Game on January 28, 2025 at 16:24, 11 players
1. 251 pts LongJump22
2. 162 pts ArcticFox
3. 145 pts VVVVVV1112
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 22 22 


I5 21 43 


G3 26 69 


9A 63 132 


J2 35 167 


A6 33 200 


E4 82 282 


F1 32 314 


1D 84 398 


D3 39 437 


F7 37 474 


B2 42 516 


3I 28 544 


L2 72 616 


B9 29 645 


14B 64 709 


15H 91 800 


8K 36 836 


K8 24 860 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: master
LongJump22 4 3:38 -609 251 1.9749 Pacific 0 3:44 -740 120
ArcticFox 0 5:56 -698 162 Group: advanced
VVVVVV1112 2 3:48 -715 145 1.7231 ArcticFox 0 5:56 -698 162
Pacific 0 3:44 -740 120 2.7412 VVVVVV1112 2 3:48 -715 145
moonmonkey 1 0:57 -776 84 3.7656 moonmonkey 1 0:57 -776 84
Mycophot 1 1:23 -776 84 4.7685 Mycophot 1 1:23 -776 84
OOOOOO1112 2 2:35 -799 61 5.7378 queen66 0 1:30 -834 26
LLLLLL1112 2 3:33 -799 61 Group: novice
NNNNNN1112 0 2:52 -802 58 1.5568 LongJump22 4 3:38 -609 251
MMMMMM1112 0 0:49 -826 34 2.5581 OOOOOO1112 2 2:35 -799 61
queen66 0 1:30 -834 26 3.5623 LLLLLL1112 2 3:33 -799 61
4.5351 NNNNNN1112 0 2:52 -802 58
5.5608 MMMMMM1112 0 0:49 -826 34
On 1st draw, BEANOS H4 22 --- BEANO a form of bingo [n]
Other moves: BANES H4 20, BASON H4 20, BEANO H4 20, BEANS H4 20, BEAUS H4 20
BEANOS H4 22 LongJump22, OOOOOO1112, LLLLLL1112
On 2nd draw, ADUST I5 21 --- ADUST scorched [adj] --- ADUST to scorch [v]
Other moves: BUSTARD 4H 20, DARTS I6 19, DAUTS I6 19, SLART I5 19, ABSURD 4G 18
On 3rd draw, HOLM G3 26 --- HOLM an island in a river [n]
Other moves: HEAME 5G 20, HELM G8 20, HEME G8 20, HEW G8 20, MEADOW 6F 20
On 4th draw, BARRENEST 9A 63 --- BARREN unproductive [adj]
Other moves: BARREN J2 32, BEARER J2 32, BARRE J2 28, BEARE J2 28, BRERE J2 28
BARRENEST 9A 63 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112
On 5th draw, FITTER J2 35 --- FITTER one that fits [n]
Other moves: TITFER J2 32, FITTE J2 31, FIBER A7 30, FIBRE A7 30, FRITTER D8 28
On 6th draw, DHOBI A6 33 --- DHOBI a person who does laundry in India [n]
Other moves: AH 8A 32, OH 8A 32, AH 10A 30, HABIT A7 30, OH 10A 30
DOH I1 25 ArcticFox
On 7th draw, AUTOGEN(Y) E4 82 --- AUTOGENY the production of living organisms from inanimate matter [n]
Other moves: ARGON(A)UT D8 70, NUGATOR(Y) C3 68, NUGATOR(Y) D3 68, OUTRANG(E) C6 68, OUTRANG(E) D6 68
AUTOGEN(Y) E4 82 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112
On 8th draw, GJU F1 32 --- GJU an old Shetland viol [n]
Other moves: GULF D1 30, SAFE B8 30, FES K3 29, FLEGS D2 27, FUGLE B2 27
On 9th draw, ZAGGED 1D 84 --- ZAG to change course sharply [v]
Other tops: ZIGGED 1D 84
Other moves: ZAGGED 1C 57, ZIGGED 1C 57, FEZ D2 52, FIZ D2 52, ADZ D2 48
ZIGGED 1D 84 LongJump22, moonmonkey, Mycophot
FEZ D2 52 ArcticFox, Pacific
On 10th draw, FAX D3 39 --- FAX to transmit and reproduce by electronic means [v]
Other moves: PAX D3 37, LAX D3 33, SAX D3 33, FALX D11 32, FLAX D11 32
FAX D3 39 OOOOOO1112, LLLLLL1112
FOX D11 30 ArcticFox
On 11th draw, PINY F7 37 --- PINY a showy flower [n] --- PINY suggestive of or covered with pine trees [adj]
Other tops: PONY F7 37
Other moves: PIKEY 3I 34, KYPE D11 31, POKIE B2 31, ONY F8 30, NYE 10E 29
KOP D11 23 ArcticFox
On 12th draw, Q(U)INOA B2 42 --- QUINOA a weedy plant [n]
Other moves: Q(U)INOA B1 37, Q(U)INA B2 35, Q(U)INO B2 35, FAQI(R) 2J 32, QI C2 32
FAQI(R) 2J 32 ArcticFox
QI C2 32 NNNNNN1112
On 13th draw, WILCO 3I 28 --- WILCO used to indicate that a message received will be complied with [interj]
Other tops: OWER C6 28
Other moves: MIAOW 3I 26, OW C6 26, WARM C7 26, WORM C7 26, MARCEL C7 24
MIAOW 3I 26 NNNNNN1112, queen66
On 14th draw, ECOTONES L2 72 --- ECOTONE a type of ecological zone [n]
Other moves: TELES K1 27, TELOS K1 27, ENROOTS C7 23, FAXES D3 22, ASTONE B9 20
On 15th draw, ADIEUS B9 29 --- ADIEU a farewell [n]
Other moves: CEDES 8K 24, CEDIS 8K 24, DEICE 8K 24, DEUCE 8K 24, FAXED D3 24
On 16th draw, SPEARMEN 14B 64 --- SPEARMAN a person armed with a spear [n]
Other moves: AMEN A12 30, RAMPER D9 29, MAP A13 27, REMAP 8K 27, MOPANE M2 26
On 17th draw, RAVELER 15H 91 --- RAVELER one that ravels [n]
Other moves: RAVELER 13H 77, RAVELER K8 74, LAVEER 15H 38, LEAVER 15H 38, REAVER 15H 38
LEAVER 15H 38 Pacific
On 18th draw, KEVIL 8K 36 --- KEVIL a belaying cleat or peg [n]
Other tops: WELKT 8K 36
Other moves: KEWL 12A 32, WELK 12A 30, VIEW D12 28, KELT 12A 26, EWK 2L 25
WELK 12A 30 Pacific
On 19th draw, KIWI K8 24 --- KIWI a flightless bird [n]
Other moves: YETI 12A 22, TWICE K11 20, TWICE M11 20, WYTE M12 20, CYTE M12 18
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