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Game on February 2, 2025 at 05:15, 1 player
1. 521 pts fatcat

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aefiluv   H4    30    30   favel
 2. ?ceiiux   I7    36    66   xi
 3. aadnost   9E    32    98   nadas
 4. abdhior   8A    44   142   dhobi
 5. ?eenrst   E5    82   224   retinenes
 6. aeiorss  11C    58   282   sensoria
 7. eegglot   K7    34   316   toggle
 8. ?aijwwy  10B    42   358   waney
 9. aeemntu   A1    86   444   unteamed
10. cenoruy  13A    78   522   cynosure
11. afjoort   7C    40   562   jota
12. aaeiotv   8K    36   598   ovate
13. ddeelrt  14H    74   672   treddle
14. giopruz   6D    68   740   rez
15. aeiinrw  15E    30   770   wena
16. hiinpru   J5    27   797   phi
17. fipqrtu  12K    38   835   equip
18. fiilnoo  A11    33   868   ficin
19. bikortu   M3    30   898   troika
20. bcilmou   K1    30   928   combi

Remaining tiles: glou

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6400 Filefatcat      3 14:40  -407  521     1.6400 fatcat      3 14:40  -407  521 

On 1st draw, FAVEL H4 30 --- FAVEL light brown [adj]
Other tops: FAUVE H4 30
Other moves: FAUVE H8 24, FAVEL H8 24, VALUE H4 24, FAUVE H5 22, FAUVE H6 22
VALUE H4 24 fatcat

On 2nd draw, XI I7 36 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other tops: XI(S) I7 36
Other moves: CE(R)VIX 6E 35, X(I) I7 34, EXUVI(A) 6E 31, (F)IXIVE 6D 31, AUXE(T)IC 5H 30
XI I7 36 fatcat

On 3rd draw, NADAS 9E 32 --- NADA nothingness [n]
Other moves: DONAS 9E 31, ODAS 9F 31, ANOAS 9E 30, ANTAS 9E 30, DAS 9G 30
STAND 9I 20 fatcat

On 4th draw, DHOBI 8A 44 --- DHOBI a person who does laundry in India [n]
Other moves: DORBA 8A 35, AHI 10E 32, BARDO 8A 32, DHOBI 10C 32, HAIRDO J2 32
HO 10F 29 fatcat

On 5th draw, RETIN(E)NES E5 82 --- RETINENE a pigment in the retina [n]
Other tops: ENTERIN(G)S E3 82, RETINEN(E)S E5 82, R(E)TINENES E5 82
Other moves: EN(C)ASTRE 5E 78, ESTRAN(G)E 5D 78, NE(G)ATERS 5E 78, REENA(C)TS 5D 78, RE(F)ASTEN 5E 78
REF(I)NES 4F 18 fatcat

On 6th draw, SENSORIA 11C 58 --- SENSORIA the parts of the brain concerned with the reception and interpretation of sensory stimuli [n] --- SENSORIUM the part of the brain concerned with the reception and interpretation of sensory stimuli [n]
Other moves: SEROSA F4 28, A(E)ROS 10D 26, R(E)SES 10D 26, SAROS F8 26, SASER F8 26
FARES 4H 16 fatcat

On 7th draw, TOGGLE K7 34 --- TOGGLE to fasten with a type of pin or short rod [v]
Other tops: GOGLET K8 34
Other moves: LEGGE K11 32, ELOGE K10 30, GLEET K10 30, GLEG K10 30, GELT K9 28
GOT J6 21 fatcat

On 8th draw, WA(N)(E)Y 10B 42 --- WANEY waning in some parts [adj]
Other tops: WI(F)(E)Y 10B 42, WI(N)(E)Y 10B 42
Other moves: JAT(O) 7C 39, JI(N) J6 39, JAW(E)(D) 10B 38, JA(K)EY 6B 38, JA(S)EY 6B 38
JAYS 13B 28 fatcat

On 9th draw, UNTEAMED A1 86 --- UNTEAM to unyoke [v]
Other moves: MANSUETE 13B 74, UNTEAM L3 31, MENTEE 12G 29, ENEMA F3 27, NEMA F4 26
MEAN L12 22 fatcat

On 10th draw, CYNOSURE 13A 78 --- CYNOSURE a center of attraction [n]
Other moves: CURNEY L3 41, CONEY L4 39, COREY L4 39, UNCOY L4 39, CURNEY 13I 37
FORCE 4H 20 fatcat

On 11th draw, JOTA 7C 40 --- JOTA a Spanish dance [n]
Other tops: JATO 7C 40
Other moves: JOT 7C 39, OAF 14B 29, OFTER 12H 29, OOF 14B 29, RAJ 13K 29
FOOT L12 26 fatcat

On 12th draw, OVATE 8K 36 --- OVATE egg-shaped [adj] --- OVATE to receive with an ovation [v]
Other moves: VAV 6H 28, RIEVE H11 27, VITAE D1 26, AT 9B 25, ET 9B 25
OVATE 8K 36 fatcat

On 13th draw, TREDDLE 14H 74 --- TREDDLE to work by a foot pedal [v]
Other moves: TREADLED M5 63, ET 9B 25, DARTLED M7 24, DELED 13K 24, DERED 13K 24
FREED 4H 18 fatcat

On 14th draw, REZ 6D 68 --- REZ a North American Indian reservation [n]
Other moves: ZIP 7M 51, COZ A13 42, CUZ A13 42, ROZIT N4 34, POZ G3 33
ZIP 7M 51 fatcat

On 15th draw, WENA 15E 30 --- WENA you (Zulu) [pron]
Other moves: WAE 15G 29, VAW 6H 28, FAWNIER 4H 26, IWI J5 25, WEANER 12J 25
CAW A13 24 fatcat

On 16th draw, PHI J5 27 --- PHI a Greek letter [n]
Other tops: HIP 7M 27, HUP 7M 27
Other moves: PUH 7M 25, CHI A13 24, HAIRPIN 5G 24, HI J6 24, HID L12 24
HIP 7M 27 fatcat

On 17th draw, EQUIP 12K 38 --- EQUIP to provide with whatever is needed [v]
Other moves: QUIRE N10 34, QUITE N10 34, REQUIT 12J 34, FAQUIR M7 32, FAQIR M7 31
QUITE N10 34 fatcat

On 18th draw, FICIN A11 33 --- FICIN a medicinal product obtained from fig trees [n]
Other moves: OOF 14B 29, FOLIO K1 24, NICOL A11 24, FIN 7M 23, OOF B2 23
FILO K2 22 fatcat

On 19th draw, TROIKA M3 30 --- TROIKA a Russian carriage [n]
Other tops: KRUBI K1 30
Other moves: KIR 7M 27, KIT 7M 27, IRK 15M 25, KI 7M 24, KURI K2 24
KIT 7M 27 fatcat

On 20th draw, COMBI K1 30 --- COMBI a vessel or vehicle which can carry passengers or cargo [n]
Other moves: LIMBO K1 26, OMBU B3 26, BORIC 4K 24, MICO K2 24, MOIL B1 24
BRIM 4L 22 fatcat

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