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Game on January 30, 2025 at 12:28, 10 players
1. 327 pts Chelsea
2. 245 pts LongJump22
3. 213 pts VVVVVV1112

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?acemor   H7    76    76   romance
 2. acgmoos  14D    26   102   comas
 3. degilow  11B    74   176   doweling
 4. adegloo  12A    32   208   gade
 5. deiklpt  13E    34   242   peke
 6. ?bintuu   7D    63   305   unturbid
 7. deinoou   8K    25   330   odeon
 8. ailprtu   N6    68   398   troupial
 9. aeinoxy   6I    54   452   ox
10. aehhiin  O12    44   496   haen
11. beiijor  10A    33   529   jobe
12. aeiisty   8A    35   564   seity
13. aeghiqs  15A    47   611   sigh
14. aefinrr   A1    86   697   refrains
15. denotvy   B2    33   730   tyed
16. ailsvvz   O1    59   789   vizsla
17. aiiortv   4H    74   863   ovaritis
18. aeflnrt  M12    29   892   fane
19. enqrtuw   J2    32   924   qua

Remaining tiles: elnrtw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7141 FileChelsea     4 12:14  -597  327     1.7141 Chelsea     4 12:14  -597  327 
  2.5409 FileLongJump22  4  3:51  -679  245     2.7544 VVVVVV1112  3  3:48  -711  213 
  3.7544 FileVVVVVV1112  3  3:48  -711  213     3.7746 sicilianc5  2  6:28  -788  136 
  4.7746 Filesicilianc5  2  6:28  -788  136     4.7660 queen66     0  0:45  -897   27 
  5.5652 FileOOOOOO1112  1  2:37  -868   56     5.7725 moonmonkey  0  1:10  -897   27 
  6.5665 FileLLLLLL1112  0  3:09  -870   54            Group: novice
  7.7660 Filequeen66     0  0:45  -897   27     1.5409 LongJump22  4  3:51  -679  245 
  8.7725 Filemoonmonkey  0  1:10  -897   27     2.5652 OOOOOO1112  1  2:37  -868   56 
  9.5591 FileMMMMMM1112  0  1:30  -900   24     3.5665 LLLLLL1112  0  3:09  -870   54 
 10.5488 FileNNNNNN1112  0  1:50  -900   24     4.5591 MMMMMM1112  0  1:30  -900   24 
                                             5.5488 NNNNNN1112  0  1:50  -900   24 

On 1st draw, ROMA(N)CE H7 76 --- ROMANCE to woo [v]
Other tops: AMORCE(S) H3 76, AMORCE(S) H8 76, CAROME(D) H4 76, CAROME(D) H8 76, CAROME(L) H4 76, CAROME(L) H8 76, COMA(K)ER H2 76, COMA(K)ER H4 76, COMRA(D)E H2 76, COMRA(D)E H4 76, COM(P)ARE H2 76, COM(P)ARE H4 76, COM(P)EAR H2 76, COM(P)EAR H4 76, COREM(I)A H4 76, COREM(I)A H8 76, CREMO(N)A H4 76, MORCEA(U) H4 76, ROMA(N)CE H2 76
Other moves: AMORCE(S) H2 72, AMORCE(S) H4 72, AMORCE(S) H7 72, CAROME(D) H2 72, CAROME(D) H3 72
MORCEA(U) H4 76 LongJump22
COMRA(D)E H4 26 sicilianc5

On 2nd draw, COMAS 14D 26 --- COMA a tuft of silky hairs [n]
Other tops: CAMOS 14D 26, COOM G6 26
Other moves: OCCAMS 12G 24, OGAM G7 24, SOOM G6 24, OCAS 14E 23, OOM G7 23
COMAS 14D 26 Chelsea, sicilianc5

On 3rd draw, DOWELI(N)G 11B 74 --- DOWEL to fasten with wooden pins [v]
Other moves: GLE(N)OID 11E 32, GLOWED G5 29, LOWED G6 27, DOWEL G6 26, OWED G7 26
DOWELI(N)G 11B 74 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112
WIDE I8 23 Chelsea

On 4th draw, GADE 12A 32 --- GADE a spear [n]
Other tops: LOOED 12A 32
Other moves: LADE 12A 28, LODE 12A 28, ODEA 12B 28, DELO 12C 27, OGDOAD B9 26
GADE 12A 32 LongJump22, Chelsea, OOOOOO1112

On 5th draw, PEKE 13E 34 --- PEKE a small, long-haired dog [n]
Other moves: DEKE 13E 32, EKED 13F 31, KELPED 13G 30, LEKE 13E 30, KELPIE 13G 29
KELPED 13G 30 sicilianc5, LLLLLL1112
IDE 13A 24 Chelsea

On 6th draw, UNTURBI(D) 7D 63 --- UNTURBID not turbid [adj]
Other moves: TUB 15E 24, CUBITU(S) 12H 23, T(U)B 15E 22, UNIBOD(Y) C7 22, (D)UB 15E 22
UNTURBI(D) 7D 63 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112

On 7th draw, ODEON 8K 25 --- ODEON a concert hall [n]
Other moves: DONE 10C 24, IDE 13A 24, NODE 10A 24, NODE 10C 24, ODE 13A 24
IDE 13A 24 OOOOOO1112, NNNNNN1112
ODE 13A 24 LLLLLL1112, MMMMMM1112
DOON 8A 21 Chelsea

On 8th draw, TROUPIAL N6 68 --- TROUPIAL a tropical bird [n]
Other moves: TULPA 8A 39, TARP 8A 34, TRAP 8A 34, TRIP 8A 34, UPDART B9 30
TRAP 8A 34 Chelsea
PARTI 6J 27 queen66, moonmonkey

On 9th draw, OX 6I 54 --- OX a clumsy person [n] --- OX a hoofed mammal [n]
Other tops: AX 6I 54
Other moves: NIXY O12 50, AXONE 8A 44, YONI O12 44, NIXE O12 41, OXY O13 41
OX 6I 54 sicilianc5

On 10th draw, HAEN O12 44 --- HAE to have [v]
Other tops: HAIN O12 44
Other moves: HAE 15D 31, HIE 15D 31, HAEN 8A 27, HAH 10C 27, HAH M12 27
HAIN O12 44 Chelsea

On 11th draw, JOBE 10A 33 --- JOBE to reprimand tediously [v]
Other tops: JIBER 5E 33
Other moves: OBJURE D4 32, BIJOU D3 28, JIBE M3 28, JOBE M3 28, OBE 13A 27
JOE O4 20 Chelsea

On 12th draw, SEITY 8A 35 --- SEITY personal identity [n]
Other moves: TEASE 14K 32, EASE 14L 30, TAJ A8 30, YATE M12 29, AYES 8A 27
YEAS 8A 27 Chelsea

On 13th draw, SIGH 15A 47 --- SIGH to let out a sigh (a deep, audible breath) [v]
Other tops: GASH 15A 47
Other moves: EISH 15A 44, HAES 15D 39, HIES 15D 39, GEISHA O1 35, GHIS 15C 33
GASH 15A 47 Chelsea

On 14th draw, REFRAINS A1 86 --- REFRAIN to keep oneself from action [v]
Other moves: REFRAIN 6A 79, REFRAIN 5C 75, INFARE O1 32, FAIN M12 29, FAIR M12 29
FARE M12 29 Chelsea

On 15th draw, TYED B2 33 --- TYE to wash in a trough [v]
Other tops: NYED B2 33
Other moves: DYE B2 30, ENVOY 5E 30, COVEY 12H 29, TOEY 6D 27, EYOT M8 26

On 16th draw, VIZSLA O1 59 --- VIZSLA a Hungarian breed of dog [n]
Other moves: VALISE 14J 56, AVISE 14K 38, VALSE 14K 38, VIZSLA M1 38, VASE 14L 36

On 17th draw, OVARITIS 4H 74 --- OVARITIS inflammation of an ovary [n]
Other moves: RITZ 3L 26, RIZ 3M 24, VIATOR 5D 23, TAVAH 12K 22, ORA M11 20

On 18th draw, FANE M12 29 --- FANE a temple [n]
Other tops: FARE M12 29, FARL M12 29, F*RT M12 29, FATE M12 29
Other moves: FENTANYL E2 28, FAE M12 27, FAN M12 27, FAR M12 27, FAT M12 27

On 19th draw, QUA J2 32 --- QUA in the capacity of [adv]
Other moves: QUERN 5D 30, QUERN K1 28, NEW L13 25, QUEINT L1 25, TEW L13 25

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