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Game on February 12, 2025 at 06:47, 2 players
1. 477 pts fatcat
2. 124 pts Chelsea

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ceelmow   H4    86    86   welcome
 2. dhinopr   5G    78   164   nephroid
 3. cdenruv  10G    70   234   verecund
 4. ?iiosux   4L    37   271   oxes
 5. deenstv   M2    30   301   dexies
 6. aooprty   2J    34   335   pardy
 7. ?eeflnu   1E    83   418   teenful
 8. aaeilrt   7B    63   481   tailrace
 9. aaehmst   2A    52   533   matsah
10. abeorsw   A1    42   575   embows
11. adeinru   8A    40   615   randie
12. abefijz   L9    32   647   fuze
13. agilnou   3A    24   671   blain
14. aiinott  12E    59   730   notitiae
15. aiqttvy  11D    30   760   qat
16. egijort  13K    45   805   rejig
17. biiooty  13B    29   834   booty
18. giiouuv  O13    21   855   guv
19. ggiikou   1N    27   882   ki

Remaining tiles: ggiou

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6477 Filefatcat      2 11:47  -405  477     1.7154 Chelsea     3  3:51  -758  124 
  2.7154 FileChelsea     3  3:51  -758  124            Group: intermediate
                                             1.6477 fatcat      2 11:47  -405  477 

On 1st draw, WELCOME H4 86 --- WELCOME to greet cordially [v]
Other moves: WELCOME H7 84, WELCOME H2 80, WELCOME H3 80, WELCOME H6 80, WELCOME H8 80
CLOW H6 18 fatcat

On 2nd draw, NEPHROID 5G 78 --- NEPHROID kidney-shaped [adj]
Other moves: NEPHROID 10G 76, PHORONID 8D 67, PHORONID 8F 65, HIND 11E 32, HOND 11E 32
DROP 11H 30 fatcat

On 3rd draw, VERECUND 10G 70 --- VERECUND shy [adj]
Other moves: INCURVED M5 68, VERECUND 10E 68, CURVED 11C 40, CURVED 11F 39, CRUVE 11G 35
UNCOVER L2 26 fatcat

On 4th draw, OX(E)S 4L 37 --- OX a clumsy person [n]
Other moves: IXI(A) 4L 36, OXI(D) 4L 36, OXI(M) 4L 36, S(E)X 11H 34, OX(O) 4L 33
OX 4L 31 fatcat

On 5th draw, DEXIES M2 30 --- DEXY a tablet of dex [n]
Other tops: EXITED M3 30
Other moves: EXINES M3 28, DEXIE M2 26, EXIES M3 26, EXINE M3 26, EXIST M3 26
VETS O1 21 fatcat

On 6th draw, PARDY 2J 34 --- PARDY used as a mild oath [interj]
Other moves: OUTPRAY L9 32, PARODY 2I 28, PYRO I8 28, PAYS O1 27, PRYS O1 27
PAYS O1 27 fatcat

On 7th draw, (T)EENFUL 1E 83 --- TEENFUL filled with grief [adj]
Other tops: NEE(D)FUL 1E 83
Other moves: FECULEN(T) K8 74, FLUENCE(S) 7C 68, FLUO(R)ENE 8E 61, FE(R)ULE 1G 36, FL(A)UNE 1G 36
FE 1N 23 fatcat

On 8th draw, TAILRACE 7B 63 --- TAILRACE a part of a millrace [n]
Other moves: AERIAL 2B 23, ATRIAL 2B 23, LARIAT 2B 23, REALIA 6E 23, RELATA 2B 23
CLEAR K10 14 fatcat

On 9th draw, MATSAH 2A 52 --- MATSAH an unleavened bread [n]
Other moves: MALTHAS E5 48, ASHAME 2B 47, ATHAME 2B 47, HAMS 8A 39, HEMS 8A 39
HEMS 8A 39 fatcat

On 10th draw, EMBOWS A1 42 --- EMBOW to bend or arch [v]
Other moves: BOWS 8A 40, EMBOW A1 39, SMEW A1 39, WABS 8A 39, WEBS 8A 39
WEBS 8A 39 fatcat

On 11th draw, RANDIE 8A 40 --- RANDIE a violent beggar [n]
Other moves: EARD 8A 30, NARD 8A 30, NERD 8A 30, NIED 8A 30, RAID 8A 30
RAID 8A 30 fatcat

On 12th draw, FUZE L9 32 --- FUZE to equip with a detonating device [v]
Other tops: BUAZE L9 32
Other moves: FRIZE K4 31, FRIZ K4 30, BRAZE K4 29, BRIZE K4 29, ZANJA C6 29
SIZE D2 26 fatcat

On 13th draw, BLAIN 3A 24 --- BLAIN a blister [n]
Other tops: ANON M9 24
Other moves: NONG M10 23, NONA M10 21, NONI M10 21, AGLOW 4D 20, ANGINAL C7 20
LING M12 12 fatcat

On 14th draw, NOTITIAE 12E 59 --- NOTITIA a list [n]
Other moves: NATION M10 25, ANON M9 24, NONA M10 21, NONI M10 21, NOTA M10 21
NONA M10 21 Chelsea
NOT M10 16 fatcat

On 15th draw, QAT 11D 30 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: QI 11D 26, VITA 11D 26, TIVY 13B 25, VANITY E10 24, IVY 13C 23
QAT 11D 30 fatcat, Chelsea

On 16th draw, REJIG 13K 45 --- REJIG to re-equip [v]
Other moves: REJIG 13B 33, GEIT 13K 30, GERT 13K 30, JIGOT 13A 29, REGO 13K 29
JOT 13C 23 Chelsea
JET 13C 23 fatcat

On 17th draw, BOOTY 13B 29 --- BOOTY a rich gain or prize [n]
Other moves: BY 1N 28, BIGOT O11 27, BOYO 13C 27, BOOTY 13A 26, BY 9B 26
BOOTY 13B 29 Chelsea
BIGOT O11 27 fatcat

On 18th draw, GUV O13 21 --- GUV a governor [n]
Other tops: GOV O13 21
Other moves: GOV 3I 20, GIO 14A 18, IO 14E 17, GIG O13 15, GI 14A 14
GOV O13 21 Chelsea
GUV O13 21 fatcat

On 19th draw, KI 1N 27 --- KI the vital force in Chinese thought [n]
Other tops: KO 1N 27
Other moves: KOI 14A 24, GROK K4 21, KI 14A 20, KO 14A 20, KOP I3 19
KOI 14A 24 fatcat

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