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Game on January 30, 2025 at 01:41, 5 players
1. 225 pts sunshine12
2. 18 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 17 pts roocatcher

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aceenot   H3    74    74   acetone
 2. acimnor   3G    86   160   macaroni
 3. ?aahmot   5E    98   258   atheroma
 4. ehistuv   O1    52   310   tushie
 5. glostux   6J    54   364   xu
 6. abbeort   E4    74   438   bareboat
 7. ?aadfqu  12A    60   498   quads
 8. adgintz   2J    70   568   zati
 9. deiilnv   2B    28   596   divine
10. egoorst  10A    75   671   rootages
11. deopsuy  A12    48   719   quey
12. dejnops   G7    48   767   jonesed
13. eeiklnr   1E    40   807   kerel
14. egilopr   I7    31   838   lep
15. adgiisv  H12    38   876   divi
16. aeiprrw   A4    36   912   parrier
17. fginosw   M5    82   994   sowfing
18. afglnwy   8L    42  1036   affy

Remaining tiles: gllnw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7039 Filesunshine12  2  6:49  -811  225     1.7039 sunshine12  2  6:49  -811  225 
  2.7365 FileGLOBEMAN    0  1:39 -1018   18     2.7365 GLOBEMAN    0  1:39 -1018   18 
  3.7089 Fileroocatcher  0  0:40 -1019   17     3.7089 roocatcher  0  0:40 -1019   17 
  4.  -  FileBadBoyBen   0  1:43 -1019   17            Group: not rated
  5.  -  Filechunk88     0  1:11 -1024   12     1.  -  BadBoyBen   0  1:43 -1019   17 
                                             2.  -  chunk88     0  1:11 -1024   12 

On 1st draw, ACETONE H3 74 --- ACETONE a flammable liquid [n]
Other moves: ACETONE H2 70, ACETONE H4 70, ACETONE H6 70, ACETONE H7 70, ACETONE H8 70

On 2nd draw, MACARONI 3G 86 --- MACARONI a tubular pasta [n]
Other moves: MAROCAIN 3C 82, MAROCAIN 3G 82, ARMONICA 3A 80, MARCONI G7 78, MARCONI I7 78

On 3rd draw, ATHE(R)OMA 5E 98 --- ATHEROMA a disease of the arteries [n]
Other moves: ACH(R)OMAT I2 90, MA(R)ATHON 8A 89, HOA(S)TMAN 8A 86, HEMATO(M)A 5G 74, HE(M)ATOMA 5G 74

On 4th draw, TUSHIE O1 52 --- TUSHIE the buttocks [n]
Other moves: EISH O1 46, TUSH O1 46, HEIST 6J 37, HEST O1 37, HIST O1 37

On 5th draw, XU 6J 54 --- XU a monetary unit of Vietnam [n]
Other moves: XIS N2 43, SOX I7 41, OX I8 36, SOX 10H 36, XI N2 36

On 6th draw, BAREBOAT E4 74 --- BAREBOAT a pleasure boat rented without personnel [n]
Other moves: BABE 2J 32, BATH 4L 32, BETH 4L 32, BOBA 2J 32, BOTH 4L 32

On 7th draw, QUAD(S) 12A 60 --- QUAD to space out by means of quadrats [v]
Other moves: (S)QUAB 8A 48, QUO(T)A L1 46, U(M)IAQ N1 46, AQUA(S) 12A 40, (S)UQ 10H 40

On 8th draw, ZATI 2J 70 --- ZATI the bonnet-monkey [n]
Other moves: ZAG 2J 69, ZA 2J 64, HAZING G5 58, ZING G7 51, ZATI G7 50
QAID A12 42 sunshine12

On 9th draw, DIVINE 2B 28 --- DIVINE pertaining to or characteristic of a god [adj] --- DIVINE having godlike qualities (DIVINER, DIVINEST) [adj] --- DIVINE pertaining to a god [adj] --- DIVINE to foretell by occult means [v]
Other moves: INVALID C9 24, LEND F7 24, LIED F7 24, LIND F7 24, NIED F7 24
DIVE 7K 18 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN

On 10th draw, ROOTAGES 10A 75 --- ROOTAGE a system of roots [n]
Other moves: ROOTAGES C8 70, GORES 1E 28, GORSE 1E 28, SOGER 1E 28, TOGES 1E 28
GOT 1A 17 roocatcher
OS 7J 17 BadBoyBen
GO 1A 12 chunk88

On 11th draw, QUEY A12 48 --- QUEY a young cow [n]
Other moves: QUEP A12 45, QUOP A12 45, ROQUES A10 45, QUOD A12 42, PUDSY N6 35
QUEY A12 48 sunshine12

On 12th draw, JONESED G7 48 --- JONES to have a strong craving for something [v]
Other moves: JONES G7 43, DOJOS 7G 38, JO G7 36, DOJO 7G 32, POOJAS C8 32

On 13th draw, KEREL 1E 40 --- KEREL (Afrikaans) a chap or fellow [n]
Other tops: KERNE 1E 40
Other moves: EEK I7 39, LEK I7 39, KERN 1E 37, KIRN 1E 37, LEEK H12 33

On 14th draw, LEP I7 31 --- LEP to leap [v]
Other tops: LOP I7 31, REP I7 31
Other moves: PIROG N6 28, GOE I7 27, GRIPER A5 27, GROPER A5 27, LEG I7 27
GRIPER A5 27 sunshine12

On 15th draw, DIVI H12 38 --- DIVI short for dividend [n]
Other tops: DIVA H12 38, DIVS H12 38
Other moves: DAGS H12 32, DIGS H12 32, DAIS H12 29, DISA H12 29, DIVAS 7K 29
VID 1A 27 sunshine12

On 16th draw, PARRIER A4 36 --- PARRIER one that parries [n]
Other moves: WARPER N6 34, PREWAR A5 33, WARPER A5 33, WIPER N6 33, WARIER N6 32
PARRIER A4 36 sunshine12

On 17th draw, SOWFING M5 82 --- SOWF to whistle softly [v]
Other moves: SOWFING J9 74, SOWFING N5 74, SIF 3A 35, WONGIS N6 33, FIGOS N6 32
W*G 1A 27 sunshine12

On 18th draw, AFFY 8L 42 --- AFFY to trust [v]
Other moves: ANY N8 34, FY N9 34, FAWNY 10J 30, GOWANY C9 30, FLAGGY 11I 28

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