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Game on February 13, 2025 at 20:19, 5 players
1. 213 pts ArcticFox
2. 171 pts Pacific
3. 168 pts GLOBEMAN

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aillot   H8    64    64   maillot
 2. ehinrsu   8D    61   125   inhumers
 3. ?iikuvw  15D    66   191   kiwis
 4. aaensuv   K5    28   219   nauseas
 5. acfinrs   I3    74   293   fanciers
 6. abeintt  14H    30   323   tabinet
 7. aadhorv   H1    52   375   aroha
 8. degmoor   2B    32   407   groomer
 9. aeeqstt  13K    45   452   qats
10. eelmntw   G1    29   481   mew
11. abeotvv  12L    30   511   vae
12. dennotu   1A    26   537   duet
13. deelopz  13G    48   585   poz
14. eeenrty   L1    26   611   yente
15. deiopry   E4   106   717   pyrenoid
16. bceeiot   M2    31   748   toebie
17. cdegoox  10A    38   786   exodic
18. filnoru   A3    86   872   fluorine

Remaining tiles: dggjlv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: master
  1.7334 FileArcticFox   2  7:06  -659  213     1.9826 Pacific     2  4:13  -701  171 
  2.9826 FilePacific     2  4:13  -701  171            Group: advanced
  3.7178 FileGLOBEMAN    1  6:57  -704  168     1.7334 ArcticFox   2  7:06  -659  213 
  4.  -  FileBadBoyBen   0  1:29  -845   27     2.7178 GLOBEMAN    1  6:57  -704  168 
  5.  -  Filechunk88     0  1:58  -866    6            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  BadBoyBen   0  1:29  -845   27 
                                             2.  -  chunk88     0  1:58  -866    6 

On 1st draw, (M)AILLOT H8 64 --- MAILLOT a woman's one-piece bathing suit [n]
Other tops: LITO(R)AL H2 64, LITO(R)AL H3 64, LITO(R)AL H4 64, LITO(R)AL H6 64, LITO(R)AL H7 64, (G)ALLIOT H2 64, (G)ALLIOT H3 64, (G)ALLIOT H6 64, (G)ALLIOT H7 64, (G)ALLIOT H8 64, (M)AILLOT H2 64, (M)AILLOT H3 64, (M)AILLOT H6 64, (M)AILLOT H7 64
Other moves: LITO(R)AL H5 62, LITO(R)AL H8 62, (G)ALLIOT H4 62, (G)ALLIOT H5 62, (M)AILLOT H4 62

On 2nd draw, INHU(M)ERS 8D 61 --- INHUMER one that inhumes [n]
Other tops: RHENIU(M)S 8B 61
Other moves: RHINES 15C 60, HEIRS 15D 57, HERNS 15D 57, HIRES 15D 57, HUERS 15D 57
HIRES 15D 57 Pacific

On 3rd draw, KIWI(S) 15D 66 --- KIWI a flightless bird [n]
Other moves: IWI(S) 15E 36, KI(S) 15F 36, (S)IK 15H 36, (S)KI 15H 36, (S)UK 15H 36
KIWI(S) 15D 66 Pacific, ArcticFox

On 4th draw, NAUSEAS K5 28 --- NAUSEA an inclination to vomit [n]
Other moves: HAVENS F8 20, SHAVEN F7 20, VAES 7C 20, VANESSA K3 20, VANESSA K4 20

On 5th draw, FANCIERS I3 74 --- FANCIER one that has a special liking for something [n]
Other moves: FRANCISE I1 65, FINNACS E5 48, FARCIN J10 36, FINCAS J10 36, FARCI J10 35
FINS J10 30 ArcticFox

On 6th draw, TABINET 14H 30 --- TABINET a delicate material [n]
Other tops: BATTEN J10 30, BINATE J10 30, BITTEN J10 30
Other moves: ABET H1 29, BAIT H1 29, BEIN H1 29, BETTA J10 29, BIEN H1 29

On 7th draw, AROHA H1 52 --- AROHA (Maori) love, compassion [n]
Other moves: DAH J4 37, DOH J4 37, AAH J4 35, ODAH 13J 35, ODAH 15L 35
DOH J4 37 ArcticFox

On 8th draw, GROOMER 2B 32 --- GROOMER one that grooms [n]
Other moves: GOMER 13K 31, MODER 13K 30, OMER 15L 30, DOME 13K 29, GORMED L1 29

On 9th draw, QATS 13K 45 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: QAT 13K 41, QATS L4 32, QAT L4 28, TEASE O11 28, QATS J1 27
QATS L4 32 ArcticFox

On 10th draw, MEW G1 29 --- MEW a place of retirement or concealment [n] --- MEW to confine (one pl MEAWES) [v]
Other tops: WEEM G10 29
Other moves: WOMEN D1 28, ENMEW L2 27, WEEM L4 26, LEW G1 25, NEW G1 25

On 11th draw, VAE 12L 30 --- VAE a bay or creek [n]
Other moves: BOVATE D1 28, UVAE G8 26, BAT J10 25, BET J10 25, BOA J10 25

On 12th draw, DUET 1A 26 --- DUET a musical performance by two people [n] --- DUET to perform a duet, DUETS, DUETED, DUETTED, DUETING, DUETTING [v]
Other moves: DEUTON L1 22, DOUMA 1D 21, TUNNED L1 21, TENDON L1 20, TOED 3A 20

On 13th draw, POZ 13G 48 --- POZ positive [adj]
Other moves: ADOZE 10K 35, ADOZE 6K 35, DONZEL E6 32, PODZOL 13D 32, DZO 11M 31
POZ 13G 48 ArcticFox, Pacific

On 14th draw, YENTE L1 26 --- YENTE a gossipy woman [n]
Other tops: EYE 3C 26, NYE 3C 26, RYE 3C 26
Other moves: ENTRY L1 23, EYEN L4 23, EYER L4 23, RENEY L1 23, RENEY L2 23
TOY D1 6 chunk88

On 15th draw, PYRENOID E4 106 --- PYRENOID a protein body of certain lower organisms [n]
Other moves: POINDER E5 40, PREYED 2J 36, YIPE M3 35, PREDY 2J 34, PIOY 7D 33

On 16th draw, TOEBIE M2 31 --- TOEBIE (Afrikaans) a sandwich [n]
Other tops: BIOTIC D7 31
Other moves: BICEP 4A 28, OBE D4 27, YBET 1L 27, YEBO 1L 27, BEE J10 25

On 17th draw, EXODIC 10A 38 --- EXODIC pertaining to an exodus [adj]
Other moves: EXEC 7C 30, DEX D10 28, GOX D10 28, DETOX 2K 26, EXPO 4C 26

On 18th draw, FLUORINE A3 86 --- FLUORINE a gaseous element [n]
Other moves: FLOURIEST N6 37, FLEURON A8 33, FLOUR N6 33, FLUOR N6 33, FLIR N6 30

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