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Game on February 15, 2025 at 01:04, 6 players
1. 170 pts sunshine12
2. 93 pts Papa_Sloth
3. 64 pts GLOBEMAN

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aehhotw   H3    32    32   awheto
 2. dfioort   G3    34    66   food
 3. abiltuz   3G    30    96   fabliau
 4. ?eegrst   8H    80   176   overgets
 5. ddeilny   4K    35   211   dynel
 6. adimopr   O1    39   250   diplomas
 7. aeeeorr   5J    20   270   ree
 8. aaeginq   1L    24   294   qaid
 9. beginrr   M6    76   370   breering
10. efilnrs   F5    28   398   finers
11. ?acditt  10D    66   464   distract
12. iknorss  11A    25   489   kinos
13. aaaenrw   A8    42   531   awaken
14. allosuu  14A    24   555   salol
15. eimnpru  15D    39   594   miner
16. aehjtux   B9    59   653   exit
17. aehiotv  12D    41   694   hovea
18. ijopuvy   C7    38   732   joy
19. cgptuuz  14G    41   773   putz

Remaining tiles: cgiuuv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7026 Filesunshine12  2  7:32  -603  170     1.7026 sunshine12  2  7:32  -603  170 
  2.6990 FilePapa_Sloth  0  4:23  -680   93     2.7053 GLOBEMAN    1  2:17  -709   64 
  3.7053 FileGLOBEMAN    1  2:17  -709   64     3.7336 roocatcher  1  1:16  -739   34 
  4.7336 Fileroocatcher  1  1:16  -739   34            Group: intermediate
  5.  -  Filechunk88     1  1:46  -739   34     1.6990 Papa_Sloth  0  4:23  -680   93 
  6.  -  FileBadBoyBen   0  0:37  -748   25            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  chunk88     1  1:46  -739   34 
                                             2.  -  BadBoyBen   0  0:37  -748   25 

On 1st draw, AWHETO H3 32 --- AWHETO (Maori) a wormlike fungus [n]
Other moves: HEATH H4 30, HEATH H8 30, THEOW H8 30, WHEAT H4 30, AWHETO H4 26
HEATH H4 30 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN

On 2nd draw, FOOD G3 34 --- FOOD a substance taken into the body to maintain life and growth [n]
Other moves: FOOT G3 32, ROOF I3 26, OOTID G4 25, OOTID I4 25, ADRIFT 3H 24
FOOD G3 34 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher, chunk88

On 3rd draw, FABLIAU 3G 30 --- FABLIAU a short metrical tale popular in medieval France [n]
Other tops: BIZ F5 30
Other moves: ZATI G8 25, ZILA G8 25, ZIT G8 24, ZA G8 23, BIT F5 21
ZILA G8 25 BadBoyBen, sunshine12

On 4th draw, O(V)ERGETS 8H 80 --- OVERGET to overcome [v]
Other moves: OSTREGE(R) 8H 77, OST(R)EGER 8H 77, GRA(N)TEES L1 72, ETAGER(E)S L1 70, ETAG(E)RES L1 70
GREE 4L 20 sunshine12

On 5th draw, DYNEL 4K 35 --- DYNEL a synthetic fiber [n]
Other moves: TIDDLEY N8 32, DYNE 4K 31, DEEDILY M7 30, DYNEL 2K 28, EYELID M8 28
YE 7M 20 sunshine12

On 6th draw, DIPLOMAS O1 39 --- DIPLOMA a certificate of an academic degree [n]
Other moves: MEROPIA M7 30, MOIRA F4 29, EMPORIA M8 28, AMP 2J 27, MOI F4 27
PAOLI O1 21 sunshine12

On 7th draw, REE 5J 20 --- REE the female Eurasian sandpiper [n]
Other moves: EAR 2J 19, ERR 2J 19, EE 5K 18, EATER N6 17, OAR 2I 17
REE 5J 20 sunshine12

On 8th draw, QAID 1L 24 --- QAID a Muslim leader [n]
Other moves: QI 2N 22, EATING N6 19, ANTAE N6 17, ENTIA N6 17, NIE F5 17

On 9th draw, BREERING M6 76 --- BREER to sprout above ground [v]
Other moves: REBEGIN M7 28, BINGER F5 27, BINGE F5 24, BINER F5 23, BING F5 23

On 10th draw, FINERS F5 28 --- FINER a refiner [n]
Other tops: FILERS F5 28
Other moves: FIERS F5 25, FILER F5 25, FILES F5 25, FINER F5 25, FINES F5 25

On 11th draw, DIST(R)ACT 10D 66 --- DISTRACT to divert the attention of [v]
Other tops: TET(R)ADIC J7 66
Other moves: TET(R)ACID J7 64, CA(D)DIE 8A 30, CA(N)DIE 8A 30, CA(R)DIE 8A 30, C(N)IDAE 8A 30

On 12th draw, KINOS 11A 25 --- KINO a gum resin [n]
Other tops: SKIOS 11A 25
Other moves: DRINKS D10 24, IKON 11B 23, KOIS 11B 23, KRIS 11B 23, SKIN 11B 23

On 13th draw, AWAKEN A8 42 --- AWAKEN to rouse from sleep [v]
Other tops: WANKER A8 42
Other moves: ANEW 12A 41, AWAKE A8 39, KNAWE A11 39, WREAK A7 36, W*NK A8 33

On 14th draw, SALOL 14A 24 --- SALOL a chemical compound [n]
Other moves: LILOS B10 22, SALL 14A 22, SAUL 14A 22, SOLA 14A 22, SOUL 14A 22
SOUL 14A 22 Papa_Sloth

On 15th draw, MINER 15D 39 --- MINER one that mines [n]
Other moves: IMPURE 15E 32, EMU L10 30, IMPEDOR D6 30, EMIR B9 29, RIPEN 15D 29

On 16th draw, EXIT B9 59 --- EXIT to go out [v]
Other moves: AX 10A 50, XI B10 50, THUJA 12D 46, EAUX L12 45, HAJI 11J 39
XI B10 50 Papa_Sloth

On 17th draw, HOVEA 12D 41 --- HOVEA an Australian shrub with purple flowers [n]
Other moves: HOVE 12D 37, HOTE 12D 31, EATH L12 29, HOA 12D 29, HOE 12D 29
HE 11J 21 Papa_Sloth

On 18th draw, JOY C7 38 --- JOY to rejoice [v]
Other moves: JIVY C6 35, PUNJI 12K 30, PUY C7 28, IVY C7 27, PIOY C6 27

On 19th draw, PUTZ 14G 41 --- PUTZ to waste time [v]
Other moves: CUP E6 20, CUT E6 16, TUP E6 16, CUTUP J10 15, CUZ J10 14

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