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Game on February 15, 2025 at 19:54, 8 players
1. 660 pts Muincunx
2. 553 pts ArcticFox
3. 221 pts LongJump22

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. deefosu   H4    26    26   feued
 2. adeiisv   I7    24    50   davies
 3. aeeiltw  H11    35    85   waite
 4. ilnortw   5B    72   157   townlier
 5. ?eilrty  11E   106   263   triweekly
 6. aaegmqr   4A    35   298   mega
 7. acefils   L5    84   382   icefalls
 8. aaeimns   3A    93   475   anemias
 9. enorsvy   2F    33   508   yores
10. ?deklru   1I   102   610   ruckled
11. aiiortx   M7    44   654   rax
12. anooprt  10H    30   684   tip
13. bdeiopr   1A    44   728   bedrop
14. abegguz   N8    52   780   bez
15. acnnnot  12A    22   802   canto
16. hinnoqt  G13    44   846   qi
17. agginou  O10    38   884   agoing
18. hinoouv  A12    36   920   chiv
19. hjnnotu  14J    58   978   jotunn

Remaining tiles: hnoou

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7699 FileMuincunx    9 13:08  -318  660     1.7699 Muincunx    9 13:08  -318  660 
  2.7363 FileArcticFox   3 15:35  -425  553     2.7363 ArcticFox   3 15:35  -425  553 
  3.5405 FileLongJump22  2  5:36  -757  221     3.7265 VVVVVV1112  3  4:29  -860  118 
  4.7265 FileVVVVVV1112  3  4:29  -860  118            Group: novice
  5.5656 FileMMMMMM1112  0  1:12  -946   32     1.5405 LongJump22  2  5:36  -757  221 
  6.5508 FileNNNNNN1112  0  1:30  -946   32     2.5656 MMMMMM1112  0  1:12  -946   32 
  7.5733 FileOOOOOO1112  0  1:46  -946   32     3.5508 NNNNNN1112  0  1:30  -946   32 
  8.5688 FileLLLLLL1112  0  1:45  -949   29     4.5733 OOOOOO1112  0  1:46  -946   32 
                                             5.5688 LLLLLL1112  0  1:45  -949   29 

On 1st draw, FEUED H4 26 --- FEU to grant land to under Scottish feudal law [v]
Other tops: FEEDS H4 26, FEODS H4 26, FEUDS H4 26, FOUDS H4 26, FUSED H4 26
Other moves: DEFUSE H4 24, FUSEE H4 24, DEFUSE H3 22, DEFUSE H7 22, DEFUSE H8 22
FUSED H4 26 Muincunx, ArcticFox

On 2nd draw, DAVIES I7 24 --- DAVY a safety lamp [n]
Other tops: DAVIES G7 24
Other moves: DEVAS G7 23, DEVAS I7 23, DIVAS G7 23, DIVAS I7 23, DIVES G7 23
DAVIES G7 24 Muincunx
FIVES 4H 22 ArcticFox

On 3rd draw, WAITE H11 35 --- WAITE to be on guard [v]
Other moves: TAWIE H11 32, TEWEL H11 32, ALEW H12 27, AWEE H12 27, ALEWIFE 4C 26
WAITE H11 35 Muincunx, LongJump22
WET I3 17 ArcticFox

On 4th draw, TOWNLIER 5B 72 --- TOWNLY townish [adj]
Other moves: TOWNLIER 15B 65, WONT G7 27, WORN G7 27, WORT G7 27, WON G7 26
TOWNLIER 5B 72 LongJump22
WONT G7 27 Muincunx
OWL G11 22 ArcticFox

On 5th draw, TRIWEE(K)LY 11E 106 --- TRIWEEKLY [n]
Other moves: E(N)TIRELY 15H 83, WI(N)TERLY D5 78, WRITE(R)LY D5 78, W(A)TERILY D5 78, W(R)ITERLY D5 78
(V)ERITY B1 32 ArcticFox
(P)RETTY B1 32 Muincunx

On 6th draw, MEGA 4A 35 --- MEGA great in size or importance [adj]
Other moves: GAMA 4A 34, QAT 14F 32, RAGA 4A 27, AMA 4B 26, MAA 4C 26
QAT 14F 32 ArcticFox, Muincunx, MMMMMM1112, NNNNNN1112, OOOOOO1112

On 7th draw, ICEFALLS L5 84 --- ICEFALL a kind of frozen waterfall [n]
Other moves: ICEFALLS L6 78, CALEFIES 15B 64, CALEFIES 15E 64, FELSIC 3B 48, FACIES 3B 46
FACILE 3B 46 Muincunx, LongJump22
FILM A1 27 ArcticFox

On 8th draw, ANEMIAS 3A 93 --- ANEMIA a disorder of the blood [n]
Other moves: EGOMANIAS C3 78, ANEMIAS 10A 71, ANIMATES 14C 68, AMENTIAS 14D 64, AMENTIAS E7 60
ANIMATES 14C 68 LongJump22
MANIES 3B 37 Muincunx
AMENS 3A 37 ArcticFox
MAN 3B 29 LLLLLL1112

On 9th draw, YORES 2F 33 --- YORE time past [n]
Other tops: OYERS 2E 33
Other moves: OYER 2E 32, OYES 2E 32, SYEN 2E 32, OYE 2E 31, SYE 2E 31
YORES 2F 33 Muincunx
FEYS 8L 30 ArcticFox

On 10th draw, RU(C)KLED 1I 102 --- RUCKLE to wrinkle or crease [v]
Other tops: RU(N)KLED 1I 102
Other moves: K(N)URLED 1C 101, TRU(C)KLED 14H 78, LURKED 1D 58, L(A)RKED 1D 55, L(I)RKED 1D 55
LURKED 1D 58 Muincunx
FL(A)K 8L 30 ArcticFox

On 11th draw, RAX M7 44 --- RAX to stretch out [v]
Other tops: TAX M7 44
Other moves: FAIX 8L 42, FIXT 8L 42, AX M8 39, XI 2N 39, AX 2M 38
TAX M7 44 Muincunx
FAIX 8L 42 ArcticFox

On 12th draw, TIP 10H 30 --- TIP to tilt [v]
Other tops: TAPROOT 14H 30
Other moves: ENTRAP N1 28, POORI G7 24, PRAM A1 24, PANTO 12A 22, POA G7 22
PRAM A1 24 Muincunx
PAR G13 19 ArcticFox

On 13th draw, BEDROP 1A 44 --- BEDROP to drop upon [v]
Other moves: BEDROP 3I 39, DOPIER 1A 36, ORBED N6 35, PERIOD 3I 35, PEDRO 3I 33
PED N8 28 Muincunx
FARD 8L 24 ArcticFox

On 14th draw, BEZ N8 52 --- BEZ the second tine of a deer's horn [n]
Other moves: ZEBU 3I 50, FAZE 8L 48, ZEA 3I 47, ZAG N6 43, ZEA N6 41
ZEBU 3I 50 Muincunx
FAZE 8L 48 ArcticFox

On 15th draw, CANTO 12A 22 --- CANTO a division of a long poem [n]
Other moves: ANCON O10 21, ACTON O10 19, OCTAN O10 19, ATOC O10 18, OAT 2L 18
CANTO 12A 22 Muincunx
ACT O10 17 ArcticFox

On 16th draw, QI G13 44 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: HIANT B10 32, CHIN A12 27, CHIT A12 27, CHON A12 27, COTH A12 27
QI G13 44 Muincunx, VVVVVV1112
CHIN A12 27 ArcticFox

On 17th draw, AGOING O10 38 --- AGOING in motion [adj]
Other moves: AGOGIC A7 30, AGONIC A7 27, ANGICO A8 27, ACING A11 24, GUANGO B10 24
AGOING O10 38 ArcticFox, Muincunx, VVVVVV1112

On 18th draw, CHIV A12 36 --- CHIV to knife [v]
Other moves: OVONIC A7 33, OOH 2L 30, HOON 13B 28, CHIN A12 27, CHON A12 27
CHIV A12 36 Muincunx, ArcticFox, VVVVVV1112

On 19th draw, JOTUNN 14J 58 --- JOTUNN a giant [n]
Other moves: JOHN 14L 28, JOTUNN C8 28, THOU N12 28, HO F14 27, JOT K3 24
HO F14 27 ArcticFox
JOT K3 24 Muincunx

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