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Game on January 30, 2025 at 22:34, 3 players
1. 24 pts sunshine12
2. 24 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 24 pts roocatcher

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?admopq   H4    50    50   qorma
 2. beehkrv   5D    30    80   rhebok
 3. alnoost   D4    68   148   ortolans
 4. elmstuu   E9    78   226   mutules
 5. aaeilrt  13B    70   296   arillate
 6. degirsw  15A    39   335   grews
 7. deeinos   7F    64   399   demonise
 8. ?giinoy   N1    85   484   yoginis
 9. adeeior   O1    51   535   erode
10. abdipsv   3B    33   568   vapid
11. aeforsv   M2    50   618   favose
12. aeefttx   8A    33   651   axel
13. abelnwy  12G    42   693   bawley
14. agijntu   C7    42   735   jet
15. aeghiru   L4    33   768   ah
16. cenottu   A4    61   829   toucanet
17. degiinr  14I    79   908   dingier
18. cfinruz  O12    78   986   zurf

Remaining tiles: ciinpr

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7011 Filesunshine12  0  0:25  -962   24     1.7011 sunshine12  0  0:25  -962   24 
  2.7365 FileGLOBEMAN    0  1:25  -962   24     2.7365 GLOBEMAN    0  1:25  -962   24 
  3.7155 Fileroocatcher  0  2:00  -962   24     3.7155 roocatcher  0  2:00  -962   24 

On 1st draw, QO(R)MA H4 50 --- QORMA (India) a mild curry [n]
Other moves: Q(U)OAD H4 48, QO(R)MA H8 32, Q(U)OAD H8 32, QO(R)MA H5 30, QO(R)MA H6 30

On 2nd draw, RHEBOK 5D 30 --- RHEBOK a large antelope [n]
Other moves: H*B* G7 29, BEHOVE 5E 28, HERB G7 27, EVOKER 5F 26, REVOKE 5E 26

On 3rd draw, ORTOLANS D4 68 --- ORTOLAN a European bird [n]
Other moves: SALOON J5 26, SANTOL J5 26, SOLANO J5 26, STANOL J5 26, STOLON J5 26

On 4th draw, MUTULES E9 78 --- MUTULE an ornamental block used in classical Greek architecture [n]
Other tops: MUTUELS E9 78
Other moves: MUTUELS G8 65, MUTUELS I8 65, MUTULES G8 65, MUTULES I8 65, MULSE J2 31

On 5th draw, ARILLATE 13B 70 --- ARIL an outer covering of certain seeds [adj] --- ARILLATE having an aril [adj]
Other moves: ARILLATE 13A 68, MATERIAL 7H 62, ARISTAE 15B 24, ASTERIA 15D 24, ATRESIA 15A 24

On 6th draw, GREWS 15A 39 --- GREW to shudder [v]
Other moves: WISARD B10 36, SWEDE 14A 33, SWIGS 15A 33, WEIDS 15A 33, WISSED 15C 33

On 7th draw, DEMONISE 7F 64 --- DEMONISE to make a demon of [v]
Other tops: DOMINEES 7F 64
Other moves: DONSIE J2 29, DO(R)IES 6F 29, DO(R)ISE 6F 29, SEINED J5 29, DENSE J2 28

On 8th draw, YOGINI(S) N1 85 --- YOGINI a female yogi [n]
Other moves: YOGINI(S) 12I 75, SIGNIO(R)Y L7 74, (S)YNING J5 36, YOGIN(S) N2 33, (C)YTON H11 33

On 9th draw, ERODE O1 51 --- ERODE to wear away by constant friction [v]
Other moves: ARID O1 46, ADO O1 33, REDYE 1K 30, AD O1 27, ED O1 27

On 10th draw, VAPID 3B 33 --- VAPID insipid [adj]
Other tops: VIBS J2 33
Other moves: BAP C7 32, VIDS J2 32, PAVS J2 31, VIAS J2 31, BAD M2 30

On 11th draw, FAVOSE M2 50 --- FAVOSE honeycombed [adj]
Other moves: FAVE M2 44, SOAVE M1 43, SAFTER H10 39, SOFTER H10 39, AVER M1 38

On 12th draw, AXEL 8A 33 --- AXEL a jump in figure skating [n]
Other moves: FIXATE K6 32, EXEAT 14I 30, TAX H13 30, TEX H13 30, AXE 14I 28

On 13th draw, BAWLEY 12G 42 --- BAWLEY a small fishing smack [n]
Other moves: WEY C7 38, ABY F9 36, BAETYL H10 36, WETLY H11 36, BEY C7 34

On 14th draw, JET C7 42 --- JET to spurt forth in a stream [v]
Other moves: JATO 7A 33, TAJ 11K 29, GAIJIN K3 28, GAIJIN K5 28, JAGA B10 28

On 15th draw, AH L4 33 --- AH to make a sound of delight [v] --- AH used to express delight, relief, or contempt [interj]
Other moves: HEAR 11H 32, HAG 11K 29, HAIR 11K 29, HARE 11K 29, HUGER 13K 28

On 16th draw, TOUCANET A4 61 --- TOUCANET a small toucan [n]
Other moves: ECONUT 14I 34, OTIC K5 28, COVENT B1 26, CENTO 14G 25, CENTU 14G 25

On 17th draw, DINGIER 14I 79 --- DINGY grimy [adj]
Other moves: DINGIER 2E 71, DIVING B1 41, RIVING B1 39, REIGN K5 28, DERING 14I 27

On 18th draw, ZURF O12 78 --- ZURF a coffee-cup holder [n]
Other moves: CURF O12 36, FIRN O12 33, FURR O12 33, FUZE K9 32, FIZ M13 30
ZIN M13 24 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher

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