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Game on February 12, 2025 at 23:01, 10 players
1. 228 pts GLOBEMAN
2. 153 pts LongJump22
3. 115 pts sunshine12

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. eeklnns   H4    82    82   kennels
 2. aflnotv   5B    26   108   flavone
 3. eegiort  10B    63   171   ergotise
 4. cddeent   B7    74   245   decedent
 5. ?eorstv  15A    93   338   estover
 6. ?aafipx  H12    60   398   axis
 7. ceiistz   7F    74   472   zincites
 8. amnoorr   L1    78   550   marooner
 9. delouuw   A6    39   589   dow
10. bdehlmo   4A    37   626   hoed
11. aeglpuy   K1    41   667   ayelp
12. aaeisty   M2    37   704   yeti
13. aegjnqu   1H    42   746   unjam
14. abefgtu   A1    30   776   bagh
15. almqrtu   8D    37   813   quate
16. egilrru  12F    68   881   glaurier
17. afhiiow   M9    36   917   wharf
18. aiimosu   N8    32   949   soma
19. abiiipu  12A    22   971   peba

Remaining tiles: iiiu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7201 FileGLOBEMAN    1  2:29  -743  228     1.7201 GLOBEMAN    1  2:29  -743  228 
  2.5436 FileLongJump22  2  2:30  -818  153     2.7072 sunshine12  1  5:56  -856  115 
  3.7072 Filesunshine12  1  5:56  -856  115     3.7426 roocatcher  0  0:39  -952   19 
  4.7426 Fileroocatcher  0  0:39  -952   19            Group: novice
  5.  -  Filechunk88     0  1:15  -952   19     1.5436 LongJump22  2  2:30  -818  153 
  6.  -  FileBadBoyBen   0  1:51  -952   19     2.5709 OOOOOO1112  0  1:18  -954   17 
  7.5709 FileOOOOOO1112  0  1:18  -954   17     3.5717 LLLLLL1112  0  1:34  -954   17 
  8.5717 FileLLLLLL1112  0  1:34  -954   17     4.5620 MMMMMM1112  0  1:51  -954   17 
  9.5620 FileMMMMMM1112  0  1:51  -954   17     5.5460 NNNNNN1112  0  1:07  -959   12 
 10.5460 FileNNNNNN1112  0  1:07  -959   12            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  chunk88     0  1:15  -952   19 
                                             2.  -  BadBoyBen   0  1:51  -952   19 

On 1st draw, KENNELS H4 82 --- KENNEL to keep in a shelter for dogs [v]
Other moves: KENNELS H2 74, KENNELS H3 74, KENNELS H6 74, KENNELS H7 74, KENNELS H8 74

On 2nd draw, FLAVONE 5B 26 --- FLAVONE a pigment derived from plants such as primrose [n]
Other moves: FLANK 4D 24, FOVEAL 5E 24, KOFTA 4H 24, FAVEL 5E 22, FOVEA 5E 22

On 3rd draw, ERGOTISE 10B 63 --- ERGOTISE to affect with ergot [v]
Other moves: GRIFT B2 22, VERTIGO E5 22, TERFE B2 20, GEIT 6A 18, GOATIER D3 18

On 4th draw, DECEDENT B7 74 --- DECEDENT a deceased person [n]
Other moves: DECEDENT 8C 63, DECEDENT 8E 63, DECEDENT 8G 63, CEDED J6 34, DECENT J10 30

On 5th draw, (E)STOVER 15A 93 --- ESTOVER a legal right to necessities [n]
Other tops: ESTOV(E)R 15A 93, STOVER(S) 15B 93
Other moves: ESTOVER(S) 8H 92, E(S)TOVERS 8H 92, (S)TOVERS 15B 92, EVERTO(R)S 8H 83, EVE(R)TORS 8H 83

On 6th draw, AXI(S) H12 60 --- AXIS a straight line about which a body rotates [n] --- AXIS an Asian deer [n]
Other moves: FAA(S) H12 57, X(E)NIA 6F 55, XI(S) H13 54, PAI(S) H12 51, PIA(S) H12 51

On 7th draw, ZINCITES 7F 74 --- ZINCITE an oxide of zinc [n]
Other tops: ZINCIEST 7F 74
Other moves: SEIZE 8A 72, ZITIS J6 48, ZEES 12A 46, ZEST 12A 46, ZIT A6 45

On 8th draw, MAROONER L1 78 --- MAROONER one who is marooned [n]
Other moves: REMORA 8A 38, MOAN 8L 36, MONA 8L 36, MONO 8L 36, MOON 8L 36

On 9th draw, DOW A6 39 --- DOW to do well [v]
Other tops: DEW A6 39
Other moves: LEW A6 36, LOW A6 36, WIELD J6 36, WILED J6 36, OWED 11D 34

On 10th draw, HOED 4A 37 --- HOE to use a hoe (a gardening tool) [v]
Other moves: BLAHED 2J 36, DEMOB J10 35, HELM K2 35, HOLM K2 35, BLAMED 2J 34

On 11th draw, AYELP K1 41 --- AYELP in a state of yelping [adv]
Other moves: AMPLY 1K 36, GAMELY 1J 36, GLEAMY 1H 36, PALY K2 36, PLAGUY 2J 36

On 12th draw, YETI M2 37 --- YETI the abominable snowman [n]
Other tops: AYES M1 37, YEST M2 37
Other moves: STAYS M3 35, STEAMY 1H 33, AYE M1 32, AYS M1 32, LYTES 9H 32

On 13th draw, UNJAM 1H 42 --- UNJAM to undo things tightly crammed together [v]
Other moves: JEUNE 12A 40, JEAN 12A 38, QUELEA C2 37, QUA 8D 33, QI J6 31

On 14th draw, BAGH A1 30 --- BAGH garden (India) [n]
Other moves: FEAGUE 12A 28, GABLET 9E 28, BATH A1 27, BETH A1 27, GABLE 9E 27
FAT 11E 26 sunshine12

On 15th draw, QUATE 8D 37 --- QUATE quiet [adj]
Other moves: QAT 2F 34, QUA 8D 33, QORMA E9 32, QI J6 31, ALARUM 2A 28
MA G12 19 roocatcher, chunk88, BadBoyBen

On 16th draw, GLAURIER 12F 68 --- GLAURY miry [adj]
Other moves: RUELLE C2 19, AGILER 2A 18, ARGUER 2A 18, ARGULI 2A 18, GI I12 17
GLAURIER 12F 68 LongJump22
GI I12 17 OOOOOO1112, LLLLLL1112, MMMMMM1112
GEE 12A 6 sunshine12

On 17th draw, WHARF M9 36 --- WHARF to moor to a wharf (a docking place for vessels) [v]
Other moves: HOOF B2 33, WAIF 14F 33, WOOF B2 33, HAIRIF M9 32, HOI 14F 29
WHARF M9 36 LongJump22
WAIF 14F 33 sunshine12
AHA 2A 12 NNNNNN1112

On 18th draw, SOMA N8 32 --- SOMA the body of an organism [n]
Other moves: OMS N9 31, NOMAS I1 30, SOM N8 29, MAS I3 28, MIS I3 28
SOMA N8 32 sunshine12
OMS N9 31 LongJump22

On 19th draw, PEBA 12A 22 --- PEBA a type of armadillo [n]
Other moves: AB B1 20, BA 11E 20, BAPU 2F 20, BI 11E 20, PA 11E 20
PI O7 18 LongJump22
AB 11J 18 sunshine12

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