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Game on January 29, 2025 at 00:42, 5 players
1. 126 pts sunshine12
2. 32 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 32 pts roocatcher

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aehnnov   H4    30    30   haven
 2. ?imnoor   8H    86   116   norimons
 3. ceiinpr   M5    66   182   pecorini
 4. einottu   J8    62   244   ritenuto
 5. aeipsuv  11E    48   292   peavies
 6. bdefgor   5E    48   340   foraged
 7. ?deiilu   O8    74   414   sedilium
 8. eflorst  12A    86   500   florets
 9. adeistw   3B    86   586   dawties
10. aekorxy   6C    63   649   oryx
11. aeghouw   4A    46   695   howe
12. abeklrt  10B    49   744   bleak
13. ginostu   H1    42   786   unshaven
14. agimntu  14F    67   853   mutating
15. aegjloz   A4    51   904   hazel
16. aboqsty  15G    39   943   toyos
17. aabcegr   2A    34   977   raca
18. abdegjq  13I    49  1026   jube

Remaining tiles: adgq

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7028 Filesunshine12  0  4:54  -900  126     1.7028 sunshine12  0  4:54  -900  126 
  2.7325 FileGLOBEMAN    0  1:08  -994   32     2.7325 GLOBEMAN    0  1:08  -994   32 
  3.7165 Fileroocatcher  0  1:38  -994   32     3.7165 roocatcher  0  1:38  -994   32 
  4.  -  Filechunk88     0  0:04  -998   28            Group: not rated
  5.  -  FileBadBoyBen   0  0:36 -1011   15     1.  -  chunk88     0  0:04  -998   28 
                                             2.  -  BadBoyBen   0  0:36 -1011   15 

On 1st draw, HAVEN H4 30 --- HAVEN to shelter [v]
Other tops: HOVEA H4 30, HOVEN H4 30
Other moves: HAVEN H8 24, HENNA H4 24, HONAN H4 24, HOVEA H8 24, HOVEN H8 24

On 2nd draw, NORIMON(S) 8H 86 --- NORIMON a Japanese palanquin [n]
Other moves: MORION(S) 3B 79, HORMONI(C) 4H 74, MONI(T)OR G7 72, MONI(T)OR I7 72, MOONI(E)R G7 72
HORMON(E) 4H 22 sunshine12

On 3rd draw, PECORINI M5 66 --- PECORINO a hard cheese made from sheep's milk [n]
Other moves: RIPIENI K5 36, PERICON M3 30, PONCIER M7 30, PORCINE M7 30, PORCINI M7 30
PE 7M 16 sunshine12

On 4th draw, RITENUTO J8 62 --- RITENUTO a restrained musical passage [n]
Other moves: MOTET L8 24, TENUTI N10 24, TENUTO N10 24, TONITE N10 24, TOUTIE N1 24

On 5th draw, PEAVIES 11E 48 --- PEAVY a lever used to move logs [n]
Other moves: SPAVIE 3H 40, SPAVIE N1 34, PAVES N2 32, PAVIS N2 32, SPIV L12 30
PAVES N2 32 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher

On 6th draw, FORAGED 5E 48 --- FORAGE to search about [v]
Other tops: FORBODE 15I 48
Other moves: DEFOG N10 42, FORBODE 15F 42, FORGED N1 41, GROOF 15H 39, FORGED 12A 37
FED N10 33 sunshine12
FE N10 28 chunk88
RIFE 10L 15 BadBoyBen

On 7th draw, (S)EDILIU(M) O8 74 --- SEDILIUM a seat in a church for officiating clergy [n]
Other moves: DILUTI(V)E 14F 62, DI(G)ITULE 14F 62, U(G)LIFIED E1 61, (F)LUIDI(S)E O2 58, U(T)ILI(S)ED O3 57
LI(N)ED 6B 23 sunshine12

On 8th draw, FLORETS 12A 86 --- FLORET a small flower [n]
Other moves: FLORETS 3B 84, LOFTERS 3B 84, LOFTERS 12A 80, FLORETS 9B 74, LOFTERS 9B 74

On 9th draw, DAWTIES 3B 86 --- DAWTIE a small pet [n]
Other moves: DAWTIES 9B 75, WAISTED 3E 75, SWIFTED A9 42, WETAS 13C 42, STAWED N1 39

On 10th draw, ORYX 6C 63 --- ORYX an African antelope [n]
Other moves: KEX 6D 60, KEX N4 59, YEX 6D 59, YEX N4 58, VOX 6H 57

On 11th draw, HOWE 4A 46 --- HOWE a valley [n]
Other moves: HOWE 10D 40, WAGE 4A 40, HEW 13C 38, AWE 10E 36, HAW 10D 36

On 12th draw, BLEAK 10B 49 --- BLEAK a freshwater fish [n] --- BLEAK dreary [adj]
Other tops: BREAK 10B 49
Other moves: LEAK 2C 48, REAK 2C 48, TEAK 2C 48, BRAKE 10C 46, BAKE 10D 45

On 13th draw, UNSHAVEN H1 42 --- SHAVE to sever the hair close to the roots [adj] --- UNSHAVEN not shaven [adj]
Other moves: HOGNUT A4 30, HONGIS A4 30, HOSING A4 30, HINGS A4 27, HOING A4 27

On 14th draw, MUTATING 14F 67 --- MUTATE to undergo mutation [v]
Other moves: HAMING A4 36, HITMAN A4 33, HUMINT A4 33, AMONG 15H 30, HATING A4 30

On 15th draw, HAZEL A4 51 --- HAZEL a shrub [n]
Other tops: GAJO 2A 51
Other moves: FAZE A12 48, L*Z 7G 44, JUGA 13I 42, JEEZ J3 40, ZOEAL N2 40

On 16th draw, TOYOS 15G 39 --- TOYO a smooth straw used for making hats [n]
Other moves: QAT 2A 38, BANTY 2F 36, OBEY 7F 35, SABOT 15G 35, TABOO 15G 35

On 17th draw, RACA 2A 34 --- RACA worthless [adj]
Other tops: RACE 2A 34
Other moves: ACE 2B 32, BARE 2A 32, CARE 2A 32, AREA 2B 30, BAC 2A 30

On 18th draw, JUBE 13I 49 --- JUBE a platform in a church [n]
Other tops: JUBA 13I 49
Other moves: JUGA 13I 47, JUD 13I 44, JUG 13I 44, BEGAD N2 37, ABED 13B 33

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