Game on January 28, 2025 at 18:40, 8 players
1. 188 pts LongJump22
2. 154 pts VVVVVV1112
3. 152 pts moonmonkey
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 48 48
2. 4H 28 76
3. 3B 81 157
4. 6B 73 230
5. 8H 80 310
6. E5 40 350
7. 8A 27 377
8. O8 86 463
9. 2F 52 515
10. F10 52 567
11. 1G 54 621
12. A8 80 701
13. 2J 35 736
14. O1 27 763
15. 14J 42 805
16. 5J 35 840
17. 4A 43 883
18. L12 30 913
19. 14A 24 937
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.5568 LongJump22 3 4:23 -749 188 1.7412 VVVVVV1112 2 3:05 -783 154
2.7412 VVVVVV1112 2 3:05 -783 154 2.7686 moonmonkey 3 3:15 -785 152
3.7686 moonmonkey 3 3:15 -785 152 3.7685 Mycophot 3 3:43 -785 152
4.7685 Mycophot 3 3:43 -785 152 Group: novice
5.5581 OOOOOO1112 1 1:49 -852 85 1.5568 LongJump22 3 4:23 -749 188
6.5623 LLLLLL1112 1 2:12 -854 83 2.5581 OOOOOO1112 1 1:49 -852 85
7.5608 MMMMMM1112 1 3:01 -854 83 3.5623 LLLLLL1112 1 2:12 -854 83
8.5351 NNNNNN1112 0 1:58 -895 42 4.5608 MMMMMM1112 1 3:01 -854 83
5.5351 NNNNNN1112 0 1:58 -895 42
On 1st draw, Q(U)INES H4 48 --- QUINE a worthless woman [n]
Other tops: Q(U)INOS H4 48, Q(U)OINS H4 48
Other moves: Q(U)INE H4 46, Q(U)INO H4 46, Q(U)INS H4 46, Q(U)OIN H4 46, Q(U)INES H7 30
Q(U)INES H4 48 LongJump22, moonmonkey
Q(U)OINS H4 48 Mycophot
On 2nd draw, Q(U)OAD 4H 28 --- QUOAD so far as [conj]
Other tops: QADI(S) 4H 28, QAID(S) 4H 28
Other moves: AID(E)D 3E 24, DIOD(E) 3D 22, DI(E)D 3F 22, D(E)AD 3G 22, D(E)ID 3G 22
QADI(S) 4H 28 LongJump22
On 3rd draw, TOLUATE 3B 81 --- TOLUATE a chemical salt [n]
Other moves: TOLUATE G8 64, TOLUATE I8 64, TOLUATE I9 62, TOLUATES 9A 60, OUTATE 3C 29
TOLUATE 3B 81 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112
On 4th draw, PETRIFIC 6B 73 --- PETRIFIC petrifying [adj]
Other moves: PETRIFIC 6D 69, PERFECTI 8D 68, PERFECTI 8G 68, PREIF 5J 31, PRIEF 5J 31
PRIEF 5J 31 LongJump22
On 5th draw, EUGENIST 8H 80 --- EUGENIST a student of eugenics [n]
Other moves: EUGENIST C6 72, SAUTEING K3 68, DUNGIEST L4 61, EUGENIST 8E 60, TRUEING E5 32
On 6th draw, ARRIVES E5 40 --- ARRIVE to reach a destination [v]
Other moves: VERA 4A 30, VISA 4A 30, VILEST D1 26, SUASIVE N8 24, UREAS 5B 24
On 7th draw, ROADIE 8A 27 --- ROADIE a person who works for travelling entertainers [n]
Other moves: DARI 4A 22, DEAIR 5J 22, DERO 4A 22, AIDOI 7K 21, AIDOI 8A 21
On 8th draw, THEORISE O8 86 --- THEORISE to form theories [v]
Other tops: THEORIES O8 86
Other moves: HEROISES N1 76, NOSHERIE L8 74, HEROISES N3 65, ISOTHERE O5 62, HIREES F10 34
OHS 2E 31 OOOOOO1112, LLLLLL1112, MMMMMM1112
On 9th draw, JA 2F 52 --- JA yes (from German) [interj]
Other moves: CINEMA 2A 40, JAM 3K 36, JEAN 3J 36, CINEMAS N2 34, JANE 3K 34
JA 2F 52 moonmonkey, Mycophot
On 10th draw, XI F10 52 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other moves: NIX 7K 39, NOX 7K 39, XI 5K 39, OX 5J 38, OX 7L 36
XI F10 52 Mycophot, moonmonkey, LLLLLL1112, MMMMMM1112
On 11th draw, TOWZE 1G 54 --- TOWZE to haul [v]
Other moves: MOZE 1G 50, MOZ 1G 47, TOZE 1G 42, MOZE 5K 41, TOWZE 5K 41
On 12th draw, REDLINER A8 80 --- REDLINER one that redlines [n]
Other moves: REDLINES 14H 76, REDLINES N1 72, REDLINER 12H 70, SIDELINER 11E 70, NEEDLIER K6 68
On 13th draw, ANYON 2J 35 --- ANYON a projective representation of a Lie group [n]
Other tops: ANNOY 2J 35, ONLAY 2J 35
Other moves: DANDY L1 33, DYAD L1 32, SAY N8 32, SOY N8 32, ODYL B11 30
On 14th draw, GEAL O1 27 --- GEAL to congeal [v]
Other moves: UGALI 5J 23, GUILES 14J 22, AGUE N12 21, EGAL 5J 21, GALE N11 21
On 15th draw, WAMMUS 14J 42 --- WAMMUS a heavy jacket [n]
Other moves: SOWM N8 39, WOMANS 14J 38, OMASUM N5 37, WOMAN N11 37, SUMMA N8 36
On 16th draw, PYOT 5J 35 --- PYOT a magpie [n]
Other moves: PYOT 15H 34, POUTY D11 33, SOY N8 32, TYPO 15G 32, TODY 15I 31
On 17th draw, KOHA 4A 43 --- KOHA a gift or donation when visiting a marae [n]
Other moves: FAH 13K 41, FOH 13K 41, HAKU 7K 36, HOKA 7K 36, HOKI 7K 36
On 18th draw, BUMF L12 30 --- BUMF paperwork [n]
Other moves: FUD B12 27, SUB N8 26, FIB 7K 25, FUB 7K 25, DUMB L12 24
On 19th draw, ELDING 14A 24 --- ELDING eldin [n]
Other tops: ENGILD 14A 24
Other moves: ALGINIC C8 22, EILDING 14A 22, ELIDING 14A 22, AIDING C8 18, CID 6L 18
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