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Game on February 14, 2025 at 17:38, 11 players
1. 232 pts Pacific
2. 196 pts ArcticFox
3. 181 pts LongJump22

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. abdmory   H3    32    32   byroad
 2. defmoop   G4    37    69   mooped
 3. ?cehlov   8A    54   123   shoveled
 4. affikot   E5    68   191   takeoff
 5. aejsttu  12A    58   249   jeats
 6. acdhinr  A12    36   285   jird
 7. egilost   A1    80   365   elogists
 8. eeiintu  B10    20   385   teene
 9. adegiil   4G    24   409   mygale
10. eiprtvz   D3    43   452   prez
11. ?aehilo  11E    76   528   forhaile
12. iinorsu  H10    30   558   rhinos
13. aginuwx  10H    53   611   rax
14. eiinttw   5J    26   637   nitwit
15. accimnr   O1    36   673   cinct
16. abeqruy   L8    50   723   quaere
17. deimsuw  14J    51   774   wides
18. agimnru   8L    45   819   quim
19. abgnruv  13K    29   848   gebur
20. aennuvy   6J    34   882   yea

Remaining tiles: annuv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: master
  1.9791 FilePacific     3  5:00  -650  232     1.9791 Pacific     3  5:00  -650  232 
  2.7360 FileArcticFox   3  7:09  -686  196            Group: advanced
  3.5408 FileLongJump22  3  3:04  -701  181     1.7360 ArcticFox   3  7:09  -686  196 
  4.7450 Filemoonmonkey  3  4:34  -701  181     2.7450 moonmonkey  3  4:34  -701  181 
  5.7450 FileMycophot    3  6:07  -701  181     3.7450 Mycophot    3  6:07  -701  181 
  6.7647 Filequeen66     1  1:41  -814   68     4.7647 queen66     1  1:41  -814   68 
  7.5508 FileNNNNNN1112  1  0:28  -824   58     5.7274 VVVVVV1112  1  1:36  -850   32 
  8.5758 FileOOOOOO1112  1  0:52  -824   58            Group: novice
  9.5725 FileLLLLLL1112  1  1:15  -824   58     1.5408 LongJump22  3  3:04  -701  181 
 10.5656 FileMMMMMM1112  1  1:37  -824   58     2.5508 NNNNNN1112  1  0:28  -824   58 
 11.7274 FileVVVVVV1112  1  1:36  -850   32     3.5758 OOOOOO1112  1  0:52  -824   58 
                                             4.5725 LLLLLL1112  1  1:15  -824   58 
                                             5.5656 MMMMMM1112  1  1:37  -824   58 

On 1st draw, BYROAD H3 32 --- BYROAD a side road [n]
Other tops: AMBRY H8 32, BARMY H8 32
Other moves: BARDY H8 30, BARMY H4 30, BOYARD H4 30, BYROAD H4 30, DORMY H8 30
AMBRY H8 32 LongJump22, moonmonkey
BARMY H8 32 Mycophot, ArcticFox, VVVVVV1112

On 2nd draw, MOOPED G4 37 --- MOOP to nibble [v]
Other moves: MOOP G4 29, YOMPED 4H 28, FEM G7 27, FEOD G4 27, FOOD G4 27
MOOPED G4 37 LongJump22, moonmonkey, Mycophot
MOPED G7 26 ArcticFox

On 3rd draw, (S)HOVELED 8A 54 --- SHOVEL to take up with a shovel (a digging implement) [v]
Other moves: CLOVE(R)ED 8A 51, HOVEL(L)ED 8A 45, HOVE(L)LED 8A 45, CHORE(A)L 5E 44, CHOR(A)LE 5E 44
CHOR(A)LE 5E 44 LongJump22, moonmonkey, Mycophot
CHOR(T)LE 5E 44 ArcticFox

On 4th draw, TAKEOFF E5 68 --- TAKEOFF the act of rising in flight [n]
Other moves: OFFTAKE E2 34, OAK 7A 29, FOAMY 4D 26, OAF 9A 25, HAFFIT B8 23
TAKEOFF E5 68 LongJump22, moonmonkey, Mycophot, queen66

On 5th draw, JEATS 12A 58 --- JEAT a spout [n]
Other tops: JUTES 12A 58
Other moves: TAJES 12A 44, JEATS D1 42, JUTES D1 42, JEST 12C 40, JETS 12B 40
JEATS 12A 58 NNNNNN1112, ArcticFox, MMMMMM1112

On 6th draw, JIRD A12 36 --- JIRD an African gerbil [n]
Other moves: CHENAR B10 34, CARD I4 33, DREICH B10 32, DRENCH B10 32, AHI 13A 30
JIRD A12 36 Pacific, ArcticFox

On 7th draw, ELOGIST(S) A1 80 --- ELOGIST one who delivers an eloge [n]
Other moves: ELOGI(S)TS A3 59, GOIEST D1 22, GOSLET D1 22, BEGILT 3H 20, BETOILS 3H 20

On 8th draw, TEENE B10 20 --- TEENE to allot [v]
Other moves: BUTENE 3H 18, RETINUE 14A 18, REUNITE 14A 18, EE F10 16, INTI 13A 16

On 9th draw, MYGALE 4G 24 --- MYGALE an American spider [n]
Other moves: BEGILD 3H 22, BEGLAD 3H 22, BILGED 3H 22, LILIED 2A 22, BAILED 3H 20

On 10th draw, PREZ D3 43 --- PREZ a president [n]
Other moves: PRIZE D1 40, TREZ D3 39, REPRIZE 14A 38, PATZER J3 37, REZ D4 37

On 11th draw, FO(R)HAILE 11E 76 --- FORHAILE to distract [v]
Other moves: HALOLI(K)E K2 70, HILLOAE(D) K1 70, HILLOAE(D) K2 70, EI(S)H B3 33, (S)HAH B5 33

On 12th draw, RHINOS H10 30 --- RHINO a rhinoceros [n]
Other moves: ORNIS 12H 28, HIOIS H11 27, HORIS H11 27, HORNS H11 27, HOURI H11 27

On 13th draw, RAX 10H 53 --- RAX to stretch out [v]
Other moves: WAXING 5J 52, AXING 12K 50, WAX 5J 44, NIX 12J 42, ORIXA 5G 40
RAX 10H 53 Pacific

On 14th draw, NITWIT 5J 26 --- NITWIT a stupid person [n]
Other moves: TEWIT 3J 25, WINE 5J 25, WITE 5J 25, INTWINE 13G 24, INWIT 12K 24

On 15th draw, CINCT O1 36 --- CINCT surrounded [adj]
Other tops: MANTRIC O2 36
Other moves: ACMIC N2 34, AMNIC 12K 34, MINICAR N2 34, MATRIC O3 33, ACINIC N1 32

On 16th draw, QUAERE L8 50 --- QUAERE a question [n] --- QUAERE to inquire or question [v]
Other moves: QUAY C2 48, QUEER L8 48, QUEY C2 48, CINCTURE O1 36, QUA C2 34
QUEER L8 48 Pacific

On 17th draw, WIDES 14J 51 --- WIDE a type of bowled ball in cricket [n]
Other moves: WISED 14J 50, DIMES M7 47, MEDIUS 14J 47, EQUID 8K 45, QUIM 8L 45
WISED 14J 50 Pacific

On 18th draw, QUIM 8L 45 --- QUIM female genitalia [n]
Other tops: CINCTURING O1 45
Other moves: QUAG 8L 42, QUAI 8L 39, QUIN 8L 39, MANGA C11 30, RIMA M7 30
QUIM 8L 45 Pacific

On 19th draw, GEBUR 13K 29 --- GEBUR a tenant-farmer [n]
Other moves: GUAN C2 23, GUAR C2 23, AGEN 13J 22, AGER 13J 22, BEAU 13K 22

On 20th draw, YEA 6J 34 --- YEA an affirmative vote [n]
Other moves: YE 6J 30, FY 10E 29, YEA 15M 29, YEN 15M 29, YO F10 29

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