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Game on February 4, 2025 at 01:16, 1 player
1. 22 pts GLOBEMAN

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adimosy   H8    84    84   daimyos
 2. ?ilosuu  11F    68   152   luminous
 3. adefgou   E7    94   246   fougade
 4. eilnrtv   L8    82   328   virulent
 5. adinruy  D12    33   361   adry
 6. deilnoo   D2    76   437   eidolon
 7. ?ceiikr   I3    75   512   kickier
 8. aejmnsz  15A    69   581   jazy
 9. aeopssw   C3    38   619   paseo
10. einrttu   5F    70   689   tincture
11. eehnqrt  14J    34   723   henner
12. aemnprt   O8    42   765   tramper
13. aenottw   C9    30   795   aweto
14. bceegno  13G    41   836   gobonee
15. cegilwx   J2    31   867   xi
16. aghistv  15N    44   911   as
17. aceghnv   4K    39   950   ganch
18. efiltvw   O1    33   983   withe

Remaining tiles: bflqv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7496 FileGLOBEMAN    0  0:27  -961   22     1.7496 GLOBEMAN    0  0:27  -961   22 

On 1st draw, DAIMYOS H8 84 --- DAIMYO a former Japanese nobleman [n]
Other moves: DAIMYOS H4 80, DAIMYOS H2 78, DAIMYOS H3 78, DAIMYOS H6 78, DAIMYOS H7 78

On 2nd draw, LUMI(N)OUS 11F 68 --- LUMINOUS giving off light [adj]
Other tops: LUS(C)IOUS 14A 68
Other moves: LUS(C)IOUS 14F 61, (P)LUMOUS 11E 32, LOU(N)S G9 22, LOUSI(L)Y 12B 18, (E)USOL I11 18

On 3rd draw, FOUGADE E7 94 --- FOUGADE a pit filled with explosives and stones [n]
Other moves: FOUGADES 14A 84, FOUGADE G2 68, FOUGADE I2 68, FOUGADES M4 67, FADGE E10 40

On 4th draw, VIRULENT L8 82 --- VIRULENT extremely poisonous [adj]
Other moves: RENVOI 8A 39, VENTIL F6 33, OVERLIT 13H 28, VENTIL D3 28, VIREO 8A 27

On 5th draw, ADRY D12 33 --- ADRY thirsty [adj]
Other moves: UNITARY 15I 30, UNTIDY 15J 30, VARY 8L 30, VINY 8L 30, YDRAD 12A 28

On 6th draw, EIDOLON D2 76 --- EIDOLON a phantom [n]
Other moves: EIDOLON G3 67, EIDOLON I3 67, DOOLIE C9 32, DOEN C12 30, DOON C12 30

On 7th draw, KIC(K)IER I3 75 --- KICKY exciting [adj]
Other moves: (B)RICKIE G3 74, (B)RICKIE I3 74, (T)RICKIE G3 74, (T)RICKIE I3 74, (D)ICKIER I3 70

On 8th draw, JAZY 15A 69 --- JAZY a wig [n]
Other moves: ENZYMS 15A 60, ENZYM 15A 57, JANES 14J 56, JANNS 14J 56, MAZE C3 54

On 9th draw, PASEO C3 38 --- PASEO a leisurely stroll [n]
Other moves: SWEEPS 2B 34, WOOPSES 13G 34, AVOWS 8K 33, PAW C3 32, PEW C3 32

On 10th draw, TINCTURE 5F 70 --- TINCTURE to tinge [v]
Other moves: TITRE B4 26, TIER B4 25, TETRI C9 24, UTERI C9 24, KNITTER 3I 22

On 11th draw, HENNER 14J 34 --- HENNER a challenge to a daring act [n]
Other moves: THRENE B6 28, NETHER 15J 27, TETHER 15J 27, THERE B6 27, THREE B6 27

On 12th draw, TRAMPER O8 42 --- TRAMPER one that tramps [n]
Other moves: EMPART O10 39, MPRET B6 37, PERM O12 33, PREARM O10 33, VAMP 8L 33

On 13th draw, AWETO C9 30 --- AWETO a wormlike fungus [n]
Other moves: ANEW 4L 28, ANOW 4L 28, AWEE 13J 28, ENOW 4L 28, UNWET G11 28

On 14th draw, GOBONEE 13G 41 --- GOBONEE composed of squares of alternating colours [adj]
Other moves: BUNGEE G10 27, COB G7 25, BOUN G9 24, BUNG G10 23, GOB 4K 23

On 15th draw, XI J2 31 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other tops: WIEL B4 31
Other moves: CIEL B4 29, WIG B4 29, XIS 14F 29, EXCEL M2 28, WEXE M2 28

On 16th draw, AS 15N 44 --- AS a Norse god living in Asgard [n] --- AS a ridge left by a glacier [n] --- AS an old Roman coin [n] --- AS to the same degree [adv]
Other moves: TAISH N2 43, SIGHT B4 38, SIGH B4 37, TRAMPERS O8 36, GHAST N2 33

On 17th draw, GANCH 4K 39 --- GANCH to impale [v]
Other moves: CHA B6 35, CHE B6 35, GANEV 4K 35, CH B6 34, EACH 4L 32

On 18th draw, WITHE O1 33 --- WITHE to bind with flexible twigs [v]
Other moves: LIEF N7 32, WIEL B4 31, WITH O1 30, EF N9 28, FEW 6L 26

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