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Game on February 3, 2025 at 01:05, 5 players
1. 97 pts GLOBEMAN
2. 27 pts sunshine12
3. 27 pts roocatcher

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeeinsy   H4    24    24   yeans
 2. aegiktz   G4    43    67   kazi
 3. ?abdfiu   4C    28    95   baulky
 4. ?binovy   C1    34   129   ribbony
 5. cdiorst   7G    65   194   indictors
 6. alnotvw   1A    27   221   vorant
 7. deefgnt   8M    31   252   fet
 8. aeessvw   J3    74   326   seawives
 9. aeginox   B1    42   368   oxo
10. adhimop   K5    31   399   hoc
11. adefpru   L1    43   442   updraft
12. ceemort   A3    40   482   cermet
13. adehiin   O1    42   524   handiest
14. adenpqr   E3    30   554   quep
15. aelrtuw   I7    26   580   daw
16. deegilr   D7    25   605   edgier
17. ailnrtu   N7    72   677   retinular
18. giilnor  14H    61   738   original
19. egijmou  15E    56   794   ojime
20. egllotu  O12    34   828   gole

Remaining tiles: lltu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7430 FileGLOBEMAN    0  3:29  -731   97     1.7430 GLOBEMAN    0  3:29  -731   97 
  2.7024 Filesunshine12  0  1:25  -801   27     2.7024 sunshine12  0  1:25  -801   27 
  3.7184 Fileroocatcher  0  1:56  -801   27     3.7184 roocatcher  0  1:56  -801   27 
  4.  -  Filechunk88     0  0:22  -807   21            Group: not rated
  5.  -  FileBadBoyBen   0  1:19  -814   14     1.  -  chunk88     0  0:22  -807   21 
                                             2.  -  BadBoyBen   0  1:19  -814   14 

On 1st draw, YEANS H4 24 --- YEAN to bear young [v]
Other moves: AYINS H4 18, AYINS H8 18, SAYNE H4 18, SAYNE H8 18, SEYEN H4 18

On 2nd draw, KAZI G4 43 --- KAZI a lavatory [n]
Other moves: ZATI I3 32, ZEA 6F 32, ZETA I3 32, GAZE I1 29, ZEA G6 29

On 3rd draw, BAU(L)KY 4C 28 --- BAULKY stubborn [adj]
Other tops: FU(N)KY 4D 28, F(L)AKY 4D 28, F(L)UKY 4D 28
Other moves: BA(L)KY 4D 26, BA(R)KY 4D 26, BU(L)KY 4D 26, BU(S)KY 4D 26, B(E)AKY 4D 26

On 4th draw, (R)IBBONY C1 34 --- RIBBONY resembling ribbon [adj]
Other tops: NOBBI(L)Y C1 34
Other moves: BONY 3B 33, (D)OBY 3B 33, (E)BONY 3A 33, (G)OBY 3B 33, (M)OBY 3B 33

On 5th draw, INDICTORS 7G 65 --- INDICTOR one who indicts [n]
Other moves: CROSS 8D 28, CO(R)DS 1A 27, TO(R)CS 1A 27, (R)OSCID 1C 27, CZARIST 6F 26
TO(R)CS 1A 27 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12, roocatcher

On 6th draw, VO(R)ANT 1A 27 --- VORANT devouring [adj]
Other moves: SALVO O7 24, STOWN O7 24, SWOLN O7 24, AVOW B7 23, LOWN 5B 23
SWOT O7 21 chunk88
OW 8L 14 BadBoyBen

On 7th draw, FET 8M 31 --- FET to fetch [v]
Other moves: FINE 2B 28, FID 2B 27, FIG 2B 27, SENTED O7 27, DEFT B5 25

On 8th draw, SEAWIVES J3 74 --- SEAWIFE a kind of wrasse, a bony fish [n]
Other moves: REWEAVES N7 32, AVOWS 5A 31, WEAVES B5 30, VOWS 5B 29, ASSES 8F 28

On 9th draw, OXO B1 42 --- OXO containing oxygen [adj]
Other moves: AX K4 38, EX K4 38, NIXE 2B 37, NIXE K2 37, AXING K1 36

On 10th draw, HOC K5 31 --- HOC this [pron]
Other tops: HAM K3 31, OHM K3 31
Other moves: MIHA K2 29, OHM 5C 29, HOMA K2 28, HAD K3 27, HM K4 27

On 11th draw, UPDRAFT L1 43 --- UPDRAFT an upward movement of air [n]
Other moves: FADEUR A3 41, DRAFT L3 33, DAFT L4 31, RAFT L4 29, PURDA L1 28

On 12th draw, CERMET A3 40 --- CERMET a heat-resistant alloy [n]
Other moves: METEOR A3 34, REMOTEST O1 33, REMOTE A3 32, RECTUM 1H 30, ECTOMERE N1 28

On 13th draw, HANDIEST O1 42 --- HANDY convenient for handling [adj]
Other moves: HAE M1 27, HIE M1 27, HUDNA 1K 27, DAH I7 26, HAINED I9 26

On 14th draw, QUEP E3 30 --- QUEP expressing derision [interj]
Other moves: PREED N6 28, QUAD E3 28, QUARE E3 28, QUEAN E3 28, QUENA E3 28

On 15th draw, DAW I7 26 --- DAW to dawn [v]
Other moves: WALER I9 24, WATER I9 24, WALE I9 22, WARE I9 22, WART I9 22

On 16th draw, EDGIER D7 25 --- EDGY tense, nervous, or irritable [adj]
Other moves: DEIL N2 23, DIEL N2 23, DIRGE K9 23, LEED N2 22, LIED N2 22

On 17th draw, RETINULAR N7 72 --- RETINULAR [adj]
Other moves: ULNAR C9 22, UNAI N1 22, AUNT E8 20, RETINULA N7 20, LUIT N2 19

On 18th draw, ORIGINAL 14H 61 --- ORIGINAL the first form of something [n]
Other moves: GIO M1 21, GIRL 15L 21, GIRN 15L 21, GIRO 15L 21, GIRR 15L 21

On 19th draw, OJIME 15E 56 --- OJIME a bead on a cord which fastens a Japanese container [n]
Other moves: OJIME 15D 51, JOE N2 43, MILE O12 42, MOLE O12 42, GJU 15F 39

On 20th draw, GOLE O12 34 --- GOLE a goal, a target [n]
Other moves: TOLE O12 26, GEO M1 21, GOE M1 21, TEGU 13H 21, GENU M12 19

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