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Game on February 9, 2025 at 08:29, 1 player
1. 357 pts Chelsea

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. eiooprt   H4    22    22   protei
 2. ?aiisty   4F    74    96   sapidity
 3. aeiirsy   3C    35   131   arsey
 4. ?aemstu   8H    80   211   emulates
 5. efgilst   O1    89   300   giftless
 6. eeegnor   3K    23   323   gen
 7. cemnoot   B1    35   358   oncome
 8. eglnnop   A4    46   404   pengo
 9. aeiloqr   G9    42   446   qi
10. abdilov   1A    36   482   bovid
11. aaehkrr  F10    35   517   hakea
12. deeforr   6E    72   589   reroofed
13. ablnnor  13B    74   663   bannerol
14. aenorxz  H11    72   735   ozone
15. aadhiuu  12C    33   768   haik
16. adilrtw   N6    36   804   wield
17. aacortv  11C    29   833   acta
18. adioruw   2L    28   861   wadi
19. eiotuuv  O10    33   894   outvie

Remaining tiles: jlruux

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7175 FileChelsea     2 12:37  -537  357     1.7175 Chelsea     2 12:37  -537  357 

On 1st draw, PROTEI H4 22 --- PROTEUS one that readily changes his appearance or principles [n]
Other tops: POOTER H4 22
Other moves: PIERT H4 20, POORI H4 20, POORT H4 20, TROOP H8 20, POOTER H3 18

On 2nd draw, SAPI(D)ITY 4F 74 --- SAPIDITY the state of being sapid [n]
Other moves: S(P)IRITY 5E 36, YT(T)RIAS 5E 36, Y(T)TRIAS 5E 36, TA(N)SY 10F 25, SAIYI(D) 10C 24

On 3rd draw, ARSEY 3C 35 --- ARSEY aggressive, irritable [adj]
Other tops: RESAY 3C 35
Other moves: EASY 3L 26, SAY 3L 24, AYRIE 3C 23, ARY 3M 22, AYE 3M 22

On 4th draw, EMU(L)ATES 8H 80 --- EMULATE to try to equal or surpass [v]
Other tops: AMUSET(T)E 8A 80, AMUSE(T)TE 8A 80, MA(N)SUETE 8A 80
Other moves: MU(C)ATES B1 78, MUR(I)ATES D1 76, SU(M)MATE G6 75, TRA(N)SUME D2 74, MUTASE(S) G6 72
STEAM 2B 43 Chelsea

On 5th draw, GIFTLESS O1 89 --- GIFTLESS being without a gift [adj]
Other moves: GULFIEST J7 72, FUGLIEST J7 66, GIFTLESS O2 66, GIFTS 3K 39, GIFT 3K 37
FIG 3M 30 Chelsea

On 6th draw, GEN 3K 23 --- GEN as in gen up, to brief, GENNED, GENNING, GENS [v] --- GEN information obtained from study [n]
Other tops: GEO 3K 23
Other moves: NEF 3M 22, ORF 3M 22, RENEGE 10F 22, GENRE 10F 21, GENRO 10F 21
GO N2 17 Chelsea

On 7th draw, ONCOME B1 35 --- ONCOME a coming on [n]
Other moves: COME 4A 30, MONTERO 5C 29, TOOM 2C 29, OOM 2D 26, COOM B3 25
TOOM 2C 29 Chelsea

On 8th draw, PENGO A4 46 --- PENGO a former monetary unit of Hungary [n]
Other moves: GOLPE 1A 33, PLONGE A6 31, GOLP 1A 30, GOOP 1A 30, LONGE A4 30
PEEL N6 24 Chelsea

On 9th draw, QI G9 42 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QA(D)I J2 37, QI 2N 22, OORALI 1A 21, OORIAL 1A 21, QI 9G 21
QI G9 42 Chelsea

On 10th draw, BOVID 1A 36 --- BOVID an animal of the cattle family [n]
Other tops: OVOIDAL 1B 36
Other moves: BOVID F10 31, BIELD N6 30, DOAB 1A 30, DOOB 1A 30, VOID 1A 30
BOLD 1A 27 Chelsea

On 11th draw, HAKEA F10 35 --- HAKEA an Australian shrub [n]
Other moves: KARA F10 34, KAE F10 33, KEA F10 33, HAKA F10 32, HAKE F10 32
HARK F10 32 Chelsea

On 12th draw, REROOFED 6E 72 --- REROOF to renew the roof [v]
Other moves: REROOFED 6D 66, FREED 2F 41, FREER 2F 38, FRERE 2F 38, FRORE 2F 38
FREED 2F 41 Chelsea

On 13th draw, BANNEROL 13B 74 --- BANNEROL a banderol [n]
Other moves: BRAN 2F 29, BRA 2F 28, BRO 2F 28, OB 5J 27, AB 2E 25

On 14th draw, OZONE H11 72 --- OZONE a form of oxygen [n]
Other moves: ZOEA H12 69, ZONA H12 69, ZONE H12 69, ZOON H12 69, AXONE H11 60
OZONE H11 72 Chelsea

On 15th draw, HAIK 12C 33 --- HAIK an outer garment worn by Arabs [n]
Other moves: AH 2E 31, HAED N6 31, HIED N6 31, HUED N6 31, DAH E9 30

On 16th draw, WIELD N6 36 --- WIELD to handle or use effectively [v]
Other tops: DAWT 14A 36
Other moves: WADI 14A 34, WADT 14A 34, DAW 14A 31, WIEL N6 30, LAW 14A 29

On 17th draw, ACTA 11C 29 --- ACTA official minutes of proceedings [n]
Other tops: CARTA 11B 29
Other moves: ACTIN E9 26, VAT 14A 26, RATA 14A 25, ROTA 14A 25, CAIN E10 24

On 18th draw, WADI 2L 28 --- WADI the bed of a usually dry watercourse [n]
Other moves: AWOL I10 23, IDOLA I10 22, ALOD I12 21, IDOL I10 19, ODAL I10 19

On 19th draw, OUTVIE O10 33 --- OUTVIE to surpass in a competition [v]
Other moves: VIOLET I10 26, EMOVE 5A 24, OUTVIE M10 21, VIOL I10 20, ET 5J 19

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