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Game on February 2, 2025 at 07:31, 2 players
1. 550 pts fatcat
2. 147 pts Chelsea

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aekotv   H6    86    86   voetsak
 2. adeiors   6G    68   154   avodires
 3. enorsuy  12D    80   234   younkers
 4. eelsttz   G4    52   286   leazes
 5. abeiimp   5I    33   319   bima
 6. ?ilpuww   4L    34   353   plow
 7. eilostt   3A    83   436   toilets
 8. abdgopv   O1    30   466   avow
 9. aabiirt   7K    25   491   brat
10. aeeghnr  10H    65   556   shagreen
11. acdegin   D8    69   625   decaying
12. ceilopt   O8    42   667   pinocle
13. imnoqru  C13    46   713   qi
14. fhnotux   B2    44   757   foxhunt
15. aefjmru  15D    39   796   gauje
16. adfimor   4A    40   836   axoid
17. imnorry  14B    51   887   minny
18. efgiorw  14J    40   927   frowie
19. degnrtu   A8    33   960   urged

Remaining tiles: int

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6410 Filefatcat      3 13:33  -410  550     1.7255 Chelsea     1  8:00  -813  147 
  2.7255 FileChelsea     1  8:00  -813  147            Group: intermediate
                                             1.6410 fatcat      3 13:33  -410  550 

On 1st draw, VOET(S)AK H6 86 --- VOETSAK (South Africa) offensive, expressing rejection [interj]
Other moves: VOET(S)AK H4 84, VOET(S)AK H2 78, VOET(S)AK H3 78, VOET(S)AK H7 78, VOET(S)AK H5 76
K(N)AVE H4 32 fatcat

On 2nd draw, AVODIRES 6G 68 --- AVODIRE an African tree [n]
Other moves: AVOIDERS 6G 66, ASTEROID 9F 63, DEAIR I7 22, KRISED 12H 22, SKRIED 12G 22
VIDEOS 6H 14 fatcat

On 3rd draw, YOUNKERS 12D 80 --- YOUNKER a young gentleman [n]
Other moves: TOURNEYS 9H 63, NOSEY 5I 32, NOYES 7G 30, YORES 7G 30, UNYOKES 12D 28
YOUR I12 17 fatcat

On 4th draw, LEAZES G4 52 --- LEAZE a pasture [n]
Other tops: TEAZES G4 52
Other moves: LAZES G5 51, ZESTER L1 50, SLEAZE G3 49, LEAZE G4 47, SEAZE G4 47
LAZE G5 46 fatcat

On 5th draw, BIMA 5I 33 --- BIMA a platform in a synagogue [n]
Other tops: BEMA 5I 33, MABE 5I 33, PEBA 5I 33, PIMA 5I 33
Other moves: BEMA 5K 32, MABE 5K 32, PEBA 5K 32, IAMB 11B 31, BEMA H1 30
BUMP F11 16 fatcat

On 6th draw, PL(O)W 4L 34 --- PLOW to turn up land with a plow (a farm implement) [v]
Other tops: PL(E)W 4L 34, WI(M)P 4L 34, WI(S)P 4L 34, W(H)IP 4L 34, W(H)UP 4L 34
Other moves: PIL(A)W 11A 32, PIL(O)W 11A 32, W(A)WL 4L 32, L(A)W 4J 30, PL(O)W 11B 30
WI(M)P 4L 34 fatcat

On 7th draw, TOILETS 3A 83 --- TOILET to dress and groom oneself [v]
Other tops: LITOTES 3A 83
Other moves: STILETTOS 9G 61, LOTTES 3B 31, TITLES 3B 31, TOILES 3B 31, LITES 3C 29
STOW O1 21 fatcat

On 8th draw, AVOW O1 30 --- AVOW to declare openly [v]
Other moves: GAPO 11C 29, PAGOD 11A 29, DOAB 2B 28, BAP 11C 27, BOP 11C 27
AVOW O1 30 fatcat

On 9th draw, BRAT 7K 25 --- BRAT a badly behaved child [n]
Other moves: BATTA A1 24, RAITA 13C 24, TAIRA 13C 24, BRAAI 11A 23, RABAT 11A 23
BITT A1 21 fatcat

On 10th draw, (S)HAGREEN 10H 65 --- SHAGREEN the rough skin of certain sharks [n]
Other moves: THENAGE A3 45, GATHER A1 42, THRANG A3 42, AETHER A1 39, ANTHER A1 39
RATH A1 33 fatcat

On 11th draw, DECAYING D8 69 --- DECAY to decompose [v]
Other moves: DANCING O8 36, INCAGED O9 36, CADGE 13C 34, GENIC O8 33, GEODIC B1 32
DANCING O8 36 fatcat

On 12th draw, PINOCLE O8 42 --- PINOCLE a card game [n]
Other moves: ENTOPIC O9 36, TOECLIP A3 36, PINOCLE 14B 34, PENCIL O8 33, PONTIC O8 33
PENCIL O8 33 fatcat

On 13th draw, QI C13 46 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QUID 8A 42, QUOD 8A 42, QUIM 13B 34, QUOIN E5 33, REQUIN M9 32
QI C13 46 fatcat

On 14th draw, FOXHUNT B2 44 --- FOXHUNT to hunt with hounds for a fox [v]
Other tops: FOX 4C 44
Other moves: FOUTH B2 38, NOX 4C 35, FOH 4C 32, NINTH 14B 32, HOX 13K 31
OX 2B 31 fatcat

On 15th draw, GAUJE 15D 39 --- GAUJE a fellow [n]
Other tops: FETA A1 39
Other moves: JA B14 38, RAJ 11C 38, META A1 36, JET A1 35, JUMAR E5 33
FETA A1 39 Chelsea
JA B14 38 fatcat

On 16th draw, AXOID 4A 40 --- AXOID a helix curve [n]
Other moves: AMIDO A8 33, DITA A1 33, MAID A6 33, MOIRA A6 33, AROID A8 30
OAF A7 26 fatcat
FA B14 22 Chelsea

On 17th draw, MINNY 14B 51 --- MINNY a small fish [n]
Other moves: IRONY A8 42, YOM C7 35, MAYO 11C 30, MORAY 11A 30, MANY 11C 27
YOM C7 35 Chelsea
YO N14 20 fatcat

On 18th draw, FROWIE 14J 40 --- FROWIE musty or rancid [adj]
Other moves: FEWER M9 30, REIF C6 30, GOIER A6 29, FAW 11C 28, FETA A1 26
FAW 11C 28 Chelsea
FETA A1 26 fatcat

On 19th draw, URGED A8 33 --- URGE to drive forward [v]
Other moves: UNRED A8 30, URGENT A8 30, URNED A8 30, DREG F7 29, FOXHUNTED B2 27
URGENT A8 30 fatcat
GUE A6 23 Chelsea

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