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Game on February 7, 2025 at 00:25, 5 players
1. 155 pts GLOBEMAN
2. 32 pts sunshine12
3. 32 pts roocatcher

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aemsuz   H4   104   104   zamouse
 2. dehooty   I3    42   146   hoyed
 3. ?aeoqrt   J7    70   216   equator
 4. aeinopt  13H    72   288   atropine
 5. acdeego   G2    35   323   cadge
 6. bdeflow   O8    51   374   elbowed
 7. aeikmrs   2A    86   460   keramics
 8. eiooprt  14K    30   490   poted
 9. aefinry   1H    54   544   aerify
10. adilltv  12H    38   582   diota
11. agijoru   D1    44   626   jaguar
12. cennorw  15H    27   653   owre
13. aghlnux   F6    37   690   hangul
14. eelnosx   A2    36   726   keelson
15. biilttv   E2    21   747   mitt
16. filnsuv   9A    22   769   sif
17. biiinux   M1    28   797   yunx
18. biinnov   L4    28   825   obi
19. ciilnrv   B9    28   853   incivil

Remaining tiles: nrv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7321 FileGLOBEMAN    2  8:43  -698  155     1.7321 GLOBEMAN    2  8:43  -698  155 
  2.7061 Filesunshine12  0  0:23  -821   32     2.7061 sunshine12  0  0:23  -821   32 
  3.7183 Fileroocatcher  0  1:14  -821   32     3.7183 roocatcher  0  1:14  -821   32 
  4.  -  Filechunk88     0  1:46  -821   32            Group: not rated
  5.  -  FileBadBoyBen   0  0:45  -840   13     1.  -  chunk88     0  1:46  -821   32 
                                             2.  -  BadBoyBen   0  0:45  -840   13 

On 1st draw, ZAM(O)USE H4 104 --- ZAMOUSE an African buffalo [n]
Other tops: MEZU(Z)AS H2 104, ME(Z)UZAS H8 104, ZEU(G)MAS H4 104
Other moves: MEZU(Z)AS H4 90, ME(Z)UZAS H4 90, ZAM(O)USE H2 90, ZEU(G)MAS H8 90, MEZU(Z)AS H3 86

On 2nd draw, HOYED I3 42 --- HOY to incite [v]
Other moves: DOHYO G5 40, DOHYO I3 40, OOHED I3 36, TOYED I3 36, HYED G7 35

On 3rd draw, EQ(U)ATOR J7 70 --- EQUATOR an imaginary circle round the middle of the earth [n]
Other moves: Q(U)AESTOR 9D 68, EQ(U)ATORS 9A 67, QAT(S) 11E 41, QAT G3 40, QA(T) G3 38

On 4th draw, ATROPINE 13H 72 --- ATROPINE a medicine derived from the deadly nightshade [n]
Other moves: PATEN G3 39, TAPEN G3 39, OATEN G3 35, ENTOZOA 4D 32, NAPE G3 32

On 5th draw, CADGE G2 35 --- CADGE to get by begging [v]
Other moves: CADE G3 34, CAGE G3 34, DACE G3 34, DECO G5 33, EDGE G3 32

On 6th draw, ELBOWED O8 51 --- ELBOW to jostle [v]
Other moves: BEFELD O10 48, DWEEB O11 45, BOWELED O8 42, FLOWED F6 40, FOWLED F6 40

On 7th draw, KERAMICS 2A 86 --- KERAMIC an item made of baked clay [n]
Other moves: KAMES 14F 47, KAMIS 14F 47, KAIM H12 45, KAMA H12 45, KAME H12 45

On 8th draw, POTED 14K 30 --- POTE to poke [v]
Other tops: OPTER 1H 30, POOED 14K 30
Other moves: PAIR H12 27, PARE H12 27, PART H12 27, PATE H12 27, PONE N11 27

On 9th draw, AERIFY 1H 54 --- AERIFY to aerate [v]
Other moves: AREFY 1H 51, FAERY F6 44, FAIRY F6 44, FERNY F6 44, FIERY F6 44

On 10th draw, DIOTA 12H 38 --- DIOTA an ancient two-handled vase [n]
Other moves: VAIL H12 33, VALI H12 33, DAVIT 15G 32, ODAL 12J 29, IKAT A1 27

On 11th draw, JAGUAR D1 44 --- JAGUAR a powerful feline beast of prey [n]
Other moves: JAG 1D 43, JOG 1D 43, JUG 1D 43, GAJO 15H 42, JAGIR D1 42

On 12th draw, OWRE 15H 27 --- OWRE rock containing a valuable metal [n]
Other tops: CONNE 15G 27, CRONE 15G 27, NONCE 15G 27, WERO 15H 27, WORE 15H 27
Other moves: WERO E5 26, MORNE E2 25, CERO 15H 24, CONE 15H 24, CORE 15H 24

On 13th draw, HANGUL F6 37 --- HANGUL the Korean alphabetic script [n]
Other moves: RAX C2 35, HANG F6 33, HUNG F6 33, HAG F6 32, HAUL F6 32

On 14th draw, KEELSON A2 36 --- KEELSON a beam in a ship [n]
Other moves: HEXONES 3I 34, FLEXES L1 32, FLEXOS L1 32, HEXONE 3I 32, HEXOSE 3I 32
FLEXES L1 32 sunshine12, roocatcher, chunk88

On 15th draw, MITT E2 21 --- MITT a type of baseball glove [n]
Other moves: BIT 14F 16, FLITT L1 16, TITI B4 16, VILLI 11C 16, FITT L1 14
BIT N6 13 BadBoyBen

On 16th draw, SIF 9A 22 --- SIF disgusting (syphilitic) (S African slang) [adj]
Other moves: IS J3 21, ISNA 7C 20, OILS 7A 20, ONUS 7A 20, SLUING 9A 20

On 17th draw, YUNX M1 28 --- YUNX a genus of small birds [n]
Other moves: XI B4 20, EX 3A 18, EX B2 18, INFIX C7 16, QUINIE 8J 16

On 18th draw, OBI L4 28 --- OBI obeah [n] --- OBI to bewitch with obia [v]
Other moves: ION L3 26, OB L4 26, VOX 4K 26, BOX 4K 24, IO L3 24

On 19th draw, INCIVIL B9 28 --- INCIVIL discourteous [adj]
Other moves: CIVIL 11B 20, FICIN C9 20, VILLI 11C 16, VIN N6 16, IN K8 14

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