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Game on February 8, 2025 at 18:07, 11 players
1. 277 pts LongJump22
2. 214 pts ArcticFox
3. 204 pts VVVVVV1112

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?cghoov   H4    32    32   havoc
 2. eekorst   5E    94   126   kreasote
 3. ?dfiotu   6J    36   162   fetid
 4. abbenor   4L    32   194   boab
 5. aehilmo   8H    98   292   cholemia
 6. cegiluv   O1    24   316   club
 7. aeegjrs   9B    80   396   jaegers
 8. anorryz   6B    45   441   zany
 9. adestux   L8    84   525   exudates
10. aegnorw  15E    86   611   wagoners
11. adefiln  13G    84   695   inflated
12. aeiimpt   K8    31   726   lame
13. aginoou   9K    24   750   axing
14. inoopry   3I    39   789   proyn
15. aiorstt  11D    70   859   storiated
16. deiopuv  10D    37   896   div
17. eelqrtw   7C    32   928   weel
18. eiinort   B9    32   960   jointer

Remaining tiles: iipquu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: master
  1.5432 FileLongJump22  3  4:00  -683  277     1.9809 Pacific     1  2:43  -832  128 
  2.7262 FileArcticFox   1  9:07  -746  214            Group: advanced
  3.7125 FileVVVVVV1112  1  4:55  -756  204     1.7262 ArcticFox   1  9:07  -746  214 
  4.7327 Filemoonmonkey  2  5:26  -827  133     2.7125 VVVVVV1112  1  4:55  -756  204 
  5.9809 FilePacific     1  2:43  -832  128     3.7327 moonmonkey  2  5:26  -827  133 
  6.5600 FileNNNNNN1112  1  1:44  -860  100     4.7643 Mycophot    2  3:11  -896   64 
  7.5610 FileOOOOOO1112  1  1:52  -890   70     5.7663 queen66     0  0:28  -923   37 
  8.7643 FileMycophot    2  3:11  -896   64            Group: novice
  9.5461 FileMMMMMM1112  0  1:17  -914   46     1.5432 LongJump22  3  4:00  -683  277 
 10.7663 Filequeen66     0  0:28  -923   37     2.5600 NNNNNN1112  1  1:44  -860  100 
 11.5515 FileLLLLLL1112  1  1:42  -936   24     3.5610 OOOOOO1112  1  1:52  -890   70 
                                             4.5461 MMMMMM1112  0  1:17  -914   46 
                                             5.5515 LLLLLL1112  1  1:42  -936   24 

On 1st draw, H(A)VOC H4 32 --- HAVOC to destroy [v]
Other tops: VO(U)CH H4 32, VO(U)CH H8 32
Other moves: H(A)VOC H8 30, COHOG H4 28, COHOG(S) H4 28, CO(U)GH H8 28, HOOV(E) H4 28
VO(U)CH H8 32 LongJump22, moonmonkey, Mycophot
HOOV(E) H4 28 ArcticFox

On 2nd draw, KRE(A)SOTE 5E 94 --- KREASOTE to treat with a wood preservative [v]
Other tops: KER(A)TOSE 5E 94
Other moves: RESTOKE 9F 76, KREOSOTE 7C 69, OVERKEST 6G 69, VOERTSEK 6H 69, KREOSOTE 7E 64
KER(A)TOSE 5E 94 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112

On 3rd draw, F(E)TID 6J 36 --- FETID having an offensive odor [adj]
Other moves: FO(E)TID 6J 35, FIDO 6J 34, FIDO(S) 6J 34, FO(N)DU 6J 34, FID 6J 33
FID 6J 33 ArcticFox

On 4th draw, BOAB 4L 32 --- BOAB a tropical tree with a swollen trunk [n]
Other tops: BARB 4L 32
Other moves: KNOBBER E5 30, ABBE 4K 28, ABORE 4K 28, BABE 4L 28, BOBA 4L 28
BARB 4L 32 moonmonkey, Mycophot
BABE 4L 28 ArcticFox

On 5th draw, CHOLEMIA 8H 98 --- CHOLEMIA an accumulation of bile pigments in the blood [n]
Other moves: HEMIOLA I8 71, HEMAL 3I 38, LEHAIM 3I 38, OMLAH 3I 38, HIMBO O1 36
HEMIOLA I8 71 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112
HM 3M 28 ArcticFox

On 6th draw, CLUB O1 24 --- CLUB to form a club (an organized group of persons) [v]
Other moves: GLIB O1 21, VLEI 6B 21, CIVES I1 19, CUVEE G1 19, CURVE F3 18
CLUB O1 24 ArcticFox, NNNNNN1112, OOOOOO1112, LLLLLL1112

On 7th draw, JAEGERS 9B 80 --- JAEGER a German army marksman [n]
Other moves: RAJ 3K 44, JEU 3M 40, GJU 3M 37, JAGERS 9C 36, JAG 3K 34
JAEGERS 9B 80 LongJump22, Pacific
JAEGERS 9B 30 NNNNNN1112, moonmonkey

On 8th draw, ZANY 6B 45 --- ZANY a zany person [n] --- ZANY ludicrously comical [adj] --- ZANY to play the zany to [v]
Other moves: ZONA 6B 39, GYOZA E9 36, OOZY J8 36, OYEZ F7 36, ZYGON E7 36
ZONA 6B 39 moonmonkey, VVVVVV1112

On 9th draw, EXUDATES L8 84 --- EXUDATE an exuded substance [n]
Other moves: EAUX 10C 59, DUX 10D 58, TUX 10D 56, SAXE 7A 49, AXE 7B 48
AXE 7B 48 Pacific
SAX 7A 46 NNNNNN1112
TAX 7A 46 OOOOOO1112, MMMMMM1112

On 10th draw, WAGONERS 15E 86 --- WAGONER one who drives a waggon [n]
Other moves: GOWAN M10 35, WAREZ B2 34, GNAWERS 15F 33, AWE 7B 32, GNAW 3J 32

On 11th draw, INFLATED 13G 84 --- INFLATE to cause to expand by filling with gas or air [v]
Other moves: INFIDEL N8 38, INFIELD N8 38, DEIF 10C 37, FADE 14F 37, FADEIN 10A 37
FADE 14F 37 queen66

On 12th draw, LAME K8 31 --- LAME disabled especially the legs [adj] --- LAME to make lame [v]
Other moves: TAME 7A 29, TIME 10D 29, MAP 14D 28, MAP 3K 28, PAM 14D 28

On 13th draw, AXING 9K 24 --- AX to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool) [v]
Other tops: AGO 7B 24, GAUN 7C 24, GUIDON N10 24
Other moves: GAU 7C 23, AXION 9K 22, GAIN 10A 22, NAG 7A 22, NOG 7A 22

On 14th draw, PROYN 3I 39 --- PROYN to prune [v]
Other moves: PIOY 14C 35, OY 14I 33, NOY 14D 32, OY 14E 31, NOY 7A 30
NOY 14D 32 ArcticFox

On 15th draw, STORIATED 11D 70 --- STORIATED
Other moves: ARTIS 10B 31, ASTIR 10B 31, OSTIA 10B 31, ORA J8 26, ROSTI 10A 25

On 16th draw, DIV 10D 37 --- DIV in Persian legend, an evil spirit [n]
Other tops: DEV 10D 37
Other moves: DOVIE 12A 28, DOP 14D 27, VOID 10A 27, DOUP 7C 26, OP 14E 25
POD 7A 24 ArcticFox

On 17th draw, WEEL 7C 32 --- WEEL a whirlpool [n] --- WEEL well [adj]
Other tops: WEER 7C 32, WEET 7C 32
Other moves: WEE 7C 31, OW J8 22, WAXING 9J 22, LEER 7C 20, LEET 7C 20
JEWEL B9 17 ArcticFox

On 18th draw, JOINTER B9 32 --- JOINTER one that joints [n]
Other moves: JOINER B9 30, NERTZ B2 28, THIO 4G 21, ORE 12H 17, ETEN 14L 16

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