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Game on January 28, 2025 at 23:56, 5 players
1. 274 pts sunshine12
2. 12 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 12 pts roocatcher

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?cdiott   H4    74    74   cottoid
 2. ?aaehps   G6    86   160   saphena
 3. eegnoru  13B    29   189   engore
 4. aelrssy   B9    34   223   eyases
 5. ehiorst   A3    94   317   shortie
 6. adegoty  H12    42   359   edgy
 7. adeenru   D7    72   431   underage
 8. abeinnv   F9    28   459   ab
 9. aklnouw   4G    30   489   acknow
10. afioruv   5K    29   518   fora
11. bdilmou   O5    37   555   moduli
12. aeiltuv   N1    31   586   valuate
13. bgiiuvx  N10    50   636   xi
14. cilortu   1L    24   660   rivo
15. beefntu   B1    33   693   butene
16. eilnnot   1A    24   717   obeli
17. afimnrw   M7    28   745   faw
18. iimnrtz   3E    45   790   miz
19. cgiinrt  14H    26   816   gricing

Remaining tiles: jlnpqtv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7039 Filesunshine12  0 12:16  -542  274     1.7039 sunshine12  0 12:16  -542  274 
  2.7325 FileGLOBEMAN    0  1:22  -804   12     2.7325 GLOBEMAN    0  1:22  -804   12 
  3.7165 Fileroocatcher  0  1:54  -804   12     3.7165 roocatcher  0  1:54  -804   12 
  4.  -  FileBadBoyBen   0  1:03  -808    8            Group: not rated
  5.  -  Filechunk88     0  0:32  -812    4     1.  -  BadBoyBen   0  1:03  -808    8 
                                             2.  -  chunk88     0  0:32  -812    4 

On 1st draw, COTT(O)ID H4 74 --- COTTOID pertaining to a cottus [adj]
Other tops: COTTID(S) H4 74, C(O)TTOID H4 74
Other moves: COTTID(S) H7 72, COTT(O)ID H6 72, C(O)TTOID H6 72, COTTID(S) H2 70, COTTID(S) H3 70
COIT(S) H4 18 sunshine12

On 2nd draw, SAPHE(N)A G6 86 --- SAPHENA a large vein in the leg [n]
Other tops: SAPHEA(D) G6 86
Other moves: A(W)HAPES G7 82, PHASEA(L) G8 81, CHAPEA(U)S 4H 80, ACA(L)EPHS 4G 78, PA(K)EHAS G9 78
CHAPES 4H 26 sunshine12

On 3rd draw, ENGORE 13B 29 --- ENGORE to gore [v]
Other moves: GENRE 13C 27, GERNE 13C 27, GRONE 13C 27, ORGUE 13C 27, ROGUE 13C 27
GONER F10 24 sunshine12

On 4th draw, EYASES B9 34 --- EYAS an untrained young hawk [n]
Other tops: LYASES B9 34
Other moves: YALES B10 32, YESES B10 32, YEAS I6 30, YEAS 12B 29, LEARY F10 27
SAY H13 26 sunshine12

On 5th draw, SHORTIE A3 94 --- SHORTIE one who is not tall [n]
Other moves: HOISTER A3 85, TOSHIER A3 85, TOSHIER I7 85, HOARIEST 12E 81, HERIOTS C3 77
SHOT A8 33 sunshine12

On 6th draw, EDGY H12 42 --- EDGY tense, nervous, or irritable [adj]
Other moves: YEAD I6 34, GOARY F10 33, DAGGY D11 30, DAY H13 30, DEY H13 30
GATED B1 24 sunshine12

On 7th draw, UNDERAGE D7 72 --- UNDERAGE a shortage [n]
Other moves: DERANGE D8 22, ENRAGED D9 22, GRANDEE 14H 22, GRENADE 14H 22, GUARDEE 14H 22
CANER 4H 14 sunshine12

On 8th draw, AB F9 28 --- AB an abdominal muscle [n]
Other moves: BAVIN C3 25, BA F10 23, BE F10 23, BI F10 23, VIAE B2 23
CABIN 4H 18 sunshine12

On 9th draw, ACKNOW 4G 30 --- ACKNOW to recognize [v]
Other moves: HAWK 4A 28, HOWK 4A 28, UNCLOAK 4F 26, KOAN B2 25, KOULAN C2 25

On 10th draw, FORA 5K 29 --- FORUM a public meeting place [n]
Other tops: FOUR 5K 29, UFO 5J 29
Other moves: FOR 5K 27, FOU 5K 27, FAVOUR E2 26, FAVOR E3 24, FAVOUR K1 24

On 11th draw, MODULI O5 37 --- MODULUS a number that produces the same remainder when divided into each of two numbers [n]
Other tops: ODIUM O1 37
Other moves: GUMBOIL 14H 36, MOULD O5 34, SOLIDUM 3A 33, DOLIUM C2 31, IDOLUM C2 31

On 12th draw, VALUATE N1 31 --- VALUATE to appraise [v]
Other moves: AVIATE N2 29, ELUVIA N9 28, AVITAL N1 26, VITAE B1 25, ALIVE N10 24

On 13th draw, XI N10 50 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other tops: XU N10 50
Other moves: XI C7 36, XU C7 36, BOX E12 25, XI 10N 25, GOX E12 23

On 14th draw, RIVO 1L 24 --- RIVO a drinking cry [interj]
Other moves: CARRIO(N) 11A 21, COIR B2 21, CITO B1 19, CLOUT 3C 19, COURT 3C 19
TIC M11 12 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher

On 15th draw, BUTENE B1 33 --- BUTENE a gaseous hydrocarbon [n]
Other moves: BETON E10 32, FUB M7 26, BUTENE C3 23, EFT 6J 23, SUBTEEN 3A 23
BUNT M11 16 sunshine12
BE M11 8 BadBoyBen
TE M11 4 chunk88

On 16th draw, OBELI 1A 24 --- OBELUS a symbol used in ancient manuscripts to indicate a doubtful passage [n]
Other moves: TENNO C4 23, TONNE C4 23, EBON 1A 21, OBIT 1A 21, NEON C4 20
OBIT 1A 21 sunshine12

On 17th draw, FAW M7 28 --- FAW a gypsy [n]
Other moves: FRAIM E3 24, MAW M7 24, WAIF 3D 23, AWN F1 22, FAN M7 22
FARM E4 22 sunshine12

On 18th draw, MIZ 3E 45 --- MIZ misery [n]
Other moves: RITZ 3D 44, RIZ 3E 43, HERTZ 4A 34, MIZ M11 32, ZIN J2 32
MIZ M11 32 sunshine12

On 19th draw, GRICING 14H 26 --- GRICING train-spotting as a hobby [n]
Other moves: GIRTING 14H 22, MIRIN E3 16, ONIRIC 5A 16, CIG E5 15, CAIRN 11A 14

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