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Game on February 13, 2025 at 21:03, 5 players
1. 420 pts ArcticFox
2. 374 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 110 pts sunshine12

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeinort   H7    66    66   otarine
 2. ?aaehru  11F    70   136   mairehau
 3. aagostu   N5    75   211   agoutas
 4. ceilpsu   L5    80   291   spiculae
 5. abdelnp   O8    35   326   ped
 6. ?bdgilo   5E    94   420   globoids
 7. eeiimno   8B    61   481   meionite
 8. deemnry   O1    44   525   enemy
 9. delostw  10G    39   564   trowel
10. adinors   C2    72   636   donaries
11. abfijlr   B1    35   671   raj
12. dginstu  13C    74   745   dungiest
13. acefkrz   D2    51   796   zea
14. ailooqr  D10    32   828   liquor
15. efhlnor   N1    32   860   feh
16. eflotvw  15D    36   896   reflow
17. aciknrt  14J    32   928   antick
18. brtvvxy   7G    31   959   boy

Remaining tiles: rtvvx

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7352 FileArcticFox   4 14:28  -539  420     1.7352 ArcticFox   4 14:28  -539  420 
  2.7162 FileGLOBEMAN    3  8:48  -585  374     2.7162 GLOBEMAN    3  8:48  -585  374 
  3.7054 Filesunshine12  2  4:51  -849  110     3.7054 sunshine12  2  4:51  -849  110 
  4.  -  Filechunk88     0  1:44  -934   25            Group: not rated
  5.  -  FileBadBoyBen   0  1:58  -946   13     1.  -  chunk88     0  1:44  -934   25 
                                             2.  -  BadBoyBen   0  1:58  -946   13 

On 1st draw, OTARINE H7 66 --- OTARINE pertaining to otaries [adj]
Other tops: OTARINE H2 66, OTARINE H3 66, OTARINE H4 66, OTARINE H6 66, OTARINE H8 66
Other moves: OTARINE H5 64, AROINT H3 14, AROINT H4 14, AROINT H7 14, AROINT H8 14

On 2nd draw, (M)AIREHAU 11F 70 --- MAIREHAU a small aromatic shrub of New Zealand [n]
Other tops: HARAN(G)UE 12D 70
Other moves: ARETHU(S)A 8E 61, HA(L)ERU G9 30, HARE(D) I7 29, HARE(S) I7 29, HA(K)EA G9 29
HARE I7 28 ArcticFox

On 3rd draw, AGOUTAS N5 75 --- AGOUTA a rare Haitian mammal that eats insects [n]
Other moves: AGOUTAS G1 63, AGOUTAS I1 63, OUTGAS 10J 25, TAGS 12J 25, TOGS 12J 25
STAG N11 21 ArcticFox

On 4th draw, SPICULAE L5 80 --- SPICULA a needlelike structure [n]
Other moves: SPICULAE 5H 74, SPICULE G2 70, SPICULAE 9B 67, SPICULE I1 66, CLIPS O4 51
PES O8 31 ArcticFox

On 5th draw, PED O8 35 --- PED a natural soil aggregate [n]
Other tops: PAD O8 35
Other moves: BLADE O1 32, PAL O8 31, PAN O8 31, PEA O8 31, PEN O8 31
PED O8 35 ArcticFox

On 6th draw, GLOB(O)IDS 5E 94 --- GLOBOID a spheroid [n]
Other tops: GL(O)BOIDS 5E 94
Other moves: I(N)GLOBED 13B 82, OBLIG(E)D G3 76, GL(O)BOID G3 75, GL(O)BOID I3 75, GLOB(O)ID G3 72

On 7th draw, MEIONITE 8B 61 --- MEIONITE one of a group of rare minerals [n]
Other moves: NEEMB H1 36, NOMINEE 12D 27, IMINE O1 26, MEL 10J 26, MOL 10J 26

On 8th draw, ENEMY O1 44 --- ENEMY one that is antagonistic toward another [n]
Other moves: EMYDE O1 41, REDYE O1 41, EMERY O1 38, MERED 10F 38, NEEDY O1 38
NEEDY O1 38 ArcticFox

On 9th draw, TROWEL 10G 39 --- TROWEL to smooth with a trowel (a hand tool having a flat blade) [v]
Other moves: ROWEL 10H 36, DREW 10G 34, DROW 10G 34, LEWDEST C7 32, TREW 10G 32
TROWEL 10G 39 ArcticFox

On 10th draw, DONARIES C2 72 --- DONARY a thing given to sacred use [n]
Other tops: ANEROIDS C6 72, DONARIES 13B 72
Other moves: MADISON B8 28, INORB H1 24, MANDIRS B8 24, ORDAINS 12C 23, DANIOS 6B 22

On 11th draw, RAJ B1 35 --- RAJ dominion; sovereignly [n]
Other moves: JAB B1 34, JIB B1 34, FAP 6J 32, FRIABLE 3I 32, JIRBLE 13C 32
JAIL F2 27 ArcticFox

On 12th draw, DUNGIEST 13C 74 --- DUNGY filthy [adj]
Other moves: MIDGUTS B8 32, MUSTING B8 26, STINGED 13C 26, GIUSTED 13C 24, TIDINGS J2 24
UG A1 20 ArcticFox

On 13th draw, ZEA D2 51 --- ZEA the stigma of a cereal plant [n]
Other moves: FANK 4A 41, ZURF D12 40, MAZER B8 38, FRIZE J3 37, KANE 4A 37
MAZER B8 38 ArcticFox

On 14th draw, LIQUOR D10 32 --- LIQUOR to intoxicate with liquor (an alcoholic beverage) [v]
Other moves: QUAI D12 28, QI 14B 25, QI 4J 25, QUA D12 24, OORALI 14I 22
QUAI D12 28 ArcticFox
QI 14B 25 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12, chunk88

On 15th draw, FEH N1 32 --- FEH a Hebrew letter [n]
Other tops: FOH N1 32, FOP 6J 32
Other moves: FEHM B5 28, EF 6I 27, FORREN 15A 27, FROREN 15A 27, FROREN 15C 27
FOP 6J 32 ArcticFox, GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
IF J5 13 BadBoyBen

On 16th draw, REFLOW 15D 36 --- FLOW to move steadily and smoothly along [v] --- REFLOW to flow again [v]
Other moves: FOP 6J 32, EF 6I 27, FLORET 15A 27, OF 6I 27, REVOLT 15D 27
REFLOW 15D 36 GLOBEMAN, ArcticFox, sunshine12

On 17th draw, ANTICK 14J 32 --- ANTICK to act the clown [v]
Other moves: IKON 7F 30, KOAN 7G 28, KORA 7G 28, KOA 7G 27, KON 7G 27
MACK B8 20 ArcticFox
TRICK J3 17 sunshine12

On 18th draw, BOY 7G 31 --- BOY a male child [n] --- BOY to act a female role as a boy [v]
Other moves: KY O14 27, TIX J4 26, TOBY 7G 23, TOY 7G 23, BORT 7G 20
KY O14 27 GLOBEMAN, ArcticFox

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