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Game on January 29, 2025 at 06:46, 2 players
1. 486 pts fatcat
2. 75 pts Chelsea

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aehilpv   H4    30    30   halve
 2. aeeelnw   G3    20    50   wale
 3. ?eilnvy   9H    78   128   sylvine
 4. aeeimno   8L    38   166   mine
 5. abcdhos   2A   104   270   bodachs
 6. ?eepstu   5C    90   360   peculates
 7. afilmnx   1A    59   419   alif
 8. ddeirrt   F4    29   448   ruddier
 9. aekmoos  10M    37   485   ska
10. eeiprty   C5    69   554   peripety
11. aceinnu  D10    36   590   neanic
12. abgintu  15D    33   623   cubing
13. aeggmor  B10    48   671   marge
14. aioortt   A1    33   704   abattoir
15. foostuw   6J    33   737   foots
16. aegotwz  14G    41   778   toaze
17. dgoouwx   D4    35   813   wex
18. dgoooru  L11    28   841   good
19. ijnoqru   N1    30   871   quinos

Remaining tiles: jru

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6395 Filefatcat      2 13:54  -385  486     1.7139 Chelsea     1  3:02  -796   75 
  2.7139 FileChelsea     1  3:02  -796   75            Group: intermediate
                                             1.6395 fatcat      2 13:54  -385  486 

On 1st draw, HALVE H4 30 --- HALVE to divide into two equal parts [v]
Other moves: ALEPH H8 28, PHIAL H4 26, HALVE H8 24, ALEPH H4 22, HALVE H5 22
HIVE H6 20 fatcat

On 2nd draw, WALE G3 20 --- WALE to mark with welts [v]
Other tops: WANE G3 20, WENA G3 20, WENA I3 20
Other moves: NEWEL G1 19, NEWEL I1 19, ALEW I2 18, ANEW I2 18, AWEE G2 18
NEWEL 6D 16 fatcat

On 3rd draw, (S)YLVINE 9H 78 --- SYLVINE an ore of potassium [n]
Other tops: NE(R)VILY 9F 78
Other moves: (S)YLVINE 2G 77, (S)YLVINE I8 68, LEVYIN(G) I8 66, NE(R)VILY G8 66, NE(R)VILY I8 66
YELLIN(G) 6F 19 fatcat

On 4th draw, MINE 8L 38 --- MINE to dig into for valuable materials [v]
Other tops: MANE 8L 38, MANI 8L 38, MANO 8L 38, MEAN 8L 38, MENE 8L 38, MENO 8L 38, MIEN 8L 38, MINA 8L 38, MINO 8L 38, MOAI 8L 38, MOAN 8L 38, MONA 8L 38
Other moves: NAME F4 32, NAM F4 31, AMENE F5 27, AMINE F5 27, AMINO F5 27
MEAN 8L 38 fatcat

On 5th draw, BODACHS 2A 104 --- BODACH an old man [n]
Other moves: BODACHS F2 103, BODACHS F6 88, BODACHS 2E 84, COHABS F2 53, BODACH F2 52
HOB 7M 29 fatcat

On 6th draw, PE(C)ULATES 5C 90 --- PECULATE to embezzle [v]
Other moves: EUP(H)EMIST L3 74, DEPUT(I)ES C2 72, DEPUT(I)SE C2 72, STEEPU(P) F6 71, A(M)PUTEES D2 70
PESTE(R) O7 20 fatcat

On 7th draw, ALIF 1A 59 --- ALIF an Arabic letter [n]
Other moves: XI 6J 52, FAX 3B 46, FIX 3B 46, AMIN 1A 43, AXIL 3A 43
XI 6J 52 fatcat

On 8th draw, RUDDIER F4 29 --- RUDDY having a healthy, reddish color [adj]
Other tops: STRIVED K5 29
Other moves: DIVED K7 27, DIVERT K7 27, STRIVER K5 27, NEDDIER N8 26, RED 3B 26
DIED 6J 19 fatcat

On 9th draw, SKA 10M 37 --- SKA a popular music of Jamaica [n]
Other moves: KINEMAS M7 36, MAKE 7K 35, MAKO 7K 35, KA 10N 33, KAM 7M 33
MAKES E9 28 fatcat

On 10th draw, PERIPETY C5 69 --- PERIPETY a sudden change in a course of events [n]
Other moves: YEP 3B 38, YET 3B 32, PEE 3B 29, PER 3B 29, PET 3B 29
VERY K9 20 fatcat

On 11th draw, NEANIC D10 36 --- NEANIC during adolescence [adj]
Other moves: ENIAC D9 32, NEANIC B10 31, NUANCE B10 31, N*NC* B10 29, CAVIE K7 27
VICE K9 18 fatcat

On 12th draw, CUBING 15D 33 --- CUBE to form into a cube (a regular solid) [v]
Other moves: TUBA B8 32, GUB B8 30, BATING 4J 28, TUB B8 28, ACTING 15C 27
BAIT 8A 21 fatcat

On 13th draw, MARGE B10 48 --- MARGE a margin [n]
Other moves: AGER 3A 33, AREG 3A 33, MARG B10 33, MARE B10 32, MAR B10 31
MORE 6J 24 fatcat, Chelsea

On 14th draw, ABATTOIR A1 33 --- ABATTOIR a public slaughterhouse [n]
Other moves: ARIOT A7 25, OTTAR A7 25, TAROT A7 25, TOROT A7 25, TROAT A7 25
TAROT A7 25 fatcat
ROTA A7 18 Chelsea

On 15th draw, FOOTS 6J 33 --- FOOT to walk [v]
Other moves: FOOT 6J 30, FOUS 6J 30, FOU 6J 29, WOOFS 4J 29, WOFS 4J 27
FOOTS 6J 33 fatcat, Chelsea

On 16th draw, TOAZE 14G 41 --- TOAZE to tease out [v]
Other moves: AZOTE 14I 37, TOWZES N1 36, AZO 14I 35, AZOTES N1 30, GAZES N2 30
AZO 14I 35 fatcat

On 17th draw, WEX D4 35 --- WEX to wax [v]
Other moves: GOWD L11 34, WOOD L11 32, DEX D4 31, WOX 13K 31, WUD L12 30
VOX K9 26 fatcat

On 18th draw, GOOD L11 28 --- GOOD having positive or desirable properties [adj] --- GOOD something that is good [n]
Other tops: ORDO L12 28
Other moves: DROOG 15K 27, GOD L12 26, ROOD L11 26, ORD L12 24, OUD L12 24
DRUG 13K 15 fatcat

On 19th draw, QUINOS N1 30 --- QUINO a game of chance [n]
Other tops: QUOINS N1 30
Other moves: QUINS N2 28, QUINT M2 28, QUIRT M2 28, QUOIT M2 28, QUIT M3 26
QUINS N2 28 fatcat

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