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Game on February 9, 2025 at 13:52, 1 player
1. 245 pts Chelsea

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aderruw   H4    28    28   warder
 2. abdeghy   3G    31    59   hayed
 3. beehjrt   5E    48   107   breathe
 4. aagjstu   8B    67   174   ajutages
 5. ?ceiiqr   B8    74   248   acquire
 6. aelmouw  15A    57   305   meow
 7. aelmotu   2J    39   344   matlo
 8. noorstu   2A    73   417   unroots
 9. aenorst   O2    82   499   santero
10. abelnst  12B    72   571   instable
11. eegiklu   M1    86   657   gluelike
12. ?fiiilo   A1    33   690   sulfo
13. defiiio   1E    35   725   deif
14. eiinppy   L8    43   768   yippie
15. adinouv   N2    33   801   ovoid
16. aciinou   4A    24   825   finca
17. aginoxz  11E    43   868   azo
18. ginnuvx  M13    36   904   xi

Remaining tiles: ginnuv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7169 FileChelsea     1  5:59  -659  245     1.7169 Chelsea     1  5:59  -659  245 

On 1st draw, WARDER H4 28 --- WARDER a person who guards something [n] --- WARDER to guard [v]
Other tops: REDRAW H7 28, WARRED H4 28, WAURED H4 28
Other moves: WADER H4 26, WARED H4 26, DRAWER H4 24, REWARD H7 24, WARRE H4 24

On 2nd draw, HAYED 3G 31 --- HAY to convert into hay (grass, cut and dried for fodder) [v]
Other moves: BAYED 3G 29, HERBY 6F 29, HARDY 6F 28, HAY 3G 28, YAH 3G 28

On 3rd draw, BREATHE 5E 48 --- BREATHE to inhale and exhale air [v]
Other moves: BERTHE 2J 47, BERTH 2J 45, BERTHE 2B 43, BERET 2J 39, BHAJEE 5F 36

On 4th draw, AJUTAGES 8B 67 --- AJUTAGE a nozzle in a fountain [n]
Other moves: GJUS 10E 40, JUST 10F 39, JUS 10F 38, AJUGAS 2B 37, AJUGA 6A 33

On 5th draw, ACQ(U)IRE B8 74 --- ACQUIRE to come into possession of [v]
Other moves: CIRQ(U)E 4J 46, QI(S) 10F 42, ACQ(U)IRE F8 39, CIRQ(U)E 2B 37, CAIQ(U)E B7 36

On 6th draw, MEOW 15A 57 --- MEOW to make the crying sound of a cat [v]
Other moves: MEWL A12 50, MOWA A12 50, MEWL 15A 48, MEOW A12 47, LEAM 15A 45
MEOW A12 47 Chelsea

On 7th draw, MATLO 2J 39 --- MATLO a seaman [n]
Other tops: METAL 2J 39, METOL 2J 39, MOTEL 2J 39, MOULT 2J 39
Other moves: TRAMEL 6G 33, TREMA 6G 32, AMOLE 2I 31, AWETO 4G 30, MATLO 6J 30
METAL 6J 30 Chelsea

On 8th draw, UNROOTS 2A 73 --- UNROOT to uproot [v]
Other moves: TRONS L4 25, URSON L4 25, NOSTRO 10F 22, OUTROS E10 22, ROTONS E10 22
TURNS E11 20 Chelsea

On 9th draw, SANTERO O2 82 --- SANTERO a priest of santeria [n]
Other tops: SENATOR O2 82
Other moves: TREASON L4 79, SANTERO 10H 73, SENATOR 10H 73, TREASON 10D 73, SANTERO L5 71
NEATS 1E 25 Chelsea

On 10th draw, INSTABLE 12B 72 --- INSTABLE unstable [adj]
Other tops: BRANTLES 13A 72
Other moves: (U)NSTABLE 11B 68, BANALEST F7 64, BLEATS 1D 50, BLEAT 1D 47, ABLETS 1G 45
BASTLE N6 30 Chelsea

On 11th draw, GLUELIKE M1 86 --- GLUELIKE resembling glue [adj]
Other moves: GEEK 1A 66, LEGLIKE M2 34, LIEGE 1H 34, KEEL 1H 33, KUGEL A1 33
LUKE A1 27 Chelsea

On 12th draw, (S)ULFO A1 33 --- SULFO containing a certain univalent radical [adj]
Other tops: (K)ULFI A1 33
Other moves: FILO(S) 13I 31, FILO(S) L8 31, FIL(L)O 13I 31, FIL(L)O L8 31, FIL(M)I 13I 31
FIL(L)O L8 31 Chelsea

On 13th draw, DEIF 1E 35 --- DEIF deaf (Scots) [adj]
Other moves: DEIF 13F 32, FRIED 6G 28, FLIED H11 27, FOID D1 24, FOOD D1 24
DEIF 1E 35 Chelsea

On 14th draw, YIPPIE L8 43 --- YIPPIE a politically radical hippie [n]
Other moves: PINEY L8 33, YIPPIE 11I 31, NIPPY 13I 29, NIPPY L8 29, YIN 13G 27

On 15th draw, OVOID N2 33 --- OVOID an egg-shaped body [n]
Other moves: DAVEN 13I 27, DOVEN 13I 27, ADO N5 26, CANID 9B 26, CONIA 9B 24

On 16th draw, FINCA 4A 24 --- FINCA an estate in Spanish America [n]
Other tops: CONIA 9B 24, IONIC M11 24
Other moves: ANURIC 9E 21, CONI 9B 21, ILIAC H11 21, ONIRIC 9E 21, ICON 9A 19

On 17th draw, AZO 11E 43 --- AZO containing nitrogen [adj]
Other moves: AXONE 13H 39, LAZO H12 39, OX M12 38, ZEX 13K 38, ZONA 6B 38

On 18th draw, XI M13 36 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other tops: XU M13 36
Other moves: XI 13F 35, XI 13I 34, XU 13I 34, PIX 10L 28, VEX 13K 26

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