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Game on February 9, 2025 at 03:07, 5 players
1. 203 pts GLOBEMAN
2. 33 pts sunshine12
3. 33 pts roocatcher

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aehnosv   H3    32    32   shaven
 2. ?bceloq   5E    40    72   vocable
 3. celnnor   H1    42   114   reshaven
 4. ?aadprw   J3    73   187   waldrapp
 5. aikmnos   8J    45   232   aikona
 6. aeegmry   D4    41   273   germy
 7. agorttu   2A    72   345   tutorage
 8. addeios   1H    83   428   roadside
 9. ceilntu   G7    67   495   tunicle
10. aeinnwx   F8    56   551   nix
11. aehirsz   8A    57   608   hazy
12. eefistw  14B    38   646   weftes
13. imnoops  13G    80   726   empoison
14. aefiltu  15A    37   763   feta
15. eglnorv   M3    78   841   overlong
16. abiiqtu  12K    55   896   qubit
17. deilruy  11E    33   929   decry
18. aeijlou  12A    43   972   joule

Remaining tiles: aiii

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7341 FileGLOBEMAN    1  6:18  -769  203     1.7341 GLOBEMAN    1  6:18  -769  203 
  2.7056 Filesunshine12  0  1:05  -939   33     2.7056 sunshine12  0  1:05  -939   33 
  3.7183 Fileroocatcher  0  1:36  -939   33     3.7183 roocatcher  0  1:36  -939   33 
  4.  -  Filechunk88     0  1:24  -952   20            Group: not rated
  5.  -  FileBadBoyBen   0  1:56  -965    7     1.  -  chunk88     0  1:24  -952   20 
                                             2.  -  BadBoyBen   0  1:56  -965    7 

On 1st draw, SHAVEN H3 32 --- SHAVE to sever the hair close to the roots [v]
Other tops: HAVENS H4 32, HOVEAS H4 32
Other moves: HAVEN H4 30, HAVES H4 30, HOVEA H4 30, HOVEN H4 30, HOVES H4 30

On 2nd draw, (V)OCABLE 5E 40 --- VOCABLE a word [n]
Other tops: CO(D)ABLE 5E 40
Other moves: (R)ESHAVEN H1 39, Q(U)ELCH 4C 38, CLOQ(U)ES 3B 36, COEQ(U)AL 5C 34, CALQ(U)E 5G 32

On 3rd draw, RESHAVEN H1 42 --- RESHAVE to shave again [v]
Other moves: CLONER D1 33, CONNER D1 33, CORNEL D1 33, CLONE D1 31, CONNE D1 31

On 4th draw, WALDRA(P)P J3 73 --- WALDRAPP the hermit ibis [n]
Other moves: WALDRAP(P) J3 67, (G)LADWRAP J4 67, PAR(K)WARD 1B 64, PAR(K)WARD 1F 64, WARP(E)D D1 40

On 5th draw, AIKONA 8J 45 --- AIKONA (Bantu) it is not [interj]
Other moves: KAIMS L1 43, KAMIS L1 43, KAINS L1 39, KAONS L1 39, KINAS L1 39

On 6th draw, GERMY D4 41 --- GERMY full of germs [adj]
Other moves: REAMY D4 39, MEAGER D1 35, KERYGMA L8 34, GAMEY D2 33, MARGE D1 33

On 7th draw, TUTORAGE 2A 72 --- TUTORAGE the act of tutoring [n]
Other moves: GOURA C2 29, URAO C4 27, GAUR C2 25, GUAR C2 25, OTTAR C1 25

On 8th draw, ROADSIDE 1H 83 --- ROADSIDE the area along the side of a road [n]
Other moves: ANODISED N7 78, ADENOIDS N5 66, ADONISED N5 66, TADDIES A2 33, TODDIES A2 33

On 9th draw, TUNICLE G7 67 --- TUNICLE a type of vestment [n]
Other moves: UNITE 1A 33, CETYL 8A 30, DELTIC N1 30, NUCLEIN N8 30, TUNICLE A2 30

On 10th draw, NIX F8 56 --- NIX a water sprite [n] --- NIX to veto [v]
Other moves: ANEW 1A 52, AX F9 52, EX F9 52, WAXY 8A 51, AXE 1A 47

On 11th draw, HAZY 8A 57 --- HAZY unclear [adj]
Other moves: HAZERS 14B 50, HAZERS C7 48, HAZIER C7 48, SIZY 8A 48, HAZER C7 47

On 12th draw, WEFTES 14B 38 --- WEFTE a waif [n]
Other tops: EWFTES 14B 38
Other moves: SWIFT 11J 36, STEW A1 33, FEW H13 32, FECES 11E 31, FECIT 11E 31

On 13th draw, EMPOISON 13G 80 --- EMPOISON to embitter [v]
Other moves: POLONISM 12E 76, SNIP 1A 44, MISPEN 13C 39, POMOS 13A 38, STOMP A1 36

On 14th draw, FETA 15A 37 --- FETA a crumbly white cheese [n]
Other moves: AFT 14I 33, EFT 14I 33, FAINE N10 32, FAINT N10 32, FEINT N10 32
AFT 14I 33 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12, roocatcher

On 15th draw, OVERLONG M3 78 --- OVERLONG too long [adj]
Other moves: GOV 13A 32, LEV 13A 30, REV 13A 30, VEG 13A 28, EGO 9A 25
GRONE N10 20 chunk88
GOV M12 7 BadBoyBen

On 16th draw, QUBIT 12K 55 --- QUBIT in computing, a quantum bit [n]
Other moves: QAT 12K 41, QIBLA 12D 39, QI 12K 37, QAT 13A 36, AQUA B5 33

On 17th draw, DECRY 11E 33 --- DECRY to denounce [v]
Other moves: DEY 13A 32, LEY 13A 30, UEY 13A 30, URINED N10 23, DEARY B6 21

On 18th draw, JOULE 12A 43 --- JOULE a unit of energy [n] --- JOULE to bump [v]
Other moves: JOE 1D 39, JOL 1D 39, JA 1D 36, JO 1D 36, JOL 13A 32

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