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Game on January 30, 2025 at 23:18, 5 players
1. 269 pts sunshine12
2. 148 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 124 pts roocatcher

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. demoruy   H8    30    30   dormy
 2. ?ainpwx   I7    45    75   wax
 3. aeiorst  11E    90   165   atomiser
 4. aceiinw  12A    30   195   wince
 5. aeinoqr  F11    27   222   tranq
 6. ?eersty   M8    87   309   dyester
 7. adlootz   C9    50   359   zoonal
 8. elmnort  B10    46   405   moiler
 9. aeioops  15F    36   441   qis
10. beiknov   A5    44   485   invoke
11. aeglors   J2    73   558   galores
12. abefitu  14J    36   594   fibre
13. ?agijpv  O12    70   664   jasp
14. eghittu   N9    31   695   eh
15. egottuv   G7    35   730   gov
16. acdilnt   5E    94   824   anticold
17. beehint   3F    90   914   thebaine
18. defiitu   O6    30   944   deft
19. aadntuu   H1    21   965   taenia
20. dgiipuu   4C    20   985   pudu

Remaining tiles: giiuu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7004 Filesunshine12  3  8:08  -716  269     1.7004 sunshine12  3  8:08  -716  269 
  2.7365 FileGLOBEMAN    1  4:10  -837  148     2.7365 GLOBEMAN    1  4:10  -837  148 
  3.7155 Fileroocatcher  1  4:56  -861  124     3.7155 roocatcher  1  4:56  -861  124 
  4.  -  Filechunk88     0  0:25  -961   24            Group: not rated
  5.  -  FileBadBoyBen   0  1:13  -961   24     1.  -  chunk88     0  0:25  -961   24 
                                             2.  -  BadBoyBen   0  1:13  -961   24 

On 1st draw, DORMY H8 30 --- DORMY being ahead in golf by as many holes to be played [adj]
Other moves: DORMY H4 26, DUROY H8 26, DORMY H5 22, DORMY H6 22, DORMY H7 22

On 2nd draw, WAX I7 45 --- WAX to coat with wax (a natural, heat-sensitive substance) [v]
Other moves: PAX I7 43, PIX I7 43, W(A)X I7 43, W(E)X I7 43, W(O)X I7 43

On 3rd draw, ATOMISER 11E 90 --- ATOMISER an device which sprays finely [n]
Other moves: OARIEST J9 71, OTARIES J9 71, AMORTISE 11G 70, OTARIES J2 70, ATOMIES 11E 36

On 4th draw, WINCE 12A 30 --- WINCE to flinch [v]
Other moves: ICEWINE K5 24, WEN J6 23, IRENIC L10 22, ANEW J5 21, CAW 12C 21

On 5th draw, TRANQ F11 27 --- TRANQ a drug that tranquilizes [n]
Other moves: AWNER A11 24, OWNER A11 24, OWRIE A11 24, QI 11B 24, RONEO G7 24

On 6th draw, (D)YESTER M8 87 --- DYESTER a dyer [n]
Other tops: YESTER(N) M9 87
Other moves: TERSE(L)Y J3 82, RESTY(L)E M9 81, TERSE(L)Y M8 81, (K)EYSTER M8 81, STYRENE(S) C7 80

On 7th draw, ZOONAL C9 50 --- ZOON the whole product of one fertilized egg, pl ZOA or ZOONS [adj] --- ZOONAL like a zoon [adj]
Other moves: ZOL J6 41, DZO J5 38, LAZO J4 38, ZOL G7 38, ZOOIDAL B9 38

On 8th draw, MOILER B10 46 --- MOILER one that moils [n]
Other moves: MELONS J6 35, LEMONS J6 33, MENO J6 31, MONTRE L7 31, TREMOR L10 30
WORM A12 27 sunshine12

On 9th draw, QIS 15F 36 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: PASEO 15K 34, WASE A12 33, PESO J6 31, SOAPIE A5 29, SOOP G6 29
QIS 15F 36 sunshine12

On 10th draw, INVOKE A5 44 --- INVOKE to appeal to for help [v]
Other moves: KNIVE A6 41, BOVINE A5 38, KIORE 14J 38, KENO J6 37, BOKS J8 36
INVOKE A5 44 sunshine12

On 11th draw, GALORES J2 73 --- GALORE abundance [n]
Other moves: AEROGELS K6 59, WAGE A12 37, WASE A12 33, SEGOLS J6 31, LASER 15K 28
WAGE A12 37 sunshine12

On 12th draw, FIBRE 14J 36 --- FIBRE a threadlike cell or filament [n]
Other moves: AUF N8 33, BARITE L9 33, WATE A12 33, AFRIT L9 32, FERIA L9 32
EF N9 31 sunshine12

On 13th draw, JA(S)P O12 70 --- JASP a precious stone [n]
Other moves: JAPI(N)G 3I 46, JAVA(S) 3I 44, JAP I3 43, JAAP(S) 3I 42, JAL(A)P 4H 42
JA(S)P O12 70 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher

On 14th draw, EH N9 31 --- EH to say 'Eh' [v] --- EH used to express doubt or surprise [interj]
Other tops: UH N9 31
Other moves: HET K5 30, THULITE 4G 28, HAUTE 3I 24, HET I3 23, HIE K3 23
HET K5 30 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher

On 15th draw, GOV G7 35 --- GOV a regulator, short for governor [n]
Other moves: GAVOTTE 3I 26, VAGUE 3I 26, VOLUTE 4H 26, VULGO 4H 26, TOG G7 25
VET O7 24 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher

On 16th draw, ANTICOLD 5E 94 --- ANTICOLD effective against the common cold [adj]
Other moves: DALTONIC 5F 72, CATLIN O4 39, CNIDA O5 30, DIACT O5 30, DICTA O5 30

On 17th draw, THEBAINE 3F 90 --- THEBAINE a poisonous alkaloid [n]
Other moves: THEBAINE E1 63, HENBIT O4 51, HENBIT H1 42, BETH O6 36, HEBEN O5 36
EH O8 24 chunk88, BadBoyBen

On 18th draw, DEFT O6 30 --- DEFT skillful [adj]
Other moves: FINED L1 26, EFT 4L 25, DEFI 4C 24, EFT O7 24, FET O7 24
FIT O7 24 sunshine12

On 19th draw, TAENIA H1 21 --- TAENIA a headband worn in ancient Greece [n]
Other moves: ATUA 4D 19, DA A14 19, UNAU 4D 19, DAUT 2E 18, DUAN 2E 18

On 20th draw, PUDU 4C 20 --- PUDU a South American deer [n]
Other moves: GU A14 19, DIP L7 18, GIP L7 18, DIP 13I 17, DIP N5 17

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