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Game on January 31, 2025 at 00:50, 5 players
1. 356 pts sunshine12
2. 216 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 208 pts roocatcher

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ceijnor   H4    42    42   joiner
 2. ?aagnop   G7    72   114   apogean
 3. adhlnsu  11A    72   186   unlashed
 4. ?degint   A8   140   326   debuting
 5. eehinoo   I4    34   360   ohone
 6. aeirsuv  H11    35   395   drave
 7. adeimoz   C8    52   447   ozalid
 8. abciprs   D8    44   491   paras
 9. aceimtv   E3    27   518   active
10. abefiru   2A    35   553   brief
11. eeirtuw   J1    25   578   twee
12. deimrst  15D    64   642   mistered
13. abcfouy  14J    45   687   bayou
14. aceeglr   A1    30   717   abcee
15. einrtuw   L8    34   751   wintery
16. illoqst   K9    41   792   qis
17. fiklmoy   3C    50   842   flaky
18. ilmotux   1G    39   881   mixt
19. gllootu   8L    21   902   wull

Remaining tiles: gootu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7015 Filesunshine12  3 11:07  -546  356     1.7015 sunshine12  3 11:07  -546  356 
  2.7345 FileGLOBEMAN    0  8:41  -686  216     2.7345 GLOBEMAN    0  8:41  -686  216 
  3.7155 Fileroocatcher  1 10:26  -694  208     3.7155 roocatcher  1 10:26  -694  208 
  4.  -  Filechunk88     0  0:21  -877   25            Group: not rated
  5.  -  FileBadBoyBen   0  1:50  -878   24     1.  -  chunk88     0  0:21  -877   25 
                                             2.  -  BadBoyBen   0  1:50  -878   24 

On 1st draw, JOINER H4 42 --- JOINER a carpenter [n]
Other moves: JOINER H3 28, JOINER H7 28, JOINER H8 28, REJOIN H3 28, REJOIN H4 28
JOINER H4 42 sunshine12

On 2nd draw, APOG(E)AN G7 72 --- APOGEAN relating to an apogee [adj] --- APOGEE the point in the orbit of a body which is farthest from the earth [adj]
Other tops: PA(R)AGON G6 72
Other moves: PA(R)AGON G8 68, (N)ONPAGAN 7F 65, AGRAP(H)ON 9F 64, ARAPONG(A) 9G 64, NONPAGA(N) 7F 64
JAPAN(S) 4H 28 sunshine12

On 3rd draw, UNLASH(E)D 11A 72 --- UNLASH to untie the lashing (a type of binding) of [v]
Other tops: UNHALS(E)D 11A 72, UNSHAL(E)D 11A 72
Other moves: DHALS H11 52, SHAND H11 51, SHAUL H11 48, SHULN H11 48, HADS H12 47

On 4th draw, DE(B)UTING A8 140 --- DEBUT to make a first public appearance in society [v]
Other tops: DETUNI(N)G A8 140, DE(P)UTING A8 140
Other moves: DETU(N)ING A8 131, DENOTI(N)G 5E 86, DETO(X)ING 5E 86, DE(M)OTING 5E 86, DE(N)OTING 5E 86

On 5th draw, OHONE I4 34 --- OHONE expressing lamentation [interj]
Other moves: DIENE H11 26, OHO 12C 26, HELIO C9 24, HOLON C9 24, HONE I5 24

On 6th draw, DRAVE H11 35 --- DRIVE to urge or convey forward [v]
Other moves: AVERS J1 32, VAES J2 31, VARS J2 31, VERS J2 31, VIES J2 31

On 7th draw, OZALID C8 52 --- OZALID a process of printing positive images from film -- a trademark [n]
Other moves: ADOZE J7 46, DAZE J8 41, DOZE J8 41, ZOEA B6 38, AMAZED D9 36
MAZE J1 27 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
DAZE J1 26 sunshine12

On 8th draw, PARAS D8 44 --- PARA a woman's status regarding the bearing of offspring [n]
Other moves: CABS J2 32, RAIAS D8 32, ABAS D9 31, CRISP D4 31, SCAB 14C 31
PA D8 25 chunk88

On 9th draw, ACTIVE E3 27 --- ACTIVE a participating member of an organization [n]
Other moves: ITEM J2 26, ACMITE E3 25, CAVIE E4 25, CIVET E4 25, EVICT E4 25
VET J2 24 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher, BadBoyBen

On 10th draw, BRIEF 2A 35 --- BRIEF short [adj] --- BRIEF to give instructions [v]
Other moves: BARF 2B 33, BIFACE 4A 32, REIF 2B 29, EF F5 28, FAB J2 28
FAB J2 28 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher

On 11th draw, TWEE J1 25 --- TWEE affectedly cute or dainty [adj]
Other tops: EWER J1 25
Other moves: WEE J2 24, WET J2 24, WIT J2 24, REWET J8 22, TREW J1 22
TREW J1 22 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher

On 12th draw, MISTERED 15D 64 --- MISTER to address as mister [v]
Other moves: DEMERITS 15E 62, DEMERITS 15G 62, DEMISTER 15G 62, DIMETERS 15C 62, DIMETERS 15E 62
TIMERS 1J 33 sunshine12

On 13th draw, BAYOU 14J 45 --- BAYOU a marshy offshoot of a lake or river [n]
Other tops: BOYAU 14J 45
Other moves: OUTBY 1H 42, FAY 14J 33, FOY 14J 33, FAB 14J 32, FOB 14J 32

On 14th draw, ABCEE A1 30 --- ABCEE the alphabet [n]
Other tops: ABREGE A1 30
Other moves: CAG 13K 29, CARTEL 1G 27, RECTAL 1G 27, TARCEL 1J 27, TERCEL 1J 27
CLEAT 1F 21 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12

On 15th draw, WINTERY L8 34 --- WINTERY having the characteristics of winter [adj]
Other moves: TWINTER 1F 33, WRITTEN 1F 33, WRITTEN 1G 33, TWINER 1J 30, WINTER 1G 30
WINTER 1G 30 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
WITTER 1G 30 roocatcher

On 16th draw, QIS K9 41 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QIS O12 33, SOLI 14C 33, QI 14E 28, LIST O12 26, LOST O12 26
QIS K9 41 roocatcher, sunshine12

On 17th draw, FLAKY 3C 50 --- FLAKY a fit of temper [n] --- FLAKY tending to form flakes [adj]
Other moves: FLAMY 3C 46, FITLY 1H 45, MOTIF 1H 42, MIFTY 1G 39, KILTY 1G 36
KILTY 1G 36 sunshine12, roocatcher

On 18th draw, MIXT 1G 39 --- MIX to put together into one mass [v]
Other moves: ULTIMO 1H 33, LINUX 10J 30, MIX 6D 28, ULTIMO M3 27, TIX 6D 26
MIX 6D 28 sunshine12

On 19th draw, WULL 8L 21 --- WULL to determine [v]
Other tops: TROG 13K 21, WOOL 8L 21, WOOT 8L 21
Other moves: ROOT 13L 14, OUTGO M4 13, GO 14E 12, GO 15N 12, GU 14E 12
WOOL 8L 21 sunshine12

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