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Game on January 30, 2025 at 21:48, 11 players
1. 302 pts ArcticFox
2. 302 pts Pacific
3. 286 pts LongJump22

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. deiorty   H8    26    26   deity
 2. beilott  12C    22    48   blotty
 3. aghioqs  F10    33    81   qats
 4. aceghmr   C8    40   121   chamber
 5. aefillu   8A    36   157   fecial
 6. egiprsy  11E    46   203   pastier
 7. ?degiik   I3    72   275   kidgier
 8. deelrsw   4H    84   359   wielders
 9. abennty   N1    38   397   nearby
10. ?gloort   1H   131   528   rootling
11. ahnnouz  B10    66   594   za
12. aejmnnp   M3    49   643   jean
13. aimnnrs  15A    32   675   mis
14. deintuv   B1    78   753   duvetine
15. ainoptu  15A    45   798   mispoint
16. cenouwx   A1    45   843   ox
17. acehnnr   O6    39   882   enarch
18. aefoorw  10J    33   915   woof
19. egnoruv   4A    28   943   venger

Remaining tiles: aaeiouuu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: master
  1.7222 FileArcticFox   3  6:59  -641  302     1.9749 Pacific     2  4:24  -641  302 
  2.9749 FilePacific     2  4:24  -641  302            Group: advanced
  3.5396 FileLongJump22  3  7:01  -657  286     1.7222 ArcticFox   3  6:59  -641  302 
  4.5520 FileNNNNNN1112  2  5:24  -805  138     2.7746 sicilianc5  1  5:05  -822  121 
  5.5601 FileOOOOOO1112  2  7:36  -805  138     3.7725 moonmonkey  1  2:56  -860   83 
  6.5528 FileMMMMMM1112  1  6:24  -820  123     4.7710 HollyIvy    0  1:43  -919   24 
  7.5613 FileLLLLLL1112  1  8:39  -820  123     5.7753 Mycophot    0  1:25  -925   18 
  8.7746 Filesicilianc5  1  5:05  -822  121            Group: novice
  9.7725 Filemoonmonkey  1  2:56  -860   83     1.5396 LongJump22  3  7:01  -657  286 
 10.7710 FileHollyIvy    0  1:43  -919   24     2.5520 NNNNNN1112  2  5:24  -805  138 
 11.7753 FileMycophot    0  1:25  -925   18     3.5601 OOOOOO1112  2  7:36  -805  138 
                                             4.5528 MMMMMM1112  1  6:24  -820  123 
                                             5.5613 LLLLLL1112  1  8:39  -820  123 

On 1st draw, DEITY H8 26 --- DEITY a god or goddess [n]
Other tops: DIRTY H8 26, DORTY H8 26
Other moves: DEITY H4 22, DIRTY H4 22, DORTY H4 22, TOYED H8 22, TYRED H8 22
DIRTY H8 26 ArcticFox, LongJump22, NNNNNN1112, OOOOOO1112

On 2nd draw, BLOTTY 12C 22 --- BLOTTY smudged [adj]
Other moves: BITTE G7 21, BITTE I7 21, BOTTE G7 21, BOTTE I7 21, BETTY 12D 20
BLOTTY 12C 22 LongJump22, MMMMMM1112, LLLLLL1112

On 3rd draw, QATS F10 33 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: QAT F10 32, QI 13B 30, QIS I7 29, HAST 11E 28, HIST 11E 28
QATS F10 33 sicilianc5, moonmonkey
QI 13B 30 ArcticFox

On 4th draw, CHAMBER C8 40 --- CHAMBER to put in a chamber (a room) [v]
Other tops: CHAMBRE C8 40
Other moves: CREAMS 13A 34, CAMBER C9 30, CEMBRA C9 30, CHAM G6 28, CHAM I6 28

On 5th draw, FECIAL 8A 36 --- FECIAL a priest of ancient Rome [n]
Other tops: FACILE 8A 36, FECULA 8A 36
Other moves: FECAL 8A 33, EF B9 31, FA B10 30, FACE 8A 30, FE B10 30
FECIAL 8A 36 LongJump22, NNNNNN1112, OOOOOO1112
FE B10 30 ArcticFox

On 6th draw, PASTIER 11E 46 --- PASTY pale and unhealthy in appearance [adj]
Other moves: RISP 15A 44, GAITERS 11E 40, GRIESY B5 38, PISE 15A 38, YES 15A 35
GRIESY B5 38 LongJump22, sicilianc5

On 7th draw, KIDGIE(R) I3 72 --- KIDGIE cheerful [adj]
Other moves: DE(S)K 15A 55, DI(S)K 15A 55, G(L)EEK B6 44, G(R)EEK B6 44, DEEK B7 40
DE(S)K 15A 55 ArcticFox, Pacific
G(R)EEK B6 44 LongJump22, NNNNNN1112, OOOOOO1112

On 8th draw, WIELDERS 4H 84 --- WIELDER one that wields [n]
Other moves: WERGELDS 6F 73, SLEWED 15C 50, RESEW 15A 44, SLEDDER 5E 36, WEDELS 10J 35
SLEWED 15C 50 LongJump22, Pacific, moonmonkey, sicilianc5

On 9th draw, NEARBY N1 38 --- NEARBY near [adj]
Other tops: BETRAY N1 38
Other moves: BANTY 10J 36, BARNY N2 36, BEANY 10J 36, BEATY 10J 36, BENNY 10J 36
YEAST O1 24 LongJump22, MMMMMM1112, LLLLLL1112, HollyIvy

On 10th draw, ROOTL(I)NG 1H 131 --- ROOTLE to dig in the ground as with the snout [v]
Other moves: LO(S)T 15A 28, RO(S)T 15A 28, TROGON(S) 1I 27, GO(S) 15A 25, LOGON(S) 1J 24
ROOTL(I)NG 1H 131 Pacific
(A)GOROT O6 22 LongJump22, NNNNNN1112, OOOOOO1112

On 11th draw, ZA B10 66 --- ZA pizza (slang) [n]
Other tops: ZO B10 66
Other moves: ZEA M3 50, AZON O6 44, AZO O6 41, NAZE J8 39, ZOEA B6 38
ZA B10 66 Pacific
AH O6 10 LongJump22
OH O6 10 NNNNNN1112, OOOOOO1112
UH O6 10 MMMMMM1112, LLLLLL1112

On 12th draw, JEAN M3 49 --- JEAN a durable cotton fabric [n]
Other moves: JIMP D7 36, JAPED 5E 35, JAMPAN E4 34, MEANE M3 33, PANNE A11 31
JEAN M3 49 ArcticFox
JEEP J10 29 MMMMMM1112, LLLLLL1112
AM M6 12 LongJump22

On 13th draw, MIS 15A 32 --- MI the third tone of the diatonic musical scale [n]
Other tops: MAS 15A 32
Other moves: MAINS A11 31, MAIRS A11 31, MANIS A11 31, MINAR A11 31, MINAS A11 31
MAINS A11 31 ArcticFox
MA 10J 22 MMMMMM1112, LLLLLL1112
AR K10 2 LongJump22

On 14th draw, DUVETINE B1 78 --- DUVETINE a soft fabric [n]
Other moves: MISTUNED 15A 36, DIVED 5E 25, VINTED 5D 25, DUVET 10J 24, NIEVE J7 24
MISTUNED 15A 36 ArcticFox
DENT 10J 18 Mycophot
DE 10J 16 MMMMMM1112, LLLLLL1112

On 15th draw, MISPOINT 15A 45 --- MISPOINT to point improperly [v]
Other tops: MISPAINT 15A 45
Other moves: ADOPT 1A 33, PAINT 10J 27, PANTO 10J 27, PATIN 10J 27, PATIO 10J 27
MISPOINT 15A 45 ArcticFox

On 16th draw, OX A1 45 --- OX a clumsy person [n] --- OX a hoofed mammal [n]
Other tops: EX A1 45
Other moves: WOXEN 10J 40, EXON O6 39, WEXE J8 39, WEX A4 37, EXO O6 36

On 17th draw, ENARCH O6 39 --- ENARCH to graft a plant [v]
Other moves: VARECH 3B 36, HANCE 10J 35, EACH O6 33, HENNA 10J 33, ECH O6 30

On 18th draw, WOOF 10J 33 --- WOOF to utter a gruff barking sound [v]
Other moves: FAW 10J 32, FEW 10J 32, WOF 10J 32, WOO 2J 31, WOOFED 5D 31

On 19th draw, VENGER 4A 28 --- VENGER an avenger [n]
Other moves: GROVED 5D 27, VOGUED 5D 27, VENGE 4A 26, VERGE 4A 26, OVEN 3A 24

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