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Game on January 29, 2025 at 23:23, 5 players
1. 235 pts sunshine12
2. 142 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 85 pts roocatcher

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?bhioot   H8    80    80   booshit
 2. aelnouy   I5    26   106   onlay
 3. aefrstu  14H    76   182   tartufes
 4. aegilou   O7    80   262   eulogias
 5. eikmrtw   5D   118   380   timework
 6. abdeiir   D2    78   458   diatribe
 7. adefiln   3C    78   536   finialed
 8. aeginos   C6    75   611   agonise
 9. aeglrst   N1    72   683   largest
10. aenptyz  N10    72   755   zap
11. ceoortu  11E    86   841   outscore
12. ?inotvv   L1    39   880   vinos
13. eeinptw  B10    49   929   pewit
14. aeehsuv  13A    32   961   vise
15. acdenny   6B    43  1004   cardy
16. aehnnux   2D    54  1058   dex
17. dehmnqu   L8    48  1106   queen
18. adhjmnr   G7    51  1157   haj

Remaining tiles: dmnr

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7072 Filesunshine12  2  9:35  -922  235     1.7072 sunshine12  2  9:35  -922  235 
  2.7401 FileGLOBEMAN    1  5:43 -1015  142     2.7401 GLOBEMAN    1  5:43 -1015  142 
  3.7089 Fileroocatcher  1  0:57 -1072   85     3.7089 roocatcher  1  0:57 -1072   85 
  4.  -  Filechunk88     0  0:38 -1131   26            Group: not rated
  5.  -  FileBadBoyBen   0  1:04 -1152    5     1.  -  chunk88     0  0:38 -1131   26 
                                             2.  -  BadBoyBen   0  1:04 -1152    5 

On 1st draw, BOO(S)HIT H8 80 --- BOOSHIT (Australian slang) excellent [n]
Other moves: BOO(S)HIT H4 78, BOO(S)HIT H2 74, BOO(S)HIT H3 74, BOO(S)HIT H6 74, BOO(S)HIT H7 74

On 2nd draw, ONLAY I5 26 --- ONLAY something laid over something else [n]
Other tops: ONLAY G5 26, UNLAY G5 26, UNLAY I5 26
Other moves: AYE I8 25, AYU I8 25, OYE I8 25, HAUYNE 12H 24, LAY G7 24

On 3rd draw, TARTUFES 14H 76 --- TARTUFE a hypocrite [n]
Other moves: TARTUFES 14E 71, AFTERSUN 6B 65, FAUTORS 5E 40, FEATOUS 5E 40, TERFS H1 38

On 4th draw, EULOGIAS O7 80 --- EULOGIA holy bread [n]
Other moves: EULOGIA G5 78, EULOGIA(S) 11A 66, EULOGIA G2 65, EULOGIAE N7 61, GOALIE H1 28

On 5th draw, TIMEWORK 5D 118 --- TIMEWORK work paid for by the hour or by the day [n]
Other moves: MEW N8 35, MIKE 13G 31, MEW J8 29, META 13L 28, TRIKE 13F 28

On 6th draw, DIATRIBE D2 78 --- DIATRIBE a bitter and abusive criticism [n]
Other moves: BRAIDE 4A 35, BRAIDER J4 32, ABIDER 4B 31, BRIDIE 6B 30, DEBAR 4C 30

On 7th draw, FINIALED 3C 78 --- FINIAL a decorating on the top of a gable [adj] --- FINIALED having a finial [adj]
Other moves: FINIALED 3A 76, AFIELD C8 41, FLIED G9 41, FADEIN C9 37, FAILED C9 37

On 8th draw, AGONISE C6 75 --- AGONISE to suffer agony [v]
Other tops: AGONIES C6 75
Other moves: AGONISE N1 72, AGONIES C9 71, AGONISE C9 71, AGONIES E9 68, AGONISE E9 68

On 9th draw, LARGEST N1 72 --- LARGE of considerable size or quantity [adj]
Other moves: GALES L1 34, GASTER L3 34, GATES L1 34, GEALS L1 34, GEARS L1 34

On 10th draw, ZAP N10 72 --- ZAP to kill or destroy instantaneously [v]
Other moves: ZA N10 65, PIZE 13G 51, PANTY B10 46, PEATY B10 46, ZANY G7 44

On 11th draw, OUT(S)CORE 11E 86 --- OUTSCORE to score more points than [v]
Other moves: ECOTOUR E9 71, TOCO G7 28, CELT 1L 27, COLE 1L 27, COLT 1L 27

On 12th draw, VINO(S) L1 39 --- VINO wine [n]
Other tops: VINT(S) L1 39
Other moves: VI(S)ON 10B 34, VI(S)TO 10B 34, OV(O)LI 1K 33, VOLT 1L 33, (O)VOLI 1K 33
VOLT 1L 33 sunshine12

On 13th draw, PEWIT B10 49 --- PEWIT the lapwing [n]
Other moves: PEEWIT B10 48, PENIE B10 40, NEPIT B8 35, DIPNET 2D 33, PEEWIT 12A 32
PEW 10J 31 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN

On 14th draw, VISE 13A 32 --- VISE to hold in a vise (a clamping device) [v] --- VISE to visa [v]
Other tops: EISH 13A 32, VISA 13A 32
Other moves: HAE 10J 31, HAE 2F 31, HUE 10J 31, DAH 2D 30, DUH 2D 30

On 15th draw, CARDY 6B 43 --- CARDY a short form of cardigan, a woollen jacket which buttons in front [n]
Other moves: CARNY 6B 41, DENY D12 38, YEAD D12 38, YEED D12 38, YEDE D12 36
AYE O1 31 roocatcher, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
AY O1 26 chunk88
AY 2N 5 BadBoyBen

On 16th draw, DEX 2D 54 --- DEX a sulfate used as a central nervous system stimulant [n]
Other tops: DUX 2D 54
Other moves: HAVEN A11 51, HEX 12J 51, AXE O1 47, AX O1 42, AXE 13K 41
DEX 2D 54 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher, sunshine12

On 17th draw, QUEEN L8 48 --- QUEEN to make a queen (a female monarch) of [v]
Other moves: QUEMED L7 38, HEM 10J 35, HUM 10J 35, DEEM D12 34, MEED D12 34
HEM 10J 35 sunshine12

On 18th draw, HAJ G7 51 --- HAJ a pilgrimage to Mecca [n]
Other moves: RAJ G7 45, JAM G7 39, DERM D12 34, HAJ 14D 34, MEAD D12 34
HAJ G7 51 sunshine12

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