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Game on February 11, 2025 at 17:39, 11 players
1. 270 pts Pacific
2. 245 pts ArcticFox
3. 230 pts LongJump22

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. acdeepu   H4    28    28   peaced
 2. ceinort   5D    90   118   neoteric
 3. ?aaehot   6B    34   152   obeah
 4. aeimpst   L3    89   241   pastime
 5. gilnntu   K7    74   315   lunting
 6. adoorst  12H    72   387   tornados
 7. adeimsy   9A    67   454   dismayed
 8. ?abefil   O6    86   540   fabulise
 9. aafiint  10B    36   576   fiat
10. aknnosv  14L    35   611   kvas
11. eegilow   M1    29   640   glow
12. ahotuwy  15H    67   707   thawy
13. eeinnrx  13G    38   745   nix
14. eeeinru   1I    27   772   renegue
15. dlnoorr   8A    25   797   od
16. einorvz   4A    52   849   zero
17. eglqruv   D9    34   883   marque
18. giinoru   A1    45   928   ginzo
19. bijlruv  14A    30   958   jiver

Remaining tiles: blu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: master
  1.9866 FilePacific     2  4:12  -688  270     1.9866 Pacific     2  4:12  -688  270 
  2.7307 FileArcticFox   3  8:02  -713  245            Group: advanced
  3.5446 FileLongJump22  3  2:42  -728  230     1.7307 ArcticFox   3  8:02  -713  245 
  4.7270 FileVVVVVV1112  1  2:52  -790  168     2.7270 VVVVVV1112  1  2:52  -790  168 
  5.7425 Filemoonmonkey  2  5:21  -794  164     3.7425 moonmonkey  2  5:21  -794  164 
  6.7722 FileMycophot    2  7:25  -794  164     4.7722 Mycophot    2  7:25  -794  164 
  7.5545 FileMMMMMM1112  0  2:11  -909   49     5.7710 queen66     1  1:30  -930   28 
  8.5459 FileNNNNNN1112  0  1:17  -913   45            Group: novice
  9.7710 Filequeen66     1  1:30  -930   28     1.5446 LongJump22  3  2:42  -728  230 
 10.5640 FileLLLLLL1112  0  1:11  -933   25     2.5545 MMMMMM1112  0  2:11  -909   49 
 11.5708 FileOOOOOO1112  0  1:36  -934   24     3.5459 NNNNNN1112  0  1:17  -913   45 
                                             4.5640 LLLLLL1112  0  1:11  -933   25 
                                             5.5708 OOOOOO1112  0  1:36  -934   24 

On 1st draw, PEACED H4 28 --- PEACE to be or become silent [v]
Other moves: CAPED H4 26, PACED H4 26, PEACED H7 26, CAPED H8 24, PACED H8 24
PEACED H4 28 LongJump22, moonmonkey, Pacific, Mycophot, queen66

On 2nd draw, NEOTERIC 5D 90 --- NEOTERIC a modern author [n]
NEOTERIC 5D 90 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112
ERECTION 8H 83 Pacific
NEOTERIC 5D 40 moonmonkey, Mycophot

On 3rd draw, O(B)EAH 6B 34 --- OBEAH a form of sorcery of African origin [n] --- OBEAH to bewitch with obia [v]
Other tops: A(W)HAPE 4D 34, A(Z)OTH 6B 34
Other moves: A(N)EATH 6A 33, HOAE(D) 6F 33, EATH 6C 32, HAET(S) L1 32, HATE(S) L1 32
O(B)EAH 6B 34 LongJump22, moonmonkey, Mycophot

On 4th draw, PASTIME L3 89 --- PASTIME a recreational activity [n]
Other moves: IMPASTE L1 85, CAMPIEST K5 78, CAMPSITE K5 78, PASTIME G8 73, IMPASTE G9 67
PASTIME L3 89 Pacific
CAMPSITE K5 78 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112
CAMPSITE K5 28 moonmonkey, Mycophot

On 5th draw, LUNTING K7 74 --- LUNT to emit smoke [v]
Other moves: TUNNELING D2 72, LUNTING M9 71, (B)LUNTING C6 70, INDULGENT 9F 64, UNTILING J2 63
(B)LUNTING C6 70 Pacific

On 6th draw, TORNADOS 12H 72 --- TORNADO a violent windstorm [n]
Other moves: ODORANTS 12F 70, DOATS 4B 27, DRATS 4B 27, DATO 4C 25, DATOS 4A 25

On 7th draw, DISMAYED 9A 67 --- DISMAY to deprive of courage or resolution [v]
Other moves: DISMAYS O6 39, DISMAY O10 36, MAYS 4C 36, MYIASES O6 36, MYIASES O8 36
SAMEY 4A 34 moonmonkey, Mycophot
AY 13M 21 NNNNNN1112

On 8th draw, FAB(U)LISE O6 86 --- FABULISE to write fables [v]
Other tops: BA(R)FLIES O5 86, FILABE(G)S O5 86
Other moves: FIB(U)LAE 13C 81, FILABEG(S) 13E 79, LIFEBOA(T) N7 78, FAIBLE(S) 13C 77, FIB(U)LAE 13B 76
EF 10A 29 ArcticFox

On 9th draw, FIAT 10B 36 --- FIAT an authoritative order [n] --- FIAT to sanction [v]
Other moves: AFT 10A 32, IF 10A 29, FAINNE D1 26, AIDANT A7 24, ATONIA N10 24
AFT 10A 32 ArcticFox

On 10th draw, KVAS 14L 35 --- KVAS a Russian bear [n]
Other tops: OAKS 4C 35
Other moves: KNAPS 3I 32, KNOPS 3I 32, KOAPS 3I 32, KVAS M1 32, KVAS 4B 31
STANK H11 27 ArcticFox

On 11th draw, GLOW M1 29 --- GLOW to emit light and heat [v]
Other tops: ELOGE N6 29
Other moves: WEEL 11D 28, WEIL 11D 28, WILE 4A 28, WEE 11D 26, LEW M2 25

On 12th draw, THAWY 15H 67 --- THAWY inclined to melt [adj]
Other moves: THUYA 15H 43, TOUGHY 1J 42, WAUGHT 1J 42, WORTH I3 36, HOYA 4A 34
THAWY 15H 67 ArcticFox

On 13th draw, NIX 13G 38 --- NIX a water sprite [n] --- NIX to veto [v]
Other tops: REX 13G 38
Other moves: EX 13H 36, REX 11D 31, NIXE 4A 30, REXINE 13C 30, REXINE D1 28
REX 13G 38 ArcticFox

On 14th draw, RENEGUE 1I 27 --- RENEGUE to renounce [v]
Other moves: RUEING 1H 24, ERE 13M 23, IRE 13M 23, REEN 11C 22, EIGNE 1K 21

On 15th draw, OD 8A 25 --- OD a hypothetical force of natural power [n]
Other tops: DROOL 4A 25
Other moves: OLD 4D 24, NOLO 4C 23, MADRONO D9 22, MALODOR D9 22, LOON N4 21

On 16th draw, ZERO 4A 52 --- ZERO to aim at the exact center of a target [v]
Other tops: ZINE 4A 52, ZONE 4A 52
Other moves: REZ 4C 42, ZERO N3 42, ZONER 2F 42, EVZONE D1 38, REZ 11D 35
ZONE 4A 52 ArcticFox

On 17th draw, MARQUE D9 34 --- MARQUE reprisal [n]
Other moves: EVE 13M 32, GUILE 11I 24, MAGLEV D9 24, VEIL 11I 24, ERE 13M 23

On 18th draw, GINZO A1 45 --- GINZO (colloquial) a person of Italian descent [n]
Other moves: INGO N3 25, INRO N3 24, UNRIG 3C 24, IRE 13M 23, RONG 3B 20

On 19th draw, JIVER 14A 30 --- JIVER one that jives [n]
Other moves: JIBER 14A 28, JIVE 14A 28, JUVE 14A 28, JIBE 14A 26, JUBE 14A 26

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