
 2. aaegrrt   7E    62   136   arrogate
 3. ?giinot   E4    82   218   ligation
 4. adeelwy   8J    46   264   leeway
 5. ddoostu  12A    27   291   dodos
 6. eelouvw   A7    39   330   wolved
 7. aeinprs   K3    94   424   episterna
 8. cdeeotu   L1    35   459   coted
 9. fnorstu   1I    36   495   functor
10. aabeemy  L11    36   531   beamy
11. aefjqst  14J    60   591   james
12. aceiilx  15K    64   655   xylic
13. egiprtv   2F    29   684   viper
14. aeghstu   F7    35   719   rathe
15. agioqru   4A    46   765   quail
16. efhknor  13B    34   799   foh
17. einnrst   C2    70   869   trannies
18. bgiiknu   N1    26   895   obiing

Remaining tiles: kluz

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.5563 FileLongJump22  3  3:12  -633  262     1.7102 Chelsea     2  7:58  -686  209 
  2.7102 FileChelsea     2  7:58  -686  209     2.7274 VVVVVV1112  2  2:48  -759  136 
  3.7274 FileVVVVVV1112  2  2:48  -759  136     3.7696 Mycophot    0  2:15  -819   76 
  4.7696 FileMycophot    0  2:15  -819   76     4.7673 moonmonkey  1  2:20  -823   72 
  5.7673 Filemoonmonkey  1  2:20  -823   72     5.7378 queen66     0  1:23  -869   26 
  6.  -  FileQQQQQQ1144  1  1:58  -849   46            Group: novice
  7.5593 FileMMMMMM1112  0  1:12  -851   44     1.5563 LongJump22  3  3:12  -633  262 
  8.5383 FileNNNNNN1112  0  1:36  -851   44     2.5593 MMMMMM1112  0  1:12  -851   44 
  9.5539 FileOOOOOO1112  0  1:57  -851   44     3.5383 NNNNNN1112  0  1:36  -851   44 
 10.5624 FileLLLLLL1112  0  1:58  -864   31     4.5539 OOOOOO1112  0  1:57  -851   44 
 11.7378 Filequeen66     0  1:23  -869   26     5.5624 LLLLLL1112  0  1:58  -864   31 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  QQQQQQ1144  1  1:58  -849   46 

On 1st draw, M(I)AOUED H4 74 --- MIAOU to make the sound of a crying cat [v]
Other moves: M(I)AOUED H6 72, M(I)AOUED H2 70, M(I)AOUED H7 70, M(I)AOUED H8 70, M(I)AOUED H3 68
M(I)AOUED H4 74 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112

On 2nd draw, ARROGATE 7E 62 --- ARROGATE to claim or take without right [v]
Other moves: ARR(I)AGE 5E 28, RETAG G3 21, TARGE I5 20, TERGA I5 20, TERRA I6 20
ARROGATE 7E 62 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112

On 3rd draw, (L)IGATION E4 82 --- LIGATION the act of ligating [n]
Other tops: INTAG(L)IO E4 82, IO(D)ATING E4 82, O(M)ITTING K4 82, O(P)IATING E4 82, (D)ITTOING K4 82, (D)ITTOING K5 82, (R)IGATONI E4 82
Other moves: IGN(I)TIO(N) 5E 78, IG(N)(I)TION 5E 78, MOI(S)TING 4H 74, MOTI(V)ING 4H 74, OMIT(T)ING 4G 70
(D)ITTOING K5 82 LongJump22
O(M)ITTING K4 32 Mycophot

On 4th draw, LEEWAY 8J 46 --- LEEWAY the lateral drift of a ship [n]
Other moves: DEWY 8L 44, YAWED 6J 44, WEEDY F10 43, YAWLED 6J 43, YAWLED M2 43
YAWED 6J 44 LongJump22, Mycophot, MMMMMM1112, NNNNNN1112, OOOOOO1112

On 5th draw, DODOS 12A 27 --- DODO an extinct flightless bird [n]
Other moves: DOUTS 12A 25, DUDS 6J 25, DUD 6J 24, DUST 6J 23, STOOD D8 23

On 6th draw, WOLVED A7 39 --- WOLVE to hunt for wolves [v]
Other moves: VOWED A8 36, VOWEL D1 34, VOLUTE 8A 32, OWE F9 31, WOVE D1 30

On 7th draw, EPISTERNA K3 94 --- EPISTERNUM [n]
Other tops: SPARTEINE K3 94
Other moves: RAPINES B2 79, PANARIES N7 74, PANIERS G9 73, RAPINES G9 67, RAPINES I9 67

On 8th draw, COTED L1 35 --- COTE to pass by [v]
Other moves: CEDE L1 31, CODE L1 31, CETE L1 28, COTE L1 28, CUTE L1 28

On 9th draw, FUNCTOR 1I 36 --- FUNCTOR one that functions [n]
Other moves: FUSTOC 1G 33, SCUFT 1K 30, SCURF 1K 30, FONDUS C9 28, OF F9 28

On 10th draw, BEAMY L11 36 --- BEAMY beaming [adj]
Other moves: BARMY G5 34, EMBAY L11 34, ABEAM 2F 32, BAY 13B 31, BEY 13B 31
BEAMY L11 36 Chelsea

On 11th draw, JAMES 14J 60 --- JAMES a short crowbar [n]
Other moves: JAFAS 13I 46, JASEY 15H 45, QATS M10 37, FAMES 14J 36, FAYEST 15J 36
QAT D3 28 Chelsea

On 12th draw, XYLIC 15K 64 --- XYLIC relating to xylem [adj]
Other moves: LEXICA 15E 54, IXIA 15G 42, OXALIC N1 42, AXE M12 40, AXLE M11 40
AXE M12 40 Chelsea
LAX D3 31 LLLLLL1112

On 13th draw, VIPER 2F 29 --- VIPER a venomous snake [n]
Other moves: PAT 13K 28, VERDIT C9 28, RAG 13K 26, REP 2H 26, TAG 13K 26
TAG 13K 26 moonmonkey, queen66

On 14th draw, RATHE F7 35 --- RATHE appearing or ripening early [adj]
Other tops: HAES M3 35, HAET M3 35, HAST M3 35, HEST M3 35
Other moves: HAE M3 33, HAS M3 33, HES M3 33, RASH F7 32, RATH F7 32
HE F10 28 Chelsea

On 15th draw, QUAI(L) 4A 46 --- QUAIL to cower [v]
Other moves: QUAIR N6 36, QUAG 6B 34, QUAG N6 34, AQUA N5 33, QUAG D2 33
QUAI(L) 4A 46 moonmonkey, Chelsea, QQQQQQ1144

On 16th draw, FOH 13B 34 --- FOH expressing disgust [interj]
Other tops: FEH 13B 34
Other moves: TEHR M1 33, KANEH C3 32, FAE 13K 31, FRANK N6 30, FUNKER B3 30
FAE 13K 31 Chelsea

On 17th draw, TRANNIES C2 70 --- TRANNY a transistor radio [n]
Other moves: ENTRAINS N4 62, TES 14B 28, STUNNER B2 25, VEST F2 23, ITS 14A 22

On 18th draw, OBIING N1 26 --- OBI to bewitch with obia [v]
Other moves: KIANG N6 24, BETING 3J 23, BANK N7 20, BAUK N7 20, NABK N7 20

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