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Game on January 28, 2025 at 17:56, 11 players
1. 225 pts Pacific
2. 211 pts ArcticFox
3. 205 pts LongJump22

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?egiowz   H4    54    54   zowie
 2. addeott   4G    32    86   azoted
 3. aeilmrs   5G    85   171   moralise
 4. aijrtuv   3I    42   213   jut
 5. deinorr   O4    91   304   dronier
 6. adorsty   3C    38   342   toady
 7. aeennsw   4A    32   374   enews
 8. akloopr   2B    36   410   park
 9. abehino   1D    59   469   bohea
10. ?aoquvv   G7    44   513   qat
11. ?eegntv   L4    76   589   divergent
12. adenptx   A4    51   640   exapted
13. aelmnsu   B9    81   721   mensual
14. afgilny   F9    75   796   anglify
15. ceioruv  15D    48   844   voyeur
16. cghiios   B6    30   874   hi
17. bginrtu   N8    84   958   bruting
18. ccfilos  15L    50  1008   fisc

Remaining tiles: ciiloo

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: master
  1.9749 FilePacific     1  2:32  -783  225     1.9749 Pacific     1  2:32  -783  225 
  2.7220 FileArcticFox   1  7:14  -797  211            Group: advanced
  3.5568 FileLongJump22  2  4:50  -803  205     1.7220 ArcticFox   1  7:14  -797  211 
  4.7686 Filemoonmonkey  1  3:48  -848  160     2.7686 moonmonkey  1  3:48  -848  160 
  5.7412 FileVVVVVV1112  1  3:51  -848  160     3.7412 VVVVVV1112  1  3:51  -848  160 
  6.7685 FileMycophot    1  3:19  -878  130     4.7685 Mycophot    1  3:19  -878  130 
  7.5351 FileNNNNNN1112  1  1:41  -970   38     5.7378 queen66     0  1:29  -973   35 
  8.7378 Filequeen66     0  1:29  -973   35            Group: novice
  9.5581 FileOOOOOO1112  0  0:34  -980   28     1.5568 LongJump22  2  4:50  -803  205 
 10.5623 FileLLLLLL1112  0  1:02  -980   28     2.5351 NNNNNN1112  1  1:41  -970   38 
 11.5608 FileMMMMMM1112  0  1:34  -980   28     3.5581 OOOOOO1112  0  0:34  -980   28 
                                             4.5623 LLLLLL1112  0  1:02  -980   28 
                                             5.5608 MMMMMM1112  0  1:34  -980   28 

On 1st draw, ZOWIE H4 54 --- ZOWIE used to express surprise or pleasure [interj]
Other moves: ZOWI(E) H4 52, ZOW(I)E H4 52, Z(O)WIE H4 52, ZO(W)IE H4 46, WEIZ(E) H4 40
ZOWIE H4 54 Pacific, LongJump22, moonmonkey, Mycophot, ArcticFox

On 2nd draw, AZOTED 4G 32 --- AZOTE nitrogen [adj] --- AZOTED having azote [adj]
Other moves: DADO I3 27, TODDE G5 25, ADO I4 23, DADO G5 23, DATED G5 23
AZOTED 4G 32 LongJump22

On 3rd draw, MORALISE 5G 85 --- MORALISE to explain in a moral sense [v]
Other moves: REALISM 3A 81, MAILERS G7 73, ALMERIES K1 70, MEASLIER K3 70, MAILERS G8 65
REALISM 3A 81 LongJump22
MARES 3I 34 ArcticFox

On 4th draw, JUT 3I 42 --- JUT to protrude [v]
Other moves: RAJ 3E 38, TAJ 3E 38, JAW 6F 34, JIVER N2 34, JURAT 3C 32
RAJ 3E 38 ArcticFox, LongJump22

On 5th draw, DRONIER O4 91 --- DRONY monotonous [adj]
Other moves: DRONIER O5 86, DRONIER 3A 74, DRONIER G7 69, DRONIER I7 69, DRONIER G8 63
DRONIER O5 86 Pacific
DRONIER O4 41 moonmonkey, Mycophot

On 6th draw, TOADY 3C 38 --- TOADY to engage in servile flattering [v]
Other tops: DORTY 3C 38, TARDY 3C 38, TODAY 3C 38
Other moves: ARTSY 3C 36, OTARY 3C 36, STORY 3C 36, STRAY 3C 36, STROY 3C 36

On 7th draw, ENEWS 4A 32 --- ENEW in falconry, to plunge the quarry into water [v]
Other tops: EWES N5 32, WEANS 4A 32, WEENS 4A 32
Other moves: EWE N5 29, ANEW 4A 28, ENEW 4A 28, NEWS 4B 28, SAWN 4B 28

On 8th draw, PARK 2B 36 --- PARK to leave a vehicle in a certain location for a time [v]
Other moves: PAOLO 2D 34, POKER A1 33, LARK 2B 32, ALKO 2C 31, KLAP 2A 31

On 9th draw, BOHEA 1D 59 --- BOHEA a black tea [n]
Other moves: BONIE 1D 50, BOHO 6L 38, OBEAH 1E 38, BOH 1A 35, HEBONA N9 35
BOH 1A 35 moonmonkey, Mycophot, queen66

On 10th draw, QA(T) G7 44 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: EQUA(L) A4 39, QUAV(E)R 10J 37, EVOVA(E) A4 33, (A)QUAE N1 29, AQU(A)E N1 28
EQUA(L) A4 39 VVVVVV1112
QUAV(E)R 10J 37 Pacific, ArcticFox

On 11th draw, DIVE(R)GENT L4 76 --- DIVERGENT [adj]
Other moves: VENT(A)GE F8 71, VENT(I)GE F8 71, STEEV(I)NG M5 66, VEGETE A3 30, VENGE(S) 10B 30
VENT(I)GE A3 30 VVVVVV1112, moonmonkey

On 12th draw, EXAPTED A4 51 --- EXAPTED utilized for a function other than the one developed through natural selection [adj]
Other moves: EXPAND A4 48, EXPEND A4 48, DENTEX A3 42, EXPAT A4 42, EXTEND A4 42
EXPEND A4 48 Pacific, ArcticFox

On 13th draw, MENSUAL B9 81 --- MENSUAL monthly [adj]
Other moves: MENSUAL N9 80, MENSUAL 10D 75, MENSUAL F8 69, AEMULE N4 33, MAES B6 30

On 14th draw, ANGLIFY F9 75 --- ANGLIFY to make English [v]
Other moves: FLAYING 15A 54, ALLYING 15A 45, FLAY 15A 42, FLYING 15A 42, FAYING N9 39

On 15th draw, VOYEUR 15D 48 --- VOYEUR one who is sexually gratified by looking at sexual objects or acts [n]
Other moves: COYER 15D 39, CRUVE C7 29, UREIC M9 26, COVE C8 25, UREIC K9 25

On 16th draw, HI B6 30 --- HI used as a greeting [interj]
Other tops: HO B6 30, ICHS J12 30
Other moves: COGIES N1 29, CHOGS J11 28, OHS J13 27, EH N5 26, HO 6N 26

On 17th draw, BRUTING N8 84 --- BRUTE to shape a diamond by rubbing it with another diamond [v] --- BRUTING a process of diamond shaping [n]
Other moves: GRUB C7 30, TUBING N9 28, TRUG C7 24, HID F1 22, PARKI 2B 22

On 18th draw, FISC 15L 50 --- FISC a state or royal treasury [n]
Other moves: FOIL O12 47, COLICS J10 35, FICOES N1 33, COIFS J11 31, OCCIES N1 31

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