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Game on February 11, 2025 at 00:59, 1 player
1. 32 pts GLOBEMAN

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. defortw   H3    32    32   twofer
 2. cinostu   8H    83   115   ructions
 3. cdginov   M8    30   145   ovonic
 4. adeiist   J7    67   212   acidiest
 5. deelorz  L10    45   257   zed
 6. ?degnuw   5E    98   355   ungowned
 7. ?ailmor   N1    80   435   prolamin
 8. deefhps   9F    36   471   deshi
 9. eeglnrt  10A    69   540   gentler
10. abeijmy   1L    54   594   jape
11. aehiopr  13D    65   659   aphorise
12. afiostv  A10    42   701   gavots
13. aeiloru  12D    30   731   louie
14. abeimtx   3C    50   781   bemixt
15. eknorru   2D    49   830   nuke
16. abginoy   4A    41   871   boyg
17. aaailnr   A1    24   895   arabin
18. aafprty   4K    41   936   fatly

Remaining tiles: alpqr

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7201 FileGLOBEMAN    0  1:18  -904   32     1.7201 GLOBEMAN    0  1:18  -904   32 

On 1st draw, TWOFER H3 32 --- TWOFER something that is sold at the rate of two for the price of one [n]
Other moves: FORTED H4 28, TWOFER H4 26, TWOFER H7 26, TWOFER H8 26, FETOR H4 24

On 2nd draw, RUCTIONS 8H 83 --- RUCTION a noisy disturbance [n]
Other moves: SUCTION 9H 74, COUNTIES 7B 63, COITUS 9C 25, COUNTS 9C 25, CUTINS 9C 25

On 3rd draw, OVONIC M8 30 --- OVONIC an electronic device [n]
Other moves: CONDIGN N2 26, VIDICON L7 26, VOICING L4 26, VOICING L6 26, COVING 5G 24

On 4th draw, ACIDIEST J7 67 --- ACIDY sour [adj]
Other moves: DEIST 14J 32, DIETIST K5 32, DITTIES K5 32, SATED G3 29, DEIST 9E 24

On 5th draw, ZED L10 45 --- ZED the letter Z [n]
Other moves: ZEL L10 41, ZOL L10 41, ZED G5 36, DOZEN N4 35, DOZE 10L 34

On 6th draw, UNGOW(N)ED 5E 98 --- GOWN to dress in a gown (a long, loose outer garment) [adj] --- UNGOWN to unfrock [v]
Other tops: U(N)GOWNED 5E 98
Other moves: W(A)GONED 5E 44, ENWOU(N)D 5E 40, E(N)WOUND 5E 40, UNWO(O)ED 5E 40, UN(B)OWED 5E 40

On 7th draw, (P)ROLAMIN N1 80 --- PROLAMIN a simple protein [n]
Other tops: ORALI(S)MS O1 80, SAILRO(O)M O8 80, SAILR(O)OM O8 80, SOLARI(S)M O8 80, SOLARI(U)M O8 80
Other moves: ORALI(S)MS 13C 76, IM(M)ORTAL 3C 72, I(M)MORTAL 3C 72, (F)ORMALIN N1 72, AMI(T)ROLE 12C 70

On 8th draw, DESHI 9F 36 --- DESHI (Hinglish) local, authentic [adj]
Other moves: THESP 14J 32, EDHS N11 31, SPIE 9H 31, HE(P)S 1L 30, FEELS 4K 29

On 9th draw, GENTLER 10A 69 --- GENTLE mild [adj]
Other moves: LEG N10 28, GENTLE 8A 27, LEE N10 26, LET N10 26, GENRE 6B 18

On 10th draw, JA(P)E 1L 54 --- JAPE to mock [v]
Other moves: BIGAMY A8 51, JIM(P)Y 1K 51, JIBED L1 46, BEAMY 6B 43, BIALY 4K 38

On 11th draw, APHORISE 13D 65 --- APHORISE to make a concise statement [v]
Other moves: GOPHER A10 45, EPHORI 8A 40, EPHOR N11 36, GAPIER A10 36, EPHA N11 34

On 12th draw, GAVOTS A10 42 --- GAVOT a French dance [n]
Other moves: AFRIT H11 36, AFROS H11 36, FAGOTS A8 33, FRAS H12 33, FRAT H12 33

On 13th draw, LOUIE 12D 30 --- LOUIE a lieutenant of the armed forces [n]
Other moves: TOURIE 14A 29, JERID L1 26, JOLED L1 26, OURALI 8A 25, VIREO 12A 24

On 14th draw, BEMIXT 3C 50 --- BEMIX to mix thoroughly [v]
Other moves: BEMIX 4A 47, MAXI 4C 37, IBEX 4B 35, MAXI O3 34, MAX 4C 33

On 15th draw, NUKE 2D 49 --- NUKE to attack with nuclear weapons [v]
Other tops: ROKE 2D 49
Other moves: OKE 2E 46, UKE 2E 46, KO 2F 41, KRONE 4A 41, EUK 2D 39

On 16th draw, BOYG 4A 41 --- BOYG an ogre [n]
Other tops: BINGY 6B 41
Other moves: BIGLY 4K 40, BIALY 4K 38, YAGI 1G 37, YANG 1G 37, YOB 1G 37

On 17th draw, ARABIN A1 24 --- ARABIN the essential chemical within gum arabic [n]
Other moves: LAIN 1G 22, LAIR 1G 22, LANA 1G 22, LARI 1G 22, LARN 1G 22

On 18th draw, FATLY 4K 41 --- FATLY in the manner of one that is fat [adv]
Other moves: PARLY 4K 38, PATLY 4K 38, TRYP 1G 37, YAP 1G 37, YAAR 1G 34

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