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Game on February 8, 2025 at 14:18, 10 players
1. 246 pts Chelsea
2. 217 pts LongJump22
3. 145 pts moonmonkey

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aggkrtu   H4    28    28   kurta
 2. ?ehimoo   7C    68    96   homeotic
 3. aelopsw   8A    54   150   alowe
 4. efinott   J7    70   220   confetti
 5. aanqstu  14F    34   254   quasi
 6. nnoopsu   9A    28   282   noons
 7. deiinrv  15C    52   334   divine
 8. aehiprt  12C    82   416   threapit
 9. aiorrty  10A    30   446   ay
10. ceeorty   8J    42   488   oocyte
11. adefgrr   6D    42   530   def
12. aeelors   L6    70   600   escarole
13. egilrsx  M11    46   646   sixer
14. abegjnu  15A    36   682   undivine
15. ?acegip   5A    37   719   picas
16. adegllr  14A    25   744   gaed
17. ailmnrv  15L    33   777   vril
18. abgilrt   A1    27   804   graip
19. bdegnru   2A    28   832   redbug

Remaining tiles: bjlmnrtwz

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7170 FileChelsea     3 10:46  -586  246     1.7170 Chelsea     3 10:46  -586  246 
  2.5432 FileLongJump22  2  3:31  -615  217     2.7339 moonmonkey  0  3:16  -687  145 
  3.7339 Filemoonmonkey  0  3:16  -687  145     3.7603 Mycophot    0  4:19  -687  145 
  4.7603 FileMycophot    0  4:19  -687  145     4.7125 VVVVVV1112  0  1:49  -766   66 
  5.5610 FileOOOOOO1112  2  3:06  -730  102     5.7663 queen66     0  1:23  -800   32 
  6.5515 FileLLLLLL1112  2  4:07  -730  102            Group: novice
  7.7125 FileVVVVVV1112  0  1:49  -766   66     1.5432 LongJump22  2  3:31  -615  217 
  8.7663 Filequeen66     0  1:23  -800   32     2.5610 OOOOOO1112  2  3:06  -730  102 
  9.5600 FileNNNNNN1112  1  1:56  -802   30     3.5515 LLLLLL1112  2  4:07  -730  102 
 10.5461 FileMMMMMM1112  1  1:43  -804   28     4.5600 NNNNNN1112  1  1:56  -802   30 
                                             5.5461 MMMMMM1112  1  1:43  -804   28 

On 1st draw, KURTA H4 28 --- KURTA a loose-fitting tunic of India [n]
Other tops: KRAUT H4 28
Other moves: KRAUT H8 20, KURTA H8 20, KAGU H5 18, KAGU H6 18, KAGU H7 18
KURTA H4 28 LongJump22

On 2nd draw, HOMEOTI(C) 7C 68 --- HOMEOTIC being a gene producing a shift in development [adj]
Other moves: (S)MOOTHIE 7D 67, HEIR(L)OOM 6E 66, KHO(U)M 4H 26, (C)HOOKIE 4D 26, (S)HMEK 4D 26
HEIR(L)OOM 6E 66 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112

On 3rd draw, ALOWE 8A 54 --- ALOWE ablaze [adv]
Other moves: PLEW 8A 53, PLOW 8A 53, SPAW 8A 53, SPEW 8A 53, SWAP 8A 48
PLOW 8A 53 LongJump22, moonmonkey
PLEW 8A 53 Mycophot

On 4th draw, (C)ONFETTI J7 70 --- CONFETTO a small piece of paper thrown at a wedding [n]
Other moves: FETATION A5 62, NEF 6D 38, TEF 6D 38, FONE 6B 32, FORT 6F 32

On 5th draw, QUASI 14F 34 --- QUASI similar but not exactly the same [adj]
Other tops: SQUAME E3 34
Other moves: QUINTAS 14H 32, ASQUAT 5E 30, EQUANT 11J 30, QAT I3 30, QUANTA 5G 30

On 6th draw, NOONS 9A 28 --- NOON midday [n] --- NOON to rest at midday [v]
Other moves: POAS H12 27, UNSNAP H10 27, OONS 9B 25, PUTONS 13H 25, OUPAS H11 24

On 7th draw, DIVINE 15C 52 --- DIVINE pertaining to or characteristic of a god [adj] --- DIVINE having godlike qualities (DIVINER, DIVINEST) [adj] --- DIVINE pertaining to a god [adj] --- DIVINE to foretell by occult means [v]
Other moves: DIVINER 11E 44, VEINIER 11E 40, VINE 15E 40, VIRE 15E 40, RIND 15E 37
DIVINER 11E 44 moonmonkey, Mycophot

On 8th draw, THREAPIT 12C 82 --- THREAP to dispute (pa p THREAPIT) [v]
Other moves: PHATTER 13G 49, HEAPIER 11E 48, PRITHEE 11E 48, TEPHRA 6D 47, OPHITE 8J 45
PRITHEE 11E 48 moonmonkey, Mycophot
PAH 14B 24 Chelsea

On 9th draw, AY 10A 30 --- AY an affirmative vote [n]
Other tops: OARY 11D 30
Other moves: YAR K9 26, ARY 11E 23, OTARY 13I 22, YA K10 22, ORATOR 8J 21
AY 10A 30 OOOOOO1112, Chelsea, LLLLLL1112, NNNNNN1112

On 10th draw, OOCYTE 8J 42 --- OOCYTE an egg before maturation [n]
Other moves: CORY 11D 36, COY 11D 32, CREEKY 4D 30, EERY 11D 30, EYER K8 30
COY 11D 32 queen66
EYE K9 26 Chelsea

On 11th draw, DEF 6D 42 --- DEF excellent [adj]
Other moves: EF 6E 32, RAREFY M3 32, GED 6D 30, DEFRAY M3 28, FAD 7M 28
DEF 6D 42 Chelsea

On 12th draw, ESCAROLE L6 70 --- ESCAROLE a broad-leaved endive [n]
Other moves: AUREOLES 5G 66, OLEASTER N3 62, AREOLES 11E 42, SERAL 5A 33, SORAL 5A 33
ESCAROLE L6 70 LongJump22
SON 9H 14 Chelsea

On 13th draw, SIXER M11 46 --- SIXER anything counting for six [n]
Other moves: EX K10 44, SIX M11 42, XIS M13 38, GREX 14A 36, XI M13 36
SIXER M11 46 Chelsea
EX K10 44 OOOOOO1112, LLLLLL1112

On 14th draw, UNDIVINE 15A 36 --- UNDIVINE not divine [adj]
Other moves: JAB 14B 31, BRAG 15L 30, BUNJE K2 30, BUNJE M2 30, JUBE 11G 30
JAB 14B 31 Chelsea

On 15th draw, PICA(S) 5A 37 --- PICA a craving for unnatural food [n]
Other tops: PICA(L) 5A 37
Other moves: (S)CAPE 11C 34, CAPE 11D 33, CRAP 15L 33, (S)CRAP 15K 33, (S)CRIP 15K 33
CRAP 15L 33 Chelsea

On 16th draw, GAED 14A 25 --- GAE to go [v]
Other moves: DRAG 15L 24, DREG 15L 24, EARD 11D 24, GRAD 15L 24, AG K10 22

On 17th draw, VRIL 15L 33 --- VRIL electric fluid represented as the common origin of the forces in matter [n]
Other moves: VARMINT N2 28, VIRAL 15K 27, AM K10 26, MARRI 15K 24, MAVIN B2 24

On 18th draw, GRAIP A1 27 --- GRAIP a fork [n]
Other moves: KITBAG 4H 26, ATRIP A1 24, BA 13B 23, BI 13B 23, AG K10 22

On 19th draw, REDBUG 2A 28 --- REDBUG a parasitic mite [n]
Other moves: BE 13B 23, BUNGED K1 23, BUNGED M1 23, BUDGER K1 22, BUDGER M1 22

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