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Game on February 11, 2025 at 23:48, 4 players
1. 17 pts GLOBEMAN
2. 13 pts sunshine12
3. 13 pts roocatcher

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. bdeehir   H4    32    32   herbed
 2. ?eenotu   4H    72   104   hereunto
 3. nooprty   N2    36   140   potty
 4. aefinrt   I8    71   211   fenitar
 5. ainrstw   5B    74   285   tinwares
 6. ?giilno  15I    84   369   soiling
 7. aelorst  11D    82   451   soterial
 8. aellpsv   1L    44   495   vase
 9. aghiklm  12A    44   539   hakim
10. aabddel   A8   185   724   baldhead
11. cenoprz   B2    68   792   nertz
12. ajostux   6E    55   847   ox
13. aegiinw   D1    39   886   wining
14. ceiopqs   J6    38   924   qis
15. eglruuy  14A    36   960   augury
16. acdeeet   A1    32   992   cede
17. ijlmoop  N11    28  1020   jomon
18. aaeilot   O8    30  1050   teloi
19. aacfpuv   3I    27  1077   fap

Remaining tiles: acuv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7201 FileGLOBEMAN    0  1:49 -1060   17     1.7201 GLOBEMAN    0  1:49 -1060   17 
  2.7068 Filesunshine12  0  0:24 -1064   13     2.7068 sunshine12  0  0:24 -1064   13 
  3.7183 Fileroocatcher  0  0:54 -1064   13     3.7183 roocatcher  0  0:54 -1064   13 
  4.  -  Filechunk88     0  1:27 -1069    8            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  chunk88     0  1:27 -1069    8 

On 1st draw, HERBED H4 32 --- HERBED flavoured with herbs [adj]
Other moves: HEIRED H4 28, HERBED H7 28, HERIED H4 28, HEDER H4 26, HERBED H3 26

On 2nd draw, HE(R)EUNTO 4H 72 --- HEREUNTO to this matter [adv]
Other moves: TO(L)UENE G8 64, TO(L)UENE I8 64, OUT(S)EEN G9 62, OUT(S)EEN I9 62, TUBENO(S)E 7F 62

On 3rd draw, POTTY N2 36 --- POTTY a child's chamber pot [n] --- POTTY of little importance [adj]
Other tops: PORNO 3I 36
Other moves: TROOP G4 32, TROOP 5K 28, PONTY G1 27, PONY 3I 27, PORTY G1 27

On 4th draw, FENITAR I8 71 --- FENITAR a plant once used to treat scurvy [n]
Other tops: FAINTER G8 71, FAINTER I8 71, FENITAR G8 71
Other moves: FAINTER M6 70, FENITAR M6 70, FRATE 5K 32, FRATI 5K 32, AFIRE O6 29

On 5th draw, TINWARES 5B 74 --- TINWARE articles made of tinplate [n]
Other moves: WITANS 15D 50, WAST 1L 44, WIST 1L 44, RAWINS 15D 41, TWAINS 15D 41

On 6th draw, (S)OILING 15I 84 --- SOIL to make dirty [v] --- SOILING the act of soiling [n]
Other tops: (S)ILOING 15I 84
Other moves: ELOINI(N)G K4 82, ELOI(N)ING K4 82, GRIL(L)ION 14H 70, GRI(L)LION 14H 70, LIG(A)TION B1 70

On 7th draw, SOTERIAL 11D 82 --- SOTERIAL pertaining to salvation [adj]
Other moves: OESTRAL O6 79, OLESTRA O6 79, RETOTALS B1 70, RETOTALS 12E 68, RETOTALS 12G 68

On 8th draw, VASE 1L 44 --- VASE a container used for holding flowers [n]
Other moves: PASE 1L 38, VALSE 1K 38, LAPSE 1K 35, APSE 1L 32, SNEAP M3 31

On 9th draw, HAKIM 12A 44 --- HAKIM a Muslim physician [n]
Other moves: KAMI 4A 40, MAKI 4A 38, HARK 14G 37, KAMI 14K 36, MAKI 14K 36

On 10th draw, BALDHEAD A8 185 --- BALDHEAD a bald person [n]
Other moves: ADDABLE O6 91, ADDABLE M6 69, DALEDH A7 33, BLADED B10 32, DAB 13B 32

On 11th draw, NERTZ B2 68 --- NERTZ used to express defiance [interj]
Other moves: COZEN D1 38, COZIER C2 36, CRAZE F3 36, ZONAE F2 36, CAZ F4 34

On 12th draw, OX 6E 55 --- OX a clumsy person [n] --- OX a hoofed mammal [n]
Other moves: JATO A1 43, JOTA A1 43, JOTUNS D1 42, EXO 13A 41, AX 13C 40

On 13th draw, WINING D1 39 --- WINE to provide with wine (the fermented juice of the grape) [v]
Other tops: WANING D1 39
Other moves: AWEING O6 35, AWEING D1 33, AWNING D1 33, NEWING D1 33, AWING O6 32

On 14th draw, QIS J6 38 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QI 14M 37, COPE A1 36, QI A1 35, EPICS O6 32, OPS 13C 32

On 15th draw, AUGURY 14A 36 --- AUGURY the practice of auguring [n]
Other tops: WURLEY 1D 36
Other moves: GURRY 14F 34, LURRY 14F 31, NYE 10I 29, UGLY O6 29, YAE J10 29

On 16th draw, CEDE A1 32 --- CEDE to yield [v]
Other tops: CADE A1 32
Other moves: WEETED 1D 30, ACTED O6 29, CATE A1 28, CETE A1 28, ACED O6 26

On 17th draw, JOMON N11 28 --- JOMON (Japanese) a particular era in Japanese history. No -S [n] --- JOMON pertaining to a Japanese cultural period [adj]
Other tops: MOOP 3L 28
Other moves: POMO 3I 26, JO(R) J2 25, MOP 3I 23, P*M 3I 23, JILL L12 22

On 18th draw, TELOI O8 30 --- TELOS an ultimate end [n]
Other moves: TALEA O7 24, TELIA O7 24, WAITE 1D 24, ALTO O8 21, ILEA O8 21

On 19th draw, FAP 3I 27 --- FAP drunk or befuddled [adj]
Other moves: ARPA 14H 24, FAA 3I 23, PA M12 21, URP 14H 21, FA 3I 20
FA(R) J2 13 sunshine12, roocatcher
FY F13 8 chunk88

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