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Game on January 28, 2025 at 20:56, 12 players
1. 145 pts Pacific
2. 126 pts ArcticFox
3. 119 pts VVVVVV1112

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?adeisu   H8    68    68   residua
 2. ?afilot  15G   104   172   flokati
 3. aaeglor   G9    24   196   rolag
 4. abehipr   F8    33   229   pah
 5. deegiss   L8    72   301   sedgiest
 6. aeentuv   K4    22   323   avenue
 7. ceortxy   L1    48   371   oryx
 8. eimmoqr   J6    30   401   mim
 9. ekorttw   2J    42   443   worker
10. denortv   O1    42   485   drover
11. elnprtu   M2    34   519   kue
12. ehnoops  N10    44   563   pheons
13. abcenrt   I7    36   599   bate
14. abiloqt   1F    53   652   qibla
15. acegnot   3D    68   720   cognate
16. ainrtuz  E10    34   754   tzar
17. innotuw   O8    30   784   union
18. cdiinrt   D3    26   810   critic
19. deijlnt  D12    46   856   jedi

Remaining tiles: flntwy

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: master
  1.9749 FilePacific     2  2:24  -711  145     1.9749 Pacific     2  2:24  -711  145 
  2.7217 FileArcticFox   0  5:07  -730  126            Group: advanced
  3.7465 FileVVVVVV1112  2  4:25  -737  119     1.7217 ArcticFox   0  5:07  -730  126 
  4.7686 Filemoonmonkey  2  2:51  -740  116     2.7465 VVVVVV1112  2  4:25  -737  119 
  5.5568 FileLongJump22  0  1:56  -755  101     3.7686 moonmonkey  2  2:51  -740  116 
  6.5608 FileMMMMMM1112  0  4:24  -772   84     4.7685 Mycophot    1  2:29  -793   63 
  7.7685 FileMycophot    1  2:29  -793   63     5.7378 queen66     1  1:25  -814   42 
  8.5351 FileNNNNNN1112  0  2:53  -805   51            Group: novice
  9.  -  FileRRRRRR1144  1  1:57  -808   48     1.5568 LongJump22  0  1:56  -755  101 
 10.5623 FileLLLLLL1112  1  0:13  -814   42     2.5608 MMMMMM1112  0  4:24  -772   84 
 11.7378 Filequeen66     1  1:25  -814   42     3.5351 NNNNNN1112  0  2:53  -805   51 
 12.5581 FileOOOOOO1112  0  1:37  -826   30     4.5623 LLLLLL1112  1  0:13  -814   42 
                                             5.5581 OOOOOO1112  0  1:37  -826   30 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  RRRRRR1144  1  1:57  -808   48 

On 1st draw, (R)ESIDUA H8 68 --- RESIDUUM residue [n]
Other tops: AUDI(L)ES H2 68, A(G)UISED H6 68, DAU(T)IES H4 68, DEASIU(L) H4 68, DUA(L)ISE H4 68, SU(B)IDEA H8 68
Other moves: AUDI(L)ES H3 66, AUDI(L)ES H4 66, AUDI(L)ES H6 66, AUDI(L)ES H7 66, A(G)UISED H2 66

On 2nd draw, FLO(K)ATI 15G 104 --- FLOKATI a hand-woven Greek rug [n]
Other moves: FOLIAT(E) 15F 101, FO(X)TAIL 15B 101, FLOATI(E)(R) 8A 80, FOLIAT(E)D 12A 80, I(N)FLATO(R) 8A 80
FO(X)TAIL 15B 101 LongJump22
FAT(A)L 15D 57 Pacific

On 3rd draw, ROLAG G9 24 --- ROLAG sheep's wool for spinning [n]
Other moves: OARAGE G7 21, LAGER 14K 19, AUREOLA 13G 18, GORAL G7 17, RAGA G9 17

On 4th draw, PAH F8 33 --- PAH a Maori settlement [n] --- PAH used as an exclamation of disgust [interj]
Other tops: BAH F8 33, PEH F8 33
Other moves: REHAB F6 32, HEPAR 14K 31, RAH F8 31, REH F8 31, AH F9 30
PAH F8 33 moonmonkey
BAH F8 33 Mycophot

On 5th draw, SEDGIEST L8 72 --- SEDGY abounding in sedge [adj]
Other moves: DESSE I9 35, GESSE I9 35, SEEDS I9 33, DIESES N10 32, GESSED I7 32
SEDGES N10 30 Mycophot, moonmonkey, MMMMMM1112

On 6th draw, AVENUE K4 22 --- AVENUE a wide street [n]
Other moves: ETEN I8 21, NEAT K9 21, SAVE 8L 21, AUNE M10 20, AUNT M10 20

On 7th draw, ORYX L1 48 --- ORYX an African antelope [n]
Other tops: COXY L1 48
Other moves: COXY E9 45, YEX L2 44, CORTEX E9 43, COX L2 42, OX M12 38
COX L2 42 ArcticFox

On 8th draw, MIM J6 30 --- MIM primly demure [adj]
Other tops: GUMMIER 13G 30, MEM J6 30, MOM J6 30
Other moves: MEMOIR E10 29, MOME E9 29, MOMI E9 29, MIMEO 1H 27, MIMEO E10 27
MOM J2 25 ArcticFox
OE M3 24 MMMMMM1112

On 9th draw, WORKER 2J 42 --- WORKER one that works [n]
Other tops: KOTOWER 1I 42
Other moves: WOKE M7 41, WROKE M6 39, WROKE E9 38, WOK M7 37, KOTOW 1K 36
KOW J2 33 ArcticFox

On 10th draw, DROVER O1 42 --- DROVER a driver of cattle or sheep [n]
Other moves: DROVE O1 39, TROVER O1 39, TROVE O1 36, YODE 3L 33, VOTED E9 32
DROVER O1 42 LLLLLL1112, Pacific, queen66, VVVVVV1112

On 11th draw, KUE M2 34 --- KUE the letter Q [n]
Other moves: PRENUP 8A 33, REPULP 8A 33, PRENT E9 27, PRUNE E9 27, PRUNT E9 27

On 12th draw, PHEONS N10 44 --- PHEON a heraldic arrowhead [n]
Other tops: PHONES N10 44, PHONOS N10 44
Other moves: PHONO 1H 37, PHONOS E6 37, PHONO 1F 35, POSHO 1F 35, HOOPS E9 34

On 13th draw, BATE I7 36 --- BATE to reduce the force of [v]
Other moves: CATNEP 8A 33, BRACE E9 31, BRACT E9 31, REBATO 1G 31, MUSCAE 8J 30

On 14th draw, QIBLA 1F 53 --- QIBLA the direction Muslims face when praying [n]
Other moves: ABOIL O8 36, BLOAT O8 36, OBIA O8 27, BIOTA 1F 26, BITO 1G 23
QIBLA 1F 53 moonmonkey

On 15th draw, COGNATE 3D 68 --- COGNATE one that is related to another [n]
Other moves: TOECAP 8A 39, OCEAN O8 36, OCTANE E8 35, CATNEP 8A 33, OCTAN E8 33

On 16th draw, TZAR E10 34 --- TZAR an emperor or king [n]
Other moves: CZAR D3 30, TRAIN O8 30, CAZ D3 28, CUZ D3 28, ROZIT E2 28
ZERO 13K 26 ArcticFox

On 17th draw, UNION O8 30 --- UNION a number of persons, parties, or political entities united for a common purpose [n]
Other moves: WINNA 12A 24, NOWN D12 22, NOWT D12 22, TOWN D12 22, TWO O8 22

On 18th draw, CRITIC D3 26 --- CRITIC one who judges the merits of something [n]
Other tops: CITRIC D3 26
Other moves: CNIDA 12A 22, DICTA 12A 20, CINCT D3 18, CITRIN D3 18, DICT D1 18

On 19th draw, JEDI D12 46 --- JEDI a follower of Jedi philosophy (Star Wars film) [n]
Other moves: JET D12 40, JILTED 5C 28, DINE E5 27, DITE E5 27, JET 6B 26
JEDI D12 46 Pacific

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