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Game on February 3, 2025 at 07:11, 2 players
1. 461 pts fatcat
2. 158 pts Chelsea

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aahors   H2    76    76   sahuaro
 2. adnoors   9B    70   146   nardoos
 3. eefinor   B8    36   182   inferno
 4. aeginno   2B    72   254   anginose
 5. beeilrt   D7    72   326   terrible
 6. acemntw   4D    86   412   watchmen
 7. ?ceegir   1I    82   494   energic
 8. aeiopqt   A6    42   536   qat
 9. behinpt   1A    31   567   phi
10. adefstv  15D    45   612   staved
11. elnorsv  A11    27   639   noels
12. degijlz   J3    40   679   jeez
13. iloptwy   3J    38   717   jowly
14. befoptu  10D    30   747   ref
15. deiipuv   5B    27   774   vied
16. abgimuu  14H    21   795   bima
17. aiklpru  14D    35   830   euk
18. diprtuy  15K    35   865   tripy
19. dgilotu  13I    28   893   toluid

Remaining tiles: aguux

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6408 Filefatcat      1 12:15  -432  461     1.7219 Chelsea     2  8:05  -735  158 
  2.7219 FileChelsea     2  8:05  -735  158            Group: intermediate
                                             1.6408 fatcat      1 12:15  -432  461 

On 1st draw, SAH(U)ARO H2 76 --- SAHUARO a tall cactus [n]
Other moves: SAH(U)ARO H3 70, SAH(U)ARO H4 70, SAH(U)ARO H6 70, SAH(U)ARO H7 70, SAH(U)ARO H8 70

On 2nd draw, NARDOOS 9B 70 --- NARDOO an Australian fern [n]
Other moves: NARDOOS G8 62, NARDOOS I8 62, DOONAS G3 28, DOONA G3 25, ODORS I2 23
HOODS 4H 18 fatcat

On 3rd draw, INFERNO B8 36 --- INFERNO a place that resembles or suggests hell [n]
Other moves: NEIF 10C 35, REEF 10C 35, REIF 10C 35, NIFE 8A 34, RIFE 8A 34
FREER D8 24 fatcat

On 4th draw, ANGINOSE 2B 72 --- ANGINA a disease marked by spasmodic attacks of intense pain [adj] --- ANGINOSE relating to angina [adj]
Other tops: GANOINES 2A 72
Other moves: EANING A3 33, ENNOG A4 30, GENOA A4 30, GONIA A4 30, GONNA A4 30
NAG A6 21 fatcat

On 5th draw, TERRIBLE D7 72 --- TERRIBLE an awe inspiring fear [n] --- TERRIBLE very bad [adj]
Other tops: TERRIBLE D6 72
Other moves: LIBERATE 6C 64, TERRIBLE 7F 63, TERRIBLE 7E 62, BERET A4 36, BETEL A4 36
RIB A6 27 fatcat

On 6th draw, WATCHMEN 4D 86 --- WATCHMAN a man employed to stand guard [n]
Other moves: CWM A6 42, MANET A4 36, MEANT A4 36, MENTA A4 36, WEM A6 36
WENT A5 27 fatcat

On 7th draw, E(N)ERGIC 1I 82 --- ENERGIC showing energy [adj]
Other moves: EROGE(N)IC F7 70, GENERIC(S) K2 70, GEN(T)RICE K2 70, GRAECI(S)E 6F 70, GRAECI(Z)E 6F 70
RIG A6 21 fatcat

On 8th draw, QAT A6 42 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: OPIATE 1A 41, PATIO A4 36, PIETA A4 36, QI 8A 33, ATOP A5 30
QI 8A 33 fatcat

On 9th draw, PHI 1A 31 --- PHI a Greek letter [n]
Other tops: HENBIT 5J 31, PEH 5C 31
Other moves: REH 10D 30, HENBIT 3J 29, HE 10F 28, HI 10F 28, HEPT 5J 27
HI 10F 28 fatcat

On 10th draw, STAVED 15D 45 --- STAVE to drive or thrust away [v]
Other moves: SAFED 15D 42, SAVED 15D 42, FEAST A11 39, FEATS A11 39, STAVE 15D 39
REFS 10D 33 fatcat

On 11th draw, NOELS A11 27 --- NOEL a Christmas carol [n]
Other moves: VOLE 5C 25, GLOVERS M1 24, GOVERNS M1 24, GROVELS M1 24, LOVERS 5J 24
NOVELS 14H 22 fatcat

On 12th draw, JEEZ J3 40 --- JEEZ used as a mild oath [interj]
Other moves: GLOZED F7 37, JEDI 5C 37, ZED 5C 37, GLOZE F7 35, ADZE 6H 34
ZEAL 6F 33 fatcat

On 13th draw, JOWLY 3J 38 --- JOWLY having prominent jowls [adj]
Other moves: PIOY 5B 33, PLOW 5B 33, PLOY 5B 33, ROPY 10D 33, YOW 5C 33
JOWL 3J 30 fatcat

On 14th draw, REF 10D 30 --- REF to referee [v]
Other moves: FOB 5C 29, FE 10F 28, REPO 10D 27, ROBE 10D 27, ROPE 10D 27
REF 10D 30 fatcat
DEF E9 26 Chelsea

On 15th draw, VIED 5B 27 --- VIE to strive for superiority [v]
Other moves: PIED 5B 25, DEI I6 23, PED 5C 23, DIVE 14H 22, DIVI 14H 22
VIED 5B 27 Chelsea
DIVE 14H 22 fatcat

On 16th draw, BIMA 14H 21 --- BIMA a platform in a synagogue [n]
Other moves: BAM 14H 20, MIB 14H 20, BIGA 14H 18, MAGI 14H 18, BAG 14H 17
BAM 14H 20 Chelsea
BAG 14H 17 fatcat

On 17th draw, EUK 14D 35 --- EUK to itch [v]
Other tops: EIK 14D 35
Other moves: KALI 13I 32, KULA 13I 32, RUPIA 13I 29, KA 13I 28, KILP 13K 26
KA 13I 28 Chelsea
PARK 13K 24 fatcat

On 18th draw, TRIPY 15K 35 --- TRIPY worthless [adj]
Other moves: DIRTY 15K 33, YUP 13I 31, DRIPT 15K 30, UPDRY 13J 30, PURTY 13K 24
TRIPY 15K 35 Chelsea
DIRTY 15K 33 fatcat

On 19th draw, TOLUID 13I 28 --- TOLUID a derivative of glycocoll [n]
Other moves: DUO 14M 24, ONTO K3 23, DOG 13I 22, DUG 13I 22, GOLD 13I 22
DOG 13I 22 Chelsea
GUILD 13K 18 fatcat

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