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Game on February 1, 2025 at 20:00, 8 players
1. 659 pts Muincunx
2. 589 pts ArcticFox
3. 288 pts LongJump22

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?eiinor   H8    64    64   ironise
 2. accepst  15B   119   183   accepts
 3. ?deessz  12G    84   267   disseize
 4. abeegln   O7    49   316   beagle
 5. aeiortu   J6    62   378   outraise
 6. fhilnox  13L    61   439   fox
 7. eimnptu   K1    78   517   pinetum
 8. adjlott   1G    42   559   jalop
 9. aelortw   4D    80   639   toleware
10. afgirvv   2F    30   669   vagi
11. ddhinos   7B    72   741   hoddins
12. deoortt  14M    38   779   oor
13. aadehiy   8A    47   826   hiya
14. bdegint   5E    36   862   bidet
15. agnrtuy  B10    34   896   yantra
16. eiknruv  12A    34   930   knive
17. aefgqru   3B    36   966   quag
18. elmnruw  11E    27   993   wren

Remaining tiles: flmnnu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7699 FileMuincunx    7 12:06  -334  659     1.7699 Muincunx    7 12:06  -334  659 
  2.7256 FileArcticFox   3 14:58  -404  589     2.7256 ArcticFox   3 14:58  -404  589 
  3.5305 FileLongJump22  3  3:54  -705  288     3.7009 sunshine12  3  5:19  -727  266 
  4.7009 Filesunshine12  3  5:19  -727  266            Group: novice
  5.5540 FileLLLLLL1112  0  1:20  -924   69     1.5305 LongJump22  3  3:54  -705  288 
  6.5547 FileMMMMMM1112  0  1:46  -924   69     2.5540 LLLLLL1112  0  1:20  -924   69 
  7.5617 FileNNNNNN1112  0  1:34  -959   34     3.5547 MMMMMM1112  0  1:46  -924   69 
  8.5489 FileOOOOOO1112  0  1:55  -959   34     4.5617 NNNNNN1112  0  1:34  -959   34 
                                             5.5489 OOOOOO1112  0  1:55  -959   34 

On 1st draw, IRONI(S)E H8 64 --- IRONISE to satirize with irony [v]
Other tops: IONI(S)ER H2 64, IONI(S)ER H3 64, IONI(S)ER H4 64, IONI(S)ER H6 64, IONI(S)ER H7 64, IONI(Z)ER H2 64, IONI(Z)ER H3 64, IONI(Z)ER H4 64, IONI(Z)ER H6 64, IONI(Z)ER H7 64, IRONIE(R) H2 64, IRONIE(R) H3 64, IRONIE(R) H4 64, IRONIE(R) H7 64, IRONIE(R) H8 64, IRONIE(S) H2 64, IRONIE(S) H3 64, IRONIE(S) H4 64, IRONIE(S) H7 64, IRONIE(S) H8 64, IRONI(S)E H2 64, IRONI(S)E H3 64, IRONI(S)E H4 64, IRONI(S)E H6 64, IRONI(Z)E H2 64, IRONI(Z)E H3 64, IRONI(Z)E H4 64, IRONI(Z)E H6 64, IRONI(Z)E H8 64, I(R)ONIER H2 64, I(R)ONIER H4 64, I(R)ONIER H6 64, I(R)ONIER H7 64, I(R)ONIER H8 64, NOI(S)IER H2 64, NOI(S)IER H3 64, NOI(S)IER H4 64, NOI(S)IER H6 64, NOI(S)IER H7 64, NOI(S)IER H8 64, ONEIRI(C) H2 64, ONEIRI(C) H3 64, ONEIRI(C) H4 64, ONEIRI(C) H7 64, ONEIRI(C) H8 64, RI(P)IENO H3 64, RI(P)IENO H4 64, RI(P)IENO H6 64, RI(P)IENO H7 64, RI(P)IENO H8 64
Other moves: IONI(S)ER H5 62, IONI(S)ER H8 62, IONI(Z)ER H5 62, IONI(Z)ER H8 62, IRONIE(R) H5 62
IRONIE(S) H3 64 LongJump22
IRONIE(R) H4 14 Muincunx
(B)ONIER H3 12 ArcticFox

On 2nd draw, ACCEPTS 15B 119 --- ACCEPT to receive with favour [v]
Other moves: ACCEPTS 7B 74, ACCEPTS G2 69, ACCEPTS I2 69, EPACTS 15C 60, CAPES 15D 57
ACCEPTS 15B 119 LongJump22
ACCEPTS 15B 69 Muincunx, LLLLLL1112, ArcticFox, MMMMMM1112

On 3rd draw, DISSE(I)ZE 12G 84 --- DISSEIZE to disseise [v]
Other tops: D(I)SSEIZE 12C 84
Other moves: DISSE(I)ZE 8G 67, D(I)SSEIZE 8C 67, SE(A)ZED 14G 37, SE(I)ZED 14G 37, SE(A)ZES 14G 36
O(O)ZED 10H 34 Muincunx, ArcticFox

On 4th draw, BEAGLE O7 49 --- BEAGLE a small hound [n] --- BEAGLE to hunt with beagles [v]
Other tops: BANGLE O7 49, GLEBAE O10 49, GLEBAE O7 49
Other moves: BALEEN O8 46, BEGAN O11 46, BELGA O11 46, ENABLE O7 46, GABLE O8 46
BLAZE M9 38 ArcticFox
ALB 13M 34 Muincunx, NNNNNN1112, OOOOOO1112

On 5th draw, OUTRAISE J6 62 --- OUTRAISE to surpass in raising [v]
Other moves: OAR 13M 40, RAINOUT 11E 39, TOUZIER M9 34, ETA 13K 31, OAR 13L 31
OAR 13M 40 Muincunx
TOAZE M9 30 ArcticFox

On 6th draw, FOX 13L 61 --- FOX to outwit [v]
Other moves: NOX 13L 52, FOH 13L 49, OX 13M 49, FLIX I4 41, FIX I5 40
FOX 13L 61 Muincunx, LongJump22
HOX I5 40 ArcticFox

On 7th draw, PINETUM K1 78 --- PINETUM a plantation of pine trees [n]
Other tops: NUMPTIE(S) 13A 78
Other moves: PINETUM G4 72, PINETUM G2 67, PNEUMA B10 32, UMPIE K5 30, PINETA B10 28
IMPUTE K1 22 Muincunx
UP 14A 16 ArcticFox

On 8th draw, JALOP 1G 42 --- JALOP a Mexican plant [n]
Other tops: JODEL 4H 42, JOLED 4H 42
Other moves: LOD 14M 40, LOT 14M 38, LO 14M 36, JOTA N6 35, JOT N6 32
JOTA N6 35 ArcticFox, Muincunx

On 9th draw, TOLEWARE 4D 80 --- TOLEWARE article made with japanned tinware [n]
Other moves: TOLEWARE 4H 76, TOLEWARE E8 72, WATERLOO 10A 65, LOW 14M 44, LOR 14M 38
TOWIER 2H 34 Muincunx
WILT 2J 28 ArcticFox

On 10th draw, VAGI 2F 30 --- VAGUS a cranial nerve [n]
Other moves: FIAR 2J 28, FIG 2J 28, FAG 2F 27, FIR 2J 27, VAG 2F 27
FIG 2J 28 Muincunx, ArcticFox

On 11th draw, HODDINS 7B 72 --- HODDIN a coarse cloth [n]
Other moves: SOH 14M 44, SOD 14M 40, SOD L4 38, SON 14M 38, DOS L2 37
SOH 14M 44 sunshine12, ArcticFox, Muincunx, LongJump22

On 12th draw, OOR 14M 38 --- OOR belonging to us [adj]
Other tops: OOT 14M 38
Other moves: OO 14M 36, RODEO 8A 36, REDO 8A 30, RODE 8A 30, DERO 8A 29
OOR 14M 38 sunshine12
OOT 14M 38 Muincunx, ArcticFox

On 13th draw, HIYA 8A 47 --- HIYA a greeting [interj]
Other moves: YEAH 6C 42, AHEAD 6B 40, AYAH 5D 39, HADE 8A 39, HIDE 8A 39
HIYA 8A 47 Muincunx, ArcticFox
YEAH 6C 42 sunshine12

On 14th draw, BIDET 5E 36 --- BIDET a low basin used for washing [n]
Other moves: BIDE 5E 32, DEBIT 5C 30, IDENT 9A 30, BINE 5E 29, BITE 5E 29
BIDET 5E 36 Muincunx
DEBIT 5C 30 sunshine12
DEBT 15J 23 ArcticFox

On 15th draw, YANTRA B10 34 --- YANTRA a geometrical diagram used in meditation [n]
Other moves: YUGA 3C 31, NURAGHI B2 30, GRAY 3B 26, RUGA 3C 25, GAY 3C 24
GRAY 3B 26 Muincunx, sunshine12
YURT 15J 21 ArcticFox

On 16th draw, KNIVE 12A 34 --- KNIVE to knife [v]
Other moves: HUNKIE A8 30, INK 11J 27, IRK 11J 27, NEUK 3B 27, REIK 3B 27
KNIVE 12A 34 ArcticFox, Muincunx
NE 15N 23 sunshine12

On 17th draw, QUAG 3B 36 --- QUAG a quagmire [n]
Other moves: QUEER E9 28, NAIF 11H 26, NEIF 11H 26, QUA 3B 26, RUGA 3C 25
QUAG 3B 36 sunshine12, Muincunx
QUEER E9 28 ArcticFox

On 18th draw, WREN 11E 27 --- WREN a small songbird [n]
Other moves: WEM 15K 24, NE 15N 23, NEUM 15J 22, UNMEW 3J 22, ELM 15K 21
WREN 11E 27 sunshine12, Muincunx
WEM 15K 24 ArcticFox

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