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Game on February 13, 2025 at 00:34, 5 players
1. 133 pts GLOBEMAN
2. 97 pts sunshine12
3. 21 pts roocatcher

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?dehinq   H4    46    46   quine
 2. addegtw   3E    30    76   dawed
 3. efnorsu   6C    65   141   refusion
 4. ekorswy   2D    39   180   yok
 5. abmnnru   1A    43   223   barm
 6. aacegnt   4H    31   254   qanat
 7. ?ceiluv   C3    84   338   acervuli
 8. aegiisu   B9    31   369   aguise
 9. aehilov  A12    46   415   heal
10. eglnors   A3    80   495   longers
11. eiorsuw   4C    32   527   crew
12. deiloty   E6    80   607   foetidly
13. achinst   1F    44   651   scaith
14. admnopu   5K    26   677   moup
15. agioorx  F13    31   708   oxo
16. aeinotv  11E    74   782   donative
17. eijprtt  15D    54   836   projet
18. degiint  14I    78   914   ignited

Remaining tiles: abfirz

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7194 FileGLOBEMAN    2  4:16  -781  133     1.7194 GLOBEMAN    2  4:16  -781  133 
  2.7075 Filesunshine12  0  5:30  -817   97     2.7075 sunshine12  0  5:30  -817   97 
  3.7426 Fileroocatcher  0  0:13  -893   21     3.7426 roocatcher  0  0:13  -893   21 
  4.  -  Filechunk88     0  0:44  -893   21            Group: not rated
  5.  -  FileBadBoyBen   0  1:14  -893   21     1.  -  chunk88     0  0:44  -893   21 
                                             2.  -  BadBoyBen   0  1:14  -893   21 

On 1st draw, Q(U)INE H4 46 --- QUINE a worthless woman [n]
Other moves: EQ(U)ID H8 32, EQ(U)ID H4 30, EQ(U)ID H5 28, EQ(U)ID H6 28, EQ(U)ID H7 28

On 2nd draw, DAWED 3E 30 --- DAW to dawn [v]
Other moves: TAWED 3E 29, AWED 3F 28, DAWTED 3D 28, WADED 3E 28, WAGED 3E 28

On 3rd draw, REFUSION 6C 65 --- REFUSION the act of fusing again [n]
Other moves: FENURONS 7B 64, FENURONS 7F 64, FUEROS 4A 31, NEF 2D 30, REF 2D 30

On 4th draw, YOK 2D 39 --- YOK a boisterous laugh [n] --- YOK to laugh [v]
Other tops: WOK 2D 39
Other moves: REWORKS C2 38, WEY 5D 38, YOKERS K1 38, KO 2F 37, YOWE 5B 37

On 5th draw, BARM 1A 43 --- BARM the froth of malt liquors [n]
Other tops: NUMB 1A 43
Other moves: ARUM 1A 37, BARM 1E 37, RUMBA 1B 35, BURAN 1A 34, UNBAN 1A 34

On 6th draw, QANAT 4H 31 --- QANAT a system of underground tunnels and wells in the Middle East [n]
Other moves: ACETA 1F 28, AGNATE 1F 28, AGATE 5A 26, CANE 5B 26, CATE 5B 26

On 7th draw, (A)CERVULI C3 84 --- ACERVULI spore-producing organs of certain fungi [n] --- ACERVULUS a spore-producing organ of certain fungi [n]
Other moves: C(H)ERVIL C3 32, V(O)ICE 4A 30, VICE(D) 4A 29, VICE(S) 4A 29, CIVE(S) 4B 28

On 8th draw, AGUISE B9 31 --- AGUISE to adorn [v]
Other moves: USAGE M3 29, AGUISE 1F 28, GUISE B10 27, GUISE M1 27, AEGIS 1F 25

On 9th draw, HEAL A12 46 --- HEAL to make sound or whole [v]
Other moves: H**L* D8 40, HOVEA A5 36, HALVE 5K 34, HOVEA 5K 34, HOVEL 5K 34

On 10th draw, LONGERS A3 80 --- LONGER one that longs [n]
Other moves: LONGERS D9 75, LONGERS I8 62, GENROS A4 30, GENROS D8 30, GONERS A4 30

On 11th draw, CREW 4C 32 --- CREW to serve aboard a ship [v]
Other moves: OWRES 1F 31, OWRIE 1F 31, RESOW M2 31, SEROW 1F 31, SOWER 1F 31

On 12th draw, FOETIDLY E6 80 --- FOETIDLY in a stinking manner [adv]
Other moves: YIELD 5K 30, YODEL 5K 30, YODLE 5K 30, FETIDLY E6 28, YELD 5K 28

On 13th draw, SCAITH 1F 44 --- SCAITH to injure [v]
Other tops: SNATCH 1F 44, SNITCH 1F 44, STANCH 1F 44
Other moves: SCATH 1F 41, SICHT 1F 41, STICH 1F 41, SHANTI 1F 38, SICH 1F 38

On 14th draw, MOUP 5K 26 --- MOUP to nibble [v]
Other tops: DAMP 5K 26, MAUND 5K 26, MONAD 5K 26, MOUND 5K 26
Other moves: AMP D12 25, DOUMA 5K 24, MAND 5K 24, MAP 5K 24, MAUD 5K 24

On 15th draw, OXO F13 31 --- OXO containing oxygen [adj]
Other moves: AX F13 30, OX F13 30, IXORA 2K 29, ORIXA 2K 29, IXORA 10E 28
OXO 2K 15 sunshine12

On 16th draw, DONATIVE 11E 74 --- DONATIVE a donation [n]
Other moves: INNOVATE 7G 72, OVATION 15F 33, NOVAE 15E 24, OVATE 15F 24, OVINE 15F 24
NOVA 15E 21 roocatcher, chunk88, BadBoyBen, sunshine12

On 17th draw, PROJET 15D 54 --- PROJET a plan or outline [n]
Other moves: JOTTER 15E 39, TRIPPET N2 34, PROTEI 15D 33, ROJI 15E 33, TAPETI H10 33
JOTTER 15E 39 sunshine12

On 18th draw, IGNITED 14I 78 --- IGNITE to set on fire [v]
Other tops: EDITING 14I 78
Other moves: DIETING 14H 77, ED 2A 24, IGNITE 14I 24, DIETING L9 22, DING 12L 22
DIETING L9 22 sunshine12

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