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Game on February 13, 2025 at 02:48, no players

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. abeilnt   H4    22    22   binate
 2. eghiotu   I9    69    91   toughie
 3. eemnosw   7F    69   160   seawomen
 4. ?fghoov   8L    53   213   hoof
 5. ?adginr  15H   149   362   yearding
 6. ?acilst   5E    86   448   silicate
 7. aderssu  12E    72   520   desugars
 8. aeijntu   4A    42   562   junta
 9. efiortu  11A    80   642   outfire
10. adgiotv   6H    42   684   nova
11. bceinpt   A8    42   726   entopic
12. degiorw  N10    36   762   wigeon
13. delmnop   A1    42   804   polje
14. adeknqx   J9    53   857   ax
15. adelqry  14A    40   897   cedary
16. deilnqv  10D    29   926   evil
17. aeiklmy  14H    41   967   mike
18. adilnrz   L1    46  1013   zaire
19. bdlnqry   2J    36  1049   brandy

Remaining tiles: lq

Draw analysis of the game

On 1st draw, BINATE H4 22 --- BINATE growing in pairs [adj]
Other moves: BALTI H4 20, BINAL H4 20, BLAIN H4 20, BLATE H4 20, BLEAT H4 20

On 2nd draw, TOUGHIE I9 69 --- TOUGHIE a tough person [n]
Other tops: TOUGHIE G9 69
Other moves: HOTE I7 26, HET G7 25, HET I7 25, HIE G7 25, HIE I7 25

On 3rd draw, SEAWOMEN 7F 69 --- SEAWOMAN a mermaid [n]
Other moves: SOMEWHEN 13D 67, SOW H13 40, MEWS G7 35, MEW G7 34, SOM H13 34

On 4th draw, HOOF 8L 53 --- HOOF the hard covering on the feet of certain animals [n] --- HOOF to dance [v]
Other moves: FOH(N) 8L 50, FOH(S) 8L 50, HOV(E) 8L 50, HO(O)F 8L 50, HO(U)F 8L 50

On 5th draw, (Y)EARDING 15H 149 --- YEARD to bury [v]
Other tops: REA(D)DING 15H 149, (B)EARDING 15H 149
Other moves: DEAIR(I)NG 15H 140, DEA(I)RING 15H 140, DERAIGN(S) 15H 140, READING(S) 15H 140, REGAIN(E)D 15H 140

On 6th draw, SILICAT(E) 5E 86 --- SILICATE a chemical salt [n] --- SILICATE to coat with silica [v]
Other tops: CILIAT(E)S 5E 86, C(H)ILIAST 5D 86, (F)ISTICAL 5D 86, (V)ICTUALS 11E 86
Other moves: BAS(A)LTIC 4H 78, B(A)SALTIC 4H 78, (S)CALIEST G2 77, SCALIE(S)T G2 76, BAC(K)LIST 4H 74

On 7th draw, DESUGARS 12E 72 --- DESUGAR to remove the sugar from [v]
Other moves: SARDIUSES F1 64, ARSENOUS M3 28, IDEAS 14I 24, ARSED M1 23, DURESS 4J 23

On 8th draw, JUNTA 4A 42 --- JUNTA a political or governmental council [n]
Other moves: EEJITS G7 41, JEUN(E) L1 38, JETS G9 37, JINS G9 37, JUNTA 4J 37

On 9th draw, OUTFIRE 11A 80 --- OUTFIRE to surpass in firing [v]
Other moves: FINO 6F 40, FRAE J10 35, TURBINATE H1 33, FEN 6F 31, FIN 6F 31

On 10th draw, NOVA 6H 42 --- NOVA a type of star [n]
Other tops: G*DJ* A1 42
Other moves: JIGOT A4 39, OVOID A11 39, DIVOT A8 30, GAVOT A8 30, AVOID M1 29

On 11th draw, ENTOPIC A8 42 --- ENTOPIC situated in the normal place [adj]
Other moves: BENJ A1 39, NEPOTIC A8 36, OPTIC A11 36, INCEPT 13B 35, INCEPT 8A 35

On 12th draw, WIGEON N10 36 --- WIGEON a river duck [n]
Other moves: CROWED 14A 32, CROWDIE 14A 30, GOWD M2 29, ROWED M1 29, WEIRD M1 29

On 13th draw, POLJE A1 42 --- POLJE (Serbo-Croat) a large elliptical depression in karst regions, sometimes containing a marsh or lake [n]
Other moves: COMPED 14A 34, CLOMPED 14A 32, COMPEND 14A 32, MOPED M1 31, IMPLED 13A 30

On 14th draw, AX J9 53 --- AX to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool) [v]
Other moves: ANNEX C3 40, AX B1 40, EX B1 40, EAUX B2 37, AXED M2 35

On 15th draw, CEDARY 14A 40 --- CEDAR an everygreen tree [adj] --- CEDARY resembling cedar [adj]
Other tops: YAULD B2 40
Other moves: EARLY 3C 33, YARDER K10 33, CLAYED 14A 32, YAUD B2 31, LAYED M1 29

On 16th draw, EVIL 10D 29 --- EVIL morally bad [adj] --- EVIL wickedness or depravity [n]
Other tops: LIVED M1 29, VINED M1 29
Other moves: VELD M2 27, VEND M2 27, VIED M2 27, VILD M2 27, VID M3 25

On 17th draw, MIKE 14H 41 --- MIKE to amplify or record by use of a microphone [v]
Other moves: YELK 4L 40, MAIK 4L 36, MANLIKE C2 36, MILK 4L 36, YARK K10 35

On 18th draw, ZAIR(E) L1 46 --- ZAIRE a monetary unit of central Africa [n]
Other moves: IZARD M1 41, OZALID 2A 40, ZILA B6 37, ZIN B6 34, DIURNAL B2 32

On 19th draw, BRANDY 2J 36 --- BRANDY to mix with brandy (a liquor) [v]
Other moves: BLADY 2J 34, DRABLY 2J 32, BLAND 2J 28, BRAND 2J 28, BADLY 2K 22

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