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Game on February 13, 2025 at 17:19, 2 players
1. 140 pts ArcticFox
2. 50 pts Pacific

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aeirrw   H6    76    76   aircrew
 2. aaintvw  11B    26   102   vawntie
 3. bdeiors   8A    86   188   disrober
 4. ehmnoos   I6    41   229   mosh
 5. aaglosu  12C    23   252   goa
 6. aflostu  13B    36   288   softa
 7. ?egjrtu   6G    31   319   ramjet
 8. eeflnoy   C3    32   351   foleys
 9. acdnotu   E2    72   423   ducatoon
10. adeehos   B2    56   479   doseh
11. aeeglqt   K5    32   511   legatee
12. aegilpu   8K    33   544   apage
13. ?ilmnuz   N1    92   636   muzzling
14. aeklquv   1L    45   681   kame
15. elnouxy  14F    50   731   xu
16. aeeinrt  15D    86   817   arenite
17. deiilnr   A1    32   849   nidi
18. benopuv   3K    32   881   ponzu
19. ceiqrvy  L11    30   911   ricey

Remaining tiles: bilqv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: master
  1.7335 FileArcticFox   1  4:19  -771  140     1.9826 Pacific     1  0:42  -861   50 
  2.9826 FilePacific     1  0:42  -861   50            Group: advanced
                                             1.7335 ArcticFox   1  4:19  -771  140 

On 1st draw, AIR(C)REW H6 76 --- AIRCREW the crew of an aircraft [n]
Other tops: WAR(B)IER H4 76, WAR(T)IER H4 76, WEARI(E)R H4 76, W(E)ARIER H4 76
Other moves: AIR(C)REW H2 70, AIR(C)REW H3 70, AIR(C)REW H4 70, AIR(C)REW H7 70, AIR(C)REW H8 70

On 2nd draw, VAWNTIE 11B 26 --- VAWNTIE boastful [adj]
Other moves: AWAVE 11D 22, NAVEW 11E 22, VAWTE 11D 22, VINEW 11E 22, WAIVE 11D 22

On 3rd draw, DISROBER 8A 86 --- DISROBER one that disrobes [n]
Other moves: BORIDES 13B 82, DISROBE 13F 72, BROIDERS 10G 69, BORIDES G1 67, BORIDES I1 67
BRIDES 13C 30 ArcticFox

On 4th draw, MOSH I6 41 --- MOSH to engage in frenzied dancing with others at a rock concert [v]
Other moves: MENSH I5 40, NOSH I6 37, HOMINES 7E 32, SHE I8 32, HOMIES 7E 31

On 5th draw, GOA 12C 23 --- GOA an Asian gazelle [n]
Other moves: AVGAS B10 22, SAULGE G3 21, LOU 12C 20, OVALS B10 20, SOU 12C 20

On 6th draw, SOFTA 13B 36 --- SOFTA a Muslim theological student [n]
Other tops: ALOFT 13A 36, LOAFS 13A 36, LOFTS 13B 36
Other moves: LOFT 13B 34, OAFS 13B 34, SAFT 13B 34, SOFT 13B 34, F*TS* 13B 33

On 7th draw, RAMJET 6G 31 --- RAMJET a type of engine [n]
Other tops: RAMJET(S) 6G 31
Other moves: JUG(L)ETS C2 30, JU(D)GERS C2 30, RAMJE(T) 6G 30, RAMJ(E)T 6G 30, REJ(I)GS C3 30

On 8th draw, FOLEYS C3 32 --- FOLEY a process for creating sounds for films [n]
Other moves: FEY 5K 30, FELON 5K 28, YEN 14F 27, YON 14F 27, FEEL 5K 26

On 9th draw, DUCATOON E2 72 --- DUCATOON an old silver coin [n]
Other moves: COTAN B2 31, CODA B2 24, DUCAT 5K 24, CAD D2 23, DUAN D1 23

On 10th draw, DOSEH B2 56 --- DOSEH an old Arabian religious ceremony [n]
Other moves: DEASH M3 42, HOSED B2 42, ODAH B3 39, HADES M2 34, HEADS M2 34
HOSED 14F 34 ArcticFox

On 11th draw, LEGATEE K5 32 --- LEGATEE the inheritor of a legacy [n]
Other moves: QAT L4 24, QAT F1 21, GALETTE L1 20, GELATE 14F 20, GLEET 14F 19

On 12th draw, APAGE 8K 33 --- APAGE away [interj]
Other moves: AGAPE 8K 30, APE J9 29, PAIGLE J10 29, PAGLE J10 28, UP J9 26
APAGE 8K 33 ArcticFox

On 13th draw, MUZ(Z)LING N1 92 --- MUZZLE to put a covering over the mouth of to prevent biting or eating [v]
Other tops: MU(Z)ZLING N1 92
Other moves: MIL(T)Z L11 54, MIL(T)Z 14F 51, Z(A) 7M 43, ZIN(S) 14A 42, MUZ(Z)ING N2 40
Z(A) 7M 43 ArcticFox

On 14th draw, KAME 1L 45 --- KAME a ridge of gravel or sand left by a glacier [n]
Other moves: EQUAL L11 32, QUAT L3 28, CALQUE 4E 27, CLAQUE 4E 27, LAZE 3L 26

On 15th draw, XU 14F 50 --- XU a monetary unit of Vietnam [n]
Other moves: TEX 9K 39, YEX J10 36, YUNX 14F 35, YUNX J11 35, YEX 14F 34
XU 14F 50 Pacific

On 16th draw, ARENITE 15D 86 --- ARENITE rock made up chiefly of sand grains [n]
Other moves: RETINAE 15E 83, RETINAE 15G 76, TRAINEE 15G 76, ARENITE J9 73, ENTERA 15C 33

On 17th draw, NIDI A1 32 --- NIDUS a nest or breeding place [n]
Other moves: DINER 14J 27, PINDER L8 25, L*Z 3L 24, PIERID L8 24, REZ 3L 24

On 18th draw, PONZU 3K 32 --- PONZU (Japanese) a type of sauce made from orange juice, sake, sugar, soy sauce and red pepper [n]
Other tops: BONZE 3K 32
Other moves: UPON J9 30, UPO J9 29, BEZ 3L 28, POZ 3L 28, BOEP J10 26

On 19th draw, RICEY L11 30 --- RICEY like rice [adj]
Other moves: RICEY 14J 28, YE J10 28, VEERY 10J 27, QI 14A 26, YE 14J 26

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