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Game on February 12, 2025 at 16:44, 11 players
1. 175 pts LongJump22
2. 153 pts Pacific
3. 133 pts ArcticFox

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aiioqt   H4    46    46   quota
 2. ?ejnopw   H1    45    91   nonquota
 3. aeiistt   5E    24   115   situate
 4. eeinrtw   4A    26   141   write
 5. aeeglot   1E    59   200   elongate
 6. abenoou   2J    40   240   beano
 7. ciinoss   8H    83   323   asinicos
 8. hilmnor   A4    42   365   whilom
 9. demoruv   B1    40   405   vorred
10. degilpr   F3    25   430   griped
11. aehimor   M8    36   466   chimera
12. abekoru  14J    42   508   kebar
13. agipsuu  O12    39   547   gasp
14. ddfinuy  15H    67   614   unify
15. aaijntv   B9    38   652   avanti
16. defruuw  N10    35   687   fur
17. adeinuw   3J    39   726   awned
18. dijlloy  A11    40   766   doily
19. ceejluz   C7    29   795   zel

Remaining tiles: cejuux

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: master
  1.5438 FileLongJump22  3  4:44  -620  175     1.9844 Pacific     2  4:08  -642  153 
  2.9844 FilePacific     2  4:08  -642  153            Group: advanced
  3.7329 FileArcticFox   1  5:06  -662  133     1.7329 ArcticFox   1  5:06  -662  133 
  4.7282 Filemoonmonkey  3  2:13  -671  124     2.7282 moonmonkey  3  2:13  -671  124 
  5.7219 FileVVVVVV1112  2  3:06  -690  105     3.7219 VVVVVV1112  2  3:06  -690  105 
  6.7509 FileMycophot    2  2:17  -707   88     4.7509 Mycophot    2  2:17  -707   88 
  7.7670 Filequeen66     1  1:33  -753   42     5.7670 queen66     1  1:33  -753   42 
  8.5693 FileOOOOOO1112  0  0:41  -765   30            Group: novice
  9.5717 FileLLLLLL1112  0  1:08  -765   30     1.5438 LongJump22  3  4:44  -620  175 
 10.5620 FileMMMMMM1112  0  1:35  -765   30     2.5693 OOOOOO1112  0  0:41  -765   30 
 11.5460 FileNNNNNN1112  0  1:58  -765   30     3.5717 LLLLLL1112  0  1:08  -765   30 
                                             4.5620 MMMMMM1112  0  1:35  -765   30 
                                             5.5460 NNNNNN1112  0  1:58  -765   30 

On 1st draw, Q(U)OTA H4 46 --- QUOTA a proportional part or share [n]
Other tops: Q(U)OIT H4 46
Other moves: Q(U)OIT H8 28, Q(U)OTA H8 28, Q(U)OIT H5 26, Q(U)OIT H6 26, Q(U)OIT H7 26
Q(U)OTA H4 46 LongJump22, Mycophot
Q(U)OIT H4 46 moonmonkey, VVVVVV1112, ArcticFox

On 2nd draw, (N)ONQ(U)OTA H1 45 --- NONQUOTA not included in or subject to a quota [adj]
Other tops: NO(N)Q(U)OTA H1 45
Other moves: (S)JOE 9H 31, J*Ws 9E 30, JOW(S) 9E 30, PO(L)JE I6 30, JE(E)P G6 29
J*W(S) 9E 30 ArcticFox
JOW(S) 9E 30 LongJump22

On 3rd draw, SIT(U)ATE 5E 24 --- SITUATE to place in a certain position [v]
Other moves: AITS I3 22, SAI I2 20, SEI I2 20, AIS I3 19, AIT I3 19

On 4th draw, WRITE 4A 26 --- WRITE to form characters or symbols on a surface with an instrument [v]
Other tops: RENEW 4K 26
Other moves: ENTWINE 3C 24, ENTWINE 3G 24, WRITE 4K 23, TWINTER G5 22, EWER 4J 21

On 5th draw, ELO(N)GATE 1E 59 --- ELONGATE to lengthen [v]
Other moves: TALWEG A1 30, AEROGEL B2 24, ALOWE A1 24, GLOW A1 24, EGAL 3B 23
ELO(N)GATE 1E 59 LongJump22, VVVVVV1112
GLOW A1 24 ArcticFox

On 6th draw, BEANO 2J 40 --- BEANO a form of bingo [n]
Other moves: UNROBE B2 28, ABOON 2F 26, BANE 2J 26, BEAN 2J 26, BEAU 2J 26
BEANO 2J 40 LongJump22

On 7th draw, ASINICOS 8H 83 --- ASINICO stupid fellow [n]
Other moves: ASINICOS I5 69, CONIOSIS N1 62, SCOWS A1 30, ONIRIC B1 28, SIROCS B2 28

On 8th draw, WHILOM A4 42 --- WHILOM formerly [adv]
Other moves: HIM 3C 33, WHIRL A4 33, WHORL A4 33, WORMIL A4 33, CHLORIN M8 32
WHILOM A4 42 moonmonkey, Mycophot, queen66
WHIRL A4 33 ArcticFox

On 9th draw, VORRED B1 40 --- VOR to warn [v]
Other moves: MURED B2 36, MEVROU B9 32, DROME 3K 31, MOVED 4K 30, DRUM 3K 29

On 10th draw, GRIPED F3 25 --- GRIPE to keep on complaining [v]
Other moves: CLIPED M8 24, GRIPLE F3 24, PILED 4K 24, PLIED 4K 24, PRIED 4K 24

On 11th draw, CHIMERA M8 36 --- CHIMERA an imaginary monster [n]
Other moves: CHIMAR M8 34, CHIMER M8 34, CHROMA M8 34, CHROME M8 34, MOHAIR B9 32
CHIMERA M8 36 moonmonkey

On 12th draw, KEBAR 14J 42 --- KEBAR a heavy pole thrown as a trial of strength [n]
Other tops: BEAK L12 42, BOAK L12 42, BORAK L10 42, KABAR 14J 42
Other moves: BAKE L12 38, BOKE L12 38, BUKE L12 38, BORAK 4K 36, BREAK 4K 36

On 13th draw, GASP O12 39 --- GASP to breathe convulsively [v]
Other moves: PUBS L12 28, ASP O13 27, GAP L10 27, GUP L10 27, PSI O13 27
GASP O12 39 Pacific

On 14th draw, UNIFY 15H 67 --- UNIFY to make into a coherent whole [v]
Other moves: FUDDY 15F 48, FUNDY 15F 45, UNIFY 15F 42, FUDDY 4K 39, NUDDY 15F 39
FUDDY 15F 48 Pacific

On 15th draw, AVANTI B9 38 --- AVANTI go forward [interj]
Other moves: JA 1N 36, AJIVA B9 35, AJIVA 4K 34, AJIVA E8 33, ANTIJAM 11G 32

On 16th draw, FUR N10 35 --- FUR to cover with fur (a dressed animal pelt) [v]
Other tops: FER N10 35
Other moves: DREW 3K 32, DEF L10 31, DEW L10 31, FE N10 30, FEW C7 29

On 17th draw, AWNED 3J 39 --- AWN a bristlelike appendage of certain grasses [adj] --- AWNED having awns [adj]
Other moves: WAIDE C11 32, WAID C11 30, WEID C11 30, ANEW 3K 29, UNAWED 4J 28

On 18th draw, DOILY A11 40 --- DOILY an ornamental napkin [n]
Other moves: JOY C7 37, JOY 14F 34, OILY A12 31, IVY 1A 27, Y*D C12 26
JOY C7 37 Pacific

On 19th draw, ZEL C7 29 --- ZEL an Oriental cymbal [n]
Other tops: ZEE C7 29
Other moves: JEE C7 25, MAZE 9A 25, ZED 8D 23, ZULU H12 23, JEELS O4 20
ZEE C7 29 Pacific

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