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Game on February 13, 2025 at 22:33, 5 players
1. 121 pts GLOBEMAN
2. 112 pts sunshine12
3. 89 pts roocatcher

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aefmors   H4    82    82   foamers
 2. aklopuw   G3    33   115   polka
 3. aaeijlr   F6    34   149   ajar
 4. aeeinov   E8    20   169   naive
 5. bennopv   8A    30   199   novena
 6. ??eerry  13C    85   284   ferrety
 7. aegimoy  12H    27   311   image
 8. deiinrt   M7    80   391   nitride
 9. acfhrsu  14J    47   438   frush
10. adeostu   8J    27   465   todies
11. deegilt   O2    62   527   ledgiest
12. adeehlt  15F    34   561   lathee
13. bdinntu   K5    48   609   unboding
14. ablotuz   D1    90   699   outblaze
15. cgioouy  12C    23   722   oye
16. ciooqtw  10J    31   753   qi
17. cinootx   A8   104   857   nontoxic
18. gipsuww   N6    24   881   pie
19. acgisuw   N1    25   906   caw

Remaining tiles: gisuw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7149 FileGLOBEMAN    1  6:38  -785  121     1.7149 GLOBEMAN    1  6:38  -785  121 
  2.7054 Filesunshine12  1  5:39  -794  112     2.7054 sunshine12  1  5:39  -794  112 
  3.7336 Fileroocatcher  0  4:59  -817   89     3.7336 roocatcher  0  4:59  -817   89 
  4.  -  Filechunk88     0  1:46  -886   20            Group: not rated
  5.  -  FileBadBoyBen   0  0:06  -897    9     1.  -  chunk88     0  1:46  -886   20 
                                             2.  -  BadBoyBen   0  0:06  -897    9 

On 1st draw, FOAMERS H4 82 --- FOAMER one that foams [n]
Other moves: FOAMERS H2 76, FOAMERS H3 76, FOAMERS H6 76, FOAMERS H7 76, FOAMERS H8 76

On 2nd draw, POLKA G3 33 --- POLKA to perform a lively dance [v]
Other moves: KLAP G5 28, KAW G6 27, KOW G6 27, PLOW G5 26, POLK G3 26

On 3rd draw, AJAR F6 34 --- AJAR partly open [adj]
Other moves: JAILERS 10B 32, JALAP 3C 28, RAJAS 10D 28, RAJES 10D 28, JAILER F7 27

On 4th draw, NAIVE E8 20 --- NAIVE an unsophisticated person [n] --- NAIVE lacking sophistication [adj]
Other tops: NAEVE E8 20, NAEVI E8 20, NEIVE E8 20, NOVAE E8 20
Other moves: AVINE E9 18, AVION E9 18, AVO F1 18, EAVE E8 18, EEVN E8 18

On 5th draw, NOVENA 8A 30 --- NOVENA a religious devotion lasting nine days [n]
Other tops: BOEP D12 30
Other moves: BE I7 27, BONE D12 22, BOP D12 22, PEON D12 22, PONE D12 22

On 6th draw, (F)ERRE(T)Y 13C 85 --- FERRETY suggestive of a ferret (a polecat) [adj]
Other tops: (F)ER(N)ERY 13C 85, (M)ER(C)ERY 13C 85, (S)ER(V)ERY 13C 85
Other moves: RE(P)RYVE(D) C3 84, RE(P)RYVE(S) C3 84, E(Q)(U)ERRY 13A 83, RE(M)ER(C)Y 13A 83, (F)ERRY(M)EN A1 80

On 7th draw, IMAGE 12H 27 --- IMAGE to form a likeness of mentally [v]
Other tops: AMIGO 12H 27, IMAGO 12H 27
Other moves: GYM 14B 26, MAYO 12I 25, MOYA 12I 25, MEGA D12 24, MOYA 14A 24

On 8th draw, NITRIDE M7 80 --- NITRIDE to convert into a nitride (a compound of nitrogen) [v]
Other moves: NITRIDE M9 77, INTROFIED 4C 76, DIRIGENT K8 70, INDITER M6 69, RETINOID B3 65

On 9th draw, FRUSH 14J 47 --- FRUSH to bruise [v]
Other moves: CHIAS 8K 42, CHIRU 8K 42, FISH 8L 42, CRASH 14J 41, CRUSH 14J 41

On 10th draw, TODIES 8J 27 --- TODY a West Indian bird [n]
Other tops: AUDIOS 8J 27, AUDITS 8J 27
Other moves: SUDATE 15E 26, AUDIOS 11J 25, AUDITS 11J 25, AUTOED L3 25, DUTIES 11J 25

On 11th draw, LEDGIEST O2 62 --- LEDGY abounding in ledges [adj]
Other moves: DELETING A2 61, GELIDEST O2 61, GLEET 15H 31, GLEDE 15F 26, GLIDE 15F 26

On 12th draw, LATHEE 15F 34 --- LATHEE a heavy stick used as a weapon [n]
Other moves: LATHEE 15E 32, DALETH E1 31, HAE N6 30, HEAD D12 30, HEAD N3 30

On 13th draw, UNBODING K5 48 --- UNBODING not expecting [adj]
Other moves: BUDI 11J 27, BEND D12 26, BEDU D12 24, BUNDT E2 24, BUD F2 23

On 14th draw, OUTBLAZE D1 90 --- OUTBLAZE to surpass in brilliance of light [v]
Other moves: ZLOTE 12A 53, ABOUT N2 36, AZO F1 36, BAZOO B4 36, BEZ D12 36

On 15th draw, OYE 12C 23 --- OYE a grandchild [n]
Other tops: YOU C1 23
Other moves: COO F2 21, YO E4 21, COOLY 5A 20, COY 14A 20, ICY 14A 20
OYE 12C 23 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12

On 16th draw, QI 10J 31 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other tops: QI 6N 31
Other moves: COW F2 27, WOO F2 24, COO F2 21, TOW F2 21, OW 15N 20
OW 15N 20 sunshine12, roocatcher, chunk88

On 17th draw, NONTOXIC A8 104 --- NONTOXIC not toxic [adj]
Other moves: NONTOXIC A6 68, OX 15N 32, XI C2 31, OXO F1 30, TOXIN L1 28
OXO F1 30 sunshine12, roocatcher
XU 2C 9 BadBoyBen

On 18th draw, PIE N6 24 --- PIE to jumble or disorder printing type (pr p PIEING, PIING, PYEING) [v]
Other moves: OUTBLAZES D1 23, SAR 9D 23, UP N5 23, WISP L2 22, UPGO 1A 21
SWIG L2 19 roocatcher, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN

On 19th draw, CAW N1 25 --- CAW to utter the sound of a crow [v]
Other moves: OUTBLAZES D1 23, SAR 9D 23, CIAOS 1A 21, SAW N1 21, AW 15N 20
AW 15N 20 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12, roocatcher

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